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A/N : Good luck to everyone who got back to school! 

A/N : Good luck to everyone who got back to school! 

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Day 5

The tears have long since stopped flowing, leaving only traces along your cheeks.

Lizzy fell after Risa. It was expected, like a black cloud predicts the storm. She, the first. Exhausted, she let go of the rope while wishing "good luck" to the last player standing. She didn't cry, on the contrary she smiled. A peaceful smile from one who welcomes her fate with open arms.

You watched her fall without an ounce of emotion. Emiko's death has sanitized you from its vision.

Mira thinks this is just the end of a journey That there is no reason to be sad. She doesn't say it, but you can see that your condition bothers her. She only understands your emotions on a theoretical level. The death of others has no more effect on her than finishing a story. She hates seeing how much it affects you, realizing that you're not that similar.

You don't want to live but you fear dying. To disappear.

And you regret. So many things you didn't do, so many words you didn't say. You come to think if you really lived. Before Mira, before Borderland, were you really alive? Since Hanae died you have only seen gray clouds. But even before, wasn't there always something dead in you?

Something that only woke up in contact with death.

A madness like a sleeping flame, leaving only the smoke of lethargic boredom.

Maybe you were made for this world after all.

You don't hurt like a living being forced to die, but like a dead man forced to live.

"I am tired." Your voice is barely louder than a whisper. "So tired."

Mira raises her head, surprise on her face. It must be said that you have not picked up a word for almost two days. You feel guilty for even worrying her. Since Emiko's death, she hardly takes her eyes off you. Maybe she was afraid that you would make a stupid decision, driven by desperation.

You thought she was going to insist that you tell her what was on your mind, but she remained silent too.

The silence eventually becomes heavier than your thoughts.

"I'm tired of waiting for time to pass. I'll end up losing what I have left of my sanity if I sit still for another minute."

Mira doesn't answer, but you can see on her face that she's thinking. Her gaze roams the field before stopping on its middle. You guess the results of her reflections even before she verbalizes it.

Sighing, you get ahead of her by getting up first. Your numb muscles protest and you swallow a grimace of pain.

"Alright, let's play."

You try to smile at her with an air that you want to be reassuring. Mira is not fooled, she reads you like an open book. But once again, she doesn't insist.

The Game of Hearts | Mira Kano x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now