once upon a dream

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14 century

a princess who have hair shiny and fluffy as gold she have powers of light and she even can call for help by singing her name was Lisa she lived in a plain house

She was some of the gifted people in Finland she have a good heart and a love for a prince named well no one knew his name so they call him charming. Lisa always dreamed about him

Even in her house when she learning she thinks about him but sometimes she do pay attention and get all the A+. lisa pray that there is a day where the prince could meet her she had a a father who wanted her to not have a prince until she was older like 23 Lisa was just 16 years old she would send the prince notes and hoping he look at them one day the prince came across her house he knocked on the door Lisa's father open it and said well hello how do you do he bow down to the prince im looking for a girl with golden hair named Lisa she have been chosen to be the girl l'll marrying the father was shocked he yelled Lisa's name she came running down hello prince she said the father looked at Lisa very strangly and said how did you get chosen to be married what did you do he said the prince took out a handful of cards that had her name on it when the father looked he was mad he said No she will not marry anyone until she is 23 years old he slammed the door he then yelled Lisa go to her room young lady you are in trouble Lisa got very mad and ran up stairs she slams her door and she seen a apple on her tables she raised her hand facing the apple she closed her eye the apple was floating in the air she then crushes it and threw it out the window using her power what the she said she looked at her hands i have powers she yelled she covers her mouth so her father didn't hear

at night she put on her mothers cloak and and tide a rope from her window she climbs down and ran to the princes castle on her way she stopped and wanted to try out her powers she pointed her hand at the tree and used her power she can lifted trees up she threw it high and cought before it crashes on the floor she put it back and countined her way to the princes castles but then was ambushed by wolfs she used her power and shot a beam at them killing them the wolf guts were everywhere Ew she said she ran away she made it to the princes castle she then climbs up the wall into the castle she blinded the guards using her powers by making her hand glow very bright she searched the rooms but lots of room had toilets and kitchens and Lisa couldn't find her way to the princes room when she found the princes room she woke him up he yelled what are you doing here she covers his mouth and said im going to marry you the prince calm down and said ok want some good old tea it all the way downstairs to the first floor and we are in the 49th floor so it may take a while Lisa repiled with it ok i not thirst i just want my happy ending she and the princess get out of the castle they were about to kiss but Lisa's father was there. Found you he said he grabs lisa arm and drag her away from the prince stop it her said she then blasted him with her power he fell in the air then crashed on the floor

oh no he's dead the prince said lisa listen to his hear beat she said he is still alive the next day after the whole town heard the news the father said sorry to lisa he let her marry the prince

they lived happy ever after the end

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