A puppet Life

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Once in Russia a young men made a two puppets one that was a boy and the other that was a girl

These puppets were made of pines and a bit of hard wood the young men was at his 20's and he was exploring some cave with some friends of his after that adventure he had idea he then made a book about a two children wondering In to a Cave

( Chapter 1

It was a very stormy night and there was a father a mother and two kids one day the father went to go find some animals to skin them alive the mother was very stressed when she was alone with the kids on a very hard rainy night

She was scared of the roof felling and hurting the kids or the rain and flood the cottage she lay down on her bed and pray that these things don't happen
The kids was watching the rain and was bored they wanted to have fun but they lived in a small cottage

No toys no games no adventure just rain to watch

Chapter 2

The kids then started to sing a song and the mother was sleeping some random old woman knocked at the door and said hey kids want some adventure

The kids said yes but they couldn't leave the house it was very rainy and dangerous outside the old women said ok then but there are some fun toys in a cave that near by please come with me

No said the kids they knew that was a bad lady and they slammed the doro in her face causing her nose to get hurt and bleed she got mad and used some black magic

She then broke the door open and the kids were terrified they then pushed the old women out of the way and ran in the rain they ran into a cave and stayed there for the rest of the night  )

The young men was writing through half of the story but then he notice one of his puppets were missing he looked around the house and the puppet was gone when he got back to his room he then seen the other puppet gone 

he then relooked all over the house and then went to the room that he was in. he then looked at the book he was making and closed it he got on his bed and looked at the ceiling of the room

he then went to sleep a few hours later he then woke up to laughing and giggling he left his room with a long stick to defend himself he then seen his puppets moving

he turned on the light in his cottage then seen his puppet move like human

wait but his puppets turned into human their skin is clear like a human and white as a white person one had blue eyes and the other had black eyes

well the girl had blue eyes and the boy had black eyes they laughed at a little bird and then seen the young man

They got scared and took some pencils to use as weapons the young man calm them down and talked to them about their origin

That would make you our father the girl said she had a British accent while her brother had a German accent

The young man told them everything about their story he even read the story to them until they fell asleep

The man told good care of these life puppet kids

As time as going by there was a sale

A sale about a magic hat and wanted the most wonderful thing from anyone

When the young man woke up his puppets turned back to normal he then went walking to his workshop but then

A man seen what wonderful puppets he had and wanted them

Sorry not for sale said the young man he then continued walking but the grown man stopped the young man and begged for the puppets

The young man slaps the grown man and walks off the grown man was anger and said When it midnight it my time to shine with mischief he then laugh evil

It was night time and the young man had two cups of hit chocolates waiting for his puppets to cone to life again

He continued on his story

( chapter 3

The kids were cold and hungry they had a plan they explore the cave for some food but no luck just rocks

The boy was making weapons out of stone while the girl was looking food they spot a squirrel and killed it

They cooked then eat the squirrel but then seen a bear it was a big strong bear

The boy and girl attacked the bear and while the bear was screaming and trying to claw the kids but they were too fast the kids had lots of meat to eat

When it stopeod raining the kids went out of the cave and wanted to fight that old woman in rage they walked back home with a small bag of meat in their hand with some sharp stone pieces

The old woman came back but then was stabbed to death by both the girl and boy she was stabbed and beaten so much she whole body was juiced out

The boy had a bottle and put the old woman's blood in the bottle and then went home

When their mother woke up she was surprised to see some food and drinks on the table but their father was still hunting for some food

The mother didn't know she was drinking blood of a old woman and meat from a big strong bear )

There was a knock at the door the young man open it he was scared
It was the same grown man he had a hammer and whacks the young man in the head with it then takes the puppets away from the young man

Before the young man became unconscious he looked and seen the grown man walking away with his puppets he even made a wish

I wish that the puppets would act like who they were in the story he whispers then passes out

A magical start in the sky was glowing and it shooter a little star that went inside both the boy puppet and the girl puppet

The grown man was heading for Germany for a puppet show but then the girl puppet woke up alive and links around she then tries to break out of the bars that both the boy and girl puppet were in

It was too strong the grown man made it too Germany and was in his house with the puppets the boy puppet woke up and then seen what a big house that both of them are in

The girl puppet then felt some rage in her she picks up a knife and then run uncontrol at the grown man stabbing him and stabbing him again and again

The boy puppet fly rage too and kicks and punches the grown man

He dead the girl puppet said

I'm so sorry I couldn't control myself said the boy puppet they start to cry but then a letter came it told them everything that happen they stop crying and start laughing they took a horse back home to the one they love

The young man was still passed out
Both girl and boy puppet seen him passed out and ran to him they hugged and drags the young man to his bed

They watched the young man wake up
They loved him kisses and hugs they dance with happiness and be Glab to be together the shooting star from above was happy too

For year and years the puppets and the young man have been growing a wonderful relationship one day they wished to be human forever but then it came true

The young man was not a young man anymore he was now in his 30s

6 years after that grown man took the most important thing from him


The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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