36. Withdrawal (Xander)

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Parker has been quieter in the past few days, but I will not read into it too much. She's going through a shit moment with her mom, after all. And as usual, she always keeps it to herself when it has something to do with Anna Scott. I guess she hasn't trusted me enough to share her struggle with one of the most important people in her life.

Why would she? Despite the intense sex we share, we don't have any obligations to behave like a couple. We clearly want two different things and have agreed that we will not be in each other's way. Still, seeing the frown on her face in the past three days is an absolute test of my curiosity. Is she alright? Does she need help?

And without realizing it, I'm already standing in front of her office. Her door is closed, but her window blinds are open, allowing me to peep at her figure between the white slats. Parker is behind her desk and focusing on her computer screen. Different shades of light from the screen reflect on her hideous glasses as her hand moves around the mouse. She probably didn't hear my footsteps, because she's unaware I'm standing here.

I knock on her door gently.

"Yeah?" Her voice is muffled from the other side.

I press the handle and push the door open. "I didn't know you stayed back."

She glances up at me and the light on her screen goes off. "Just a bit." She takes off her glasses and sits back to give me her full attention. Her hair is pulled into a messy bun, making her even sexier than when she ties it into a neat ponytail. "I'm going to meet Mom for dinner here in the city."

"Oh. Wyne will bring her to the city?"

She shakes her head. "No. He doesn't need to know Mom is at my place this time." She chews her bottom lip. "She's taking a taxi."

I lean on her door frame, my hands in my pockets. "I've been wanting to ask you this. How is Anna doing?"

She shrugs. "Well, she's okay-ish. Kinda. At least, she now focuses on finishing her book. It's good to help her forget her problems, you know."

I nod. "Yeah." I wanted to ask how she's holding up, but I don't want to sound like a broken record since I've asked the exact damn question in the past few days. "What is she writing again?"

"Romance fiction this time, since the last self-help book didn't really work."

"I hope it hits the market this time."

"We'll see." She shrugs, and I'm guessing she doesn't have faith in her mom's work. "Heading home?"

"No. Also a dinner appointment."

"Oh. Is it with Frances? I thought you would invite me, too."

"No. It's not for business purposes."

"Oh." She seems surprised, but before I can respond, she raises an eyebrow as a smirk grows on the corners of her lips. "Ah. The juicy kind, I see. From Tinder?"

I chuckle. "You know I don't meet up with a random girl."

"Right. Don't tell me it's Mr. Corn's daughter."

I laugh at her wild guess. "It's..." I pause as I rub my jaws. "Emma's birthday."

The smirk on her face disappears. "I see. Well then, you should probably get going. You don't want to be late on her important day."

"Well, if I can be honest, it's going to be an awkward one because her mom and brother will be there too. But I promised I would show up." I glanced at my wristwatch. "I still have fifteen minutes."

Parker stares at me with a look I can't understand. She looks bothered, but I'm not sure if it's me or Anna that causes the frown on her face. I wish I knew what was going through her head right now. "Can I ask you something personal, Xander?"

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