Chapter 1

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"If I tell you a story will you promise to go to sleep?" A tired mother asked her child.

The child's eyes were full of curiosity as they grew wider, staring lovingly into their mother's eyes. The child simply nodded before diving into their bed and scrambling to pull the covers over themself and adjusting the pillow until they were comfortable.

"Alright, have we settled down now?" The mother smiled.

She wished her childs hope and optimistic views of the world would never die but in the end she knew they'd have to grow up one day and see the world for what it truly is.

The child on the other hand let out and excited "yeah!" as they snuggled more into their bed now holding on tightly to their favourite teddy bear.

"Alright, let's begin." She said as she sat down on the bed beside her child. "This is a true story, by the way! So, you better listen carefully!" She joked, knowing her child wouldn't stay awake long enough to hear it all.

"As all good stories begin... Once upon a time there was a young Admin." She began.

"Wait is that those cool people with the powers who help people and have those special places where they live with their friends!" The child said eagerly, cutting off their mother.

"Yes dear, now let me continue, you need your sleep." She respond, leaning over to kiss her child on the forehead before continuing the story. "This Admin, while we don't know how old they were or what they looked like was called Xelqua. He was famed for being the youngest Admin to pass the Admin exam and for having the highest stats scores in all of Admin history! With these new found abilities he started his own server, which is what you call those special worlds that only the special people closest to you can join so you can play and build and mine together all the time!"

"Woah! I wanma be an Admin too!" The child piped up, eyes somehow widening even more in amazement and awe at this 'Xelqua' person and his capabilities.

"Well if you stay in school and work hard enough I'm sure you'll be an amazing Admin darling." Their mother responded in her usual soft and soothing tone. "The Admin then had this really cool idea to make his server even more special for his friends. He decided to make it so his friends could time travel and see how the land looked in all kinds of time periods!
But, he couldn't do this alone so he asked for some help."

"Ooo who did he ask mummy?" The child asked in curiosity.

"He asked the most powerful people he knew of course! The Prime Admins. The most powerful Admins in Minecraft."

"Were they even more stronger than the other admin guys?"

"Yes, they are in charge of looking after all of Minecraft, if we didn't have them to look after us our world would collapse and we wouldnt have a safe home to live in." She replied.

"But we don't live in Minecraft, we live in the End, don't we?" The child asked, now getting slightly confused.

"Oh darling, don't be silly. The End is just one dimension with Minecraft. There is also the Nether and the Overworld!" She responded, trying to clear things up.

"What about the Ae- err the one that sounds like Nether?"

"The Aether? That place doesnt exist dear, it's a made up place."

"Oh." Was all the child had to say, now looking less happy than before.

"How about we continue with the story then?" The mother asked trying to change the subject.

The child simply nodded, regaining their happiness from before.

"Once Xelqua got permission to play around with time travel him and his friends had a lot of fun exploring and doing all the usual things Overworld people do to pass the time and survive. However, a mysterious being came. These beings were not nice, they left riddles and games that led to prizes but not nice prizes. Prizes that involved death traps and the people were not happy anymore. They were scared and got hurt. The beings named themselves Watchers.
After lots of battling the Admin had run out of ways to get the Watchers to leave his friends alone and only hurt him so he had to think of a new plan but he couldn't think of one."

"I thought he was a strong Admin?"

"He was a strong Admin but the Watchers are even stronger."

"Like the Prime ones?"

"Yes, exactly like the Prime Admins.
Anyways, after a long time of time travelling and obeying the Watchers, the young Admin and hus friends decided to visit the End, where we live. But things didn't go well for them. The Watchers put an evil spell on the portal which separated the friends when they went through. For the players to return home they had to perform a ritual to reignite the portal to get home. I don't know what this ritual involves however, when the Admin finished it the portal did not take him home like it did to his friends. The Admin was captured by the Watchers."

"Oh no! Poor Admin guy... is he okay now?" The child cried out hugging his best fighter.

The mother paused for a moment, reconsidering if she should have told her child this story yet or if she had told it too soon.

"Look dear you get some rest, it's getting late now and I don't think you're old enough to hear the rest of the story." She said calmly, while panicking slightly, unsure if she'd made the right choice.

"But I wanna know what happens! I am old enough mummy, I'm gonna be seven soon which means I'm nearly grown up!" The child said trying to convince their mother that they were old enough to hear the story.

"I know dear but I'm tired too and you have school tomorrow." She chuckled slightly at her childs comments, gave them a hug and wished them goodnight, before turning on the night light and leaving the room.

She never did finish telling that story.

However, she did leave a book behind with the whole thing written inside it.

All her child had to do was...

find it...

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