the power tower

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note: this short idea was meant to be a whole story like my full-length stories because I planned about this story for 3 years since 2020 and this was also meant to be my first story when I first joined Wattpad but now you see it as a short maybe later in a few months or
years i make it into a full length story

Let begin now

4th century

Narrator: this is tale about a young boy who found a magic powerful sword and saved his world. His tale is before the dark age

The boy name was trace he wanted to travel and saved the work but he had a father that didn't wanted to until one day the royal family was walking by in the forest and seen a house when they went in the father of trace bow down to the royal family they asked if there were any kids that they could use for there mission to destroy the power tower trace's father lied and said no there no kid here trace then came out of his room shocked to see the royal family he now to them and told father what was going on

The royal family found out that trace's father was lying they send him to death to be hanged for his lies and fibs trace then was so happy but when he looked at father made a frown on please sir you can't kill him he is my father and I love him he takes care of me can't You please have a heart said trace the royal family denied trace begging and took traces father

But before they left they told him to help them to destroy the power tower and get the sword of Magican trace then got on his knees he looked down and shack his head then tears up what have i done said trace I just want to go on a adventure but i got my father killed now trace then stop tearing up he was brave he went to the power tower alone no weapon no items nothing he walked from mountain to mountain with out food or water when he made it to the power tower he knocked on the door hard that it make a very loud noise the door slowly cracks open trace swolled his own spit then walked in it was dark but there was some candles lid but he could see a little bit become of the candles a wind starts to blow in the power tower making trace cold

He looked behind him the door shut. trace walked slowly out of the doors way and walks into more darkness he felt something hard but then slaps it but it turns out to be bones he jumps it was a skeleton auugh he yelled

Trace though about his father and was brave again he then picks up a skeleton arm and use it as a sword he walks farther into the tower he went up stairs

He seen a group of guys partying and singing he hides on the stair case and he felt some thing sharp on his back when he turned around it was a guy with a sword trace then pick up the skeleton arm and use it as a sword trace ran passed the guy and sword fought in the dark where they couldn't see their swords clash and bash making metal sounds then trace fell on his back and accidentally kicks the guys sword out of his hand when trace seen a candle next to him he took the candle and threw it at the guy then ran pass him and hits him with a skeleton arm

When trace got back the guys were sleeping he tip toe pass them and ran for it when he got to the 3rd floor he seen traps and some guards trace had a idea he threw the skeleton arms at the guard head while they look away

Hey why did you hit me said guard 1 guard 2 replied with I didn't you must hit your own head guard 1 then pushes guard 2

The guard started fighting each other and ending up killing each other and die trace walked pass the dead guards body's went up stairs a few minutes later he was half way to the top of the tower but he was caught and thrown into a chamber he looked around the room to find a hole in a wall but there was no hole he then heard a voice in a wall and he put his ear to the wall to listen he then step back very slowly and terrified he was going to be killed tomorrow by stab to dead

Trace takes a chair and throws it at the locked door the chair broke but not the door trace try to pulls the door very hard but it wouldn't break or open trace broke his arm by bashing himself to the door his arm was covered in blood and he fell down he then seen a white light coming from the window and that light came into his chamber room

The light turned into a nice blond woman in a white gown she walks to trace then pat his head she then said don't worry trace I be here to save you and help you through this journey just say the magic words

woman in white woman in white come and help me from this fright

Trace got up he told the woman in white that he want to get out of here and saved his father from dying and have the sword of Magican the woman in white heals trace's arm and she told him that he wanted to be adventuring and a hero so he must be brave and have courage the woman in white then said ta ta now my child may I keep you running as your legs can carry you and you grow a power of being brave

The woman in white the disappeared trace felt better now when he looked down he found a axe he grabbed the axe and breaks the chamber door open he ran into the shadows and sneak around until he got to the 35 floor there was a sword there that was in a stone trace walks to the sword and pulls it out of the stone It was a sword made by magican a far off land of magic and half fairy tale one of the most powerful places in the 4th century in this short tale

A guy with a cape was behind trace he slaps him and throws him into the wall trace got up fast as he can and ran to the last floor the 36th floor there was a another stone but it have a hole in it trace thought for a few seconds then realized he had to put the sword in that other stone to destroy the power tower

The guy with the cape threw a thunder bolt in the ceiling and the whole tower was not dark anymore it was shining with thunder. Trace ran to the stone the guy in the cape then took out his sword and dashes at trace but trace swing the sword at the guy and cuts his neck the guy fell

Trace then walks to the sword and puts it in the stone the power tower was starting to glow with a white light it was going to explode trace ran out of the tower and while he was running he said

woman in white woman in white come and help me from this fright

The woman in white the appears and teleport trace back to his home when trace got back his house was the way it was before he left trace then ran to the kingdoms but then he felt something in his hand when he looked at his hand it was the sword of magican the woman in white gave him the sword after when the power tower exploded he then ran to the town and stopped the royal family from killing his father

He yelled stop you fiend that my father your about to kill trace then took out the sword of magican and points it at the royal family he then swears if they kill him he would kill them too the royal family then took out a rule book and said that who's lying to the royal family will die everyone took out there swords and when the man of the royal family then said to attack that young sword boy. trace took out his sword but the sword was glowing with a thunder and light trace then swings his sword at the people and killing them the man of the royal family sword fight him trace kicks and punches the man then stabs him

trace's sword then glow when he rise his sword in the air then when he spin around the sword power releases and attacks the town

His father was free the town was fixed after a few months later

trace and his father lived happy ever after

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