anna wenns

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14 ceuntry

a little girl was living in a castle of a mean brother and a mean parents she was the only blond in the family so they treated her with hate and made fun of her hair color which was light yellow

one day she wanted to go to a party but there was a evil wizard that trashed the party and killed everyone the princess was taken by a male fairy and was sent to live in a cottage where she would have nothing to do but she would go outside and talk to little animals and sing she was dancing and exploring the forest she would come home for dinner and the evil wizard want to find her and kill her

the fairy told the girl that she had to stay at home until the wizard is dead or gone the girl was very sad but the wizard took out a cute dog with fur yellow as gold it was a golden retriever the girl was very happy she pet the dog.

hi said the girl my name is Anna that my first and my last name is Wenns the dog licked annas face.his tail wags anna was laughing and playing with the dog for hours and hours.

one day she seen a fire glowing color in the woods she went outside and kept her dog in the cottage the male fairy was gone out getting some wood and hunting animals for food

She walked and walked for almost a hour and she then see why was there a weird red glowing in the forest

It was a camp fire and there were weird people but they don't look like people they look more like minions of the evil wizard anna gasped.

The minions of the evil wizard heard a noise behind them and they went to search it they took out their guns and hunt down the noise But one of them spotted anna and chased her with a crossbow they all followed anna with a crossbows.

( song that plays in the background while Anna is running away from the Minions )

Anna runs jumps and crawls through small spaces one of the guards threw a hallucination bomb at Anna but it exploded and made everyone hallucination.

Anna hallucinations being in a wonderland and running falling and many more and when she was near the house she stopped hallucinating so did the others and anna ran back in the house turned off the lights and lock the door the minions got there guns ready to shot down the door and anna panic she looked through everything to find a way out of a weapon. When she pushed the bad out of the way there was a door on the floor that lead her to outside again the minoin broke the door down and went into the door that was on The ground

Anna found herself running to a small rocky mountain she climb fast as she can and then seen a rope somehow in the sky. she pulls it down but it won't  budge she then pull on it harder and a the minion was right next to her she was surround by the minions and when she pulls the rope with all her strength a piano fell and dropped on the minions and the top of the rocky mountain fall apart and anna fell into the ocean

The next day the male fairy couldn't find anna and the dog the cottage was a mess the male fairy thinks the evil wizards minions got her but then he remembers he have a magic wand that he could use to are where anna is and when he used a spell that can show where anna is he found out anna was in the ocean passed out she was still alive though

The male fairy teleport himself to anna and rescue her he then waited for her to wake up and when she did he hugged her

Anna was wet and confused she told the male fairy that the minions are planning something and she seen a red light in the forest and followed it and then the minion chased her from the forest to the cottage to a small rocky mountain and then a piano somehow drops on the top of the mountain and anna fell when the male fairy though about the evil wizard he had enough with the evil wizard.

He went to the evil wizards castle and he was ready for war. he blasted the evil wizards door and anna came with him and her dog too wizard said the male fairy  show yourself and let have  a duel

Magical fairy vs evil wizards said the male fairy the evil wizard showed himself and blasted a beam at the fairy it hits him and he fell down. Anna took the dog and ran try to run out of the castle but the evil wizard use magic to lock the door Anna then ran into a random room and runs to a wallway she then went there a maze

Then the minions of the evil wizard chased after Anna and the dog she was running very fast that they run into a room that had a staircase that leads them to a dungeon and she down the stair

Anna got up with her dog and continued running they then hid into the shadows and the minions were looking everywhere but they couldn't find her they then left the dungeon

Anna came out of the shadow and said wow they really are that dumb even though that there was a big shadow in the room that they could search but they didn't Anna then seen a window that leads out of here but water is just the only thing Anna see out the window

The evil wizard was walking down stairs and then Anna throws the dog out the window and then she was jumped out the window right before the evil wizard could grab her and both of them fell into the water

Anna's dog bit anna's shirt and swam to shore. Anna woke up on a beach and her dog was sitting right next to her they walked to town and was so confused a guy walks right up to anna my, my what a nice sweet dog fur shiny as gold and haves a gold luck charm part of that dog said the guy

Anna looks at the dog and said this dog haves the power of good luck I don't believe that she said the guy said what but it true and they say if you give this dog to someone else it will give you immortal life forever he said as he slowly got close to anna. anna pushed him back and said I'm not dumb to fall for your tricks she then ran away from him with the dog

When anna got back to the cottage she cleaned everything up and sat on her bed worrying about the male fairy that took care of her since she born 9 years ago Anna then had a idea she Grabs a small knife and and her dog they went out back to the tower

They sneaked in and attacked the minions one by one each until there was no more and when the evil wizard came by anna was about to attack but the evil wizard use telekinesis and threw anna infront of him the dog started to bark and bites the evil wizards cloak but he kicks the dog

The male fairy heard Anna screaming and the dog barking he slowly got up and try to reach for his wand he then cast a spell on the evil wizard that shooted a thunder ball at the wizard and it shocked him. The wizard then let go of Anna and Anna stabs the wizard and kicks him

The evil wizard was bleeding Anna looked at the knife and it had a note in it saying Stan the evil wizard and he turns into dust

The evil wizard turn to dust and the male fairy heals himself Anna runs to the male fairy and helps him up.the dog started to glow and absorb the power of the evil wizard and his minions

Anna the male fairy and the dog went back to the castle and anna's mother and father were happy to see her again they were nice to her and took care of her but made her mean brother do all the cleaning and lived happy ever after

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