the boy that sings very well

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In a town there were only one person that sing very well and it was a boy a young boy he gave the town some entertainment by singing or telling stories like musicals

but in a really big dark house in the woods someone who lived there hated joy and music he wanted to get rid of the boy that sings well he disguise himself as a homeless man and went to town he looked for the boy that sing well but he was not there.

the homeless man then heard singing and followed it there the boy was he then sneaks behind the boy with a knife but the boy turns about and accidentally smacks him he stopped singing and apologized the homeless man had another plan. when the boy took the homeless man to his house he gave him hot tea and some toast the homeless man told the boy to come close to him the boy did he wanted to tell Him something

the boy listened but something don't feel right the homeless man then tried to stabs the boy but the boy jumps out of the way and ran upstairs.

the boy seen a window and opened it and he took and rope and hid in a corner he waited for the homeless guy to come up stairs then he jumps out of nowhere and choaks the fake homeless man the boy gets off of the fake homeless man and watch him tip over the window and fell down into the ground

the boy then ran outside but the homeless man was gone but his cloak was on the floor with dust on it. the boy knew that he may still be alive or the homeless man turned into dust

the big dark house in the wood started to turned into dust the town started to be even more happy the boy continued to sing and enjoy their day

they all lived happy ever after the end

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