Chapter 1: Death of USS Stuart

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Kure Navy District, Japan - August, 1945
Stuart POV

My name is USS Stuart or should I say Patrol Boat 102 under the control of the Japanese Empire. I'm a Clemson-Class Destroyer that was deploy in the Pacific when the war against the Japanese Empire was trigger after the bomb of Pearl Harbor, but I was capture by the enemy during the Battle of Java after a failure of scuttling. The Japanese military found me in the abandon dock after my family can't repair in time due to the bombing; however instead of getting rid of me. They decide to add me to their fleet, but since their Destroyers are too big for me; they decide to use me as a patrol boat. So pretty much I spent my entire war career working for the Empire and learn that the United State made a new ship with my name on it which means that I no longer have a name, but the Empire give me a number named Patrol Boat 102 and I get refit more like a Japanese ship, but the Allies mistaken me for their own which I don't blame them. However; my time as come when I learn that Japan surrender to the Allies after they drop a nuke on a couple of cities, but for me.... I was abandon in the Kure Navy District and I'm infested with rats. The American soldiers found me and assign me as RAMP-224 (RAMP means Recovered Allied Military Personnel) instead my original name which is DD-224. They only put paint and clean me up before I return home, but looks like I was give out at Guam when my engine died so the have no choice, but to tow me to California and put me out of my misery with rockets from Hellcat fighters and also USS PC-799 which I start to sink. That was the end of me until I see a bright light in the darkness. I don't know what's happening until I hear a voice.

???: "I'm giving you a second chance in life in the world of Azur Lane where you will have a human body, but possess the power of warship."

Stuart: "Might as well."

I hear a giggle and I was swallow by the light.

???, World of Azur Lane

I was start to wake up to see a falcon flying around me before landing my chest before staring at me.

Stuart(confuse): "Where am I?"

I start to open my eyes while the falcon flew away, but flying around me. I decide to look at myself and see that whoever talk to me was right about me having a human body, but my clothes is more of Japanese clothing which I mean that I was upgrade with Japanese weaponry. I summon my ship to see my usual ship, but carry a flag that I don't recognize.

 I summon my ship to see my usual ship, but carry a flag that I don't recognize

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Stuart(confuse): "What kind of flag is this?"

I know the symbol is almost like Japan, but replace the sun with petals. I lay back on the water and the falcon lay by me while I look at my clothing which is almost Japanese like style clothes and I notice that I have feathers in my clothing which I took a notice that I have some features of a falcon. I decide to wait and think until my sensor is detecting a couple of ships heading this way.

Stuart: "Looks like I'm expecting company soon. I hope they are friendly?"

Mean while
Takao POV

Our radar detect one object in our waters so I have Yuudachi and Souryuu to investigate the signal and hope something not serious since we're going to war against Azur Lane.

Souryuu: "I found one ship in the middle of the water."

Takao: "Ours or Azur Lane?"

It took a moment until Souryuu found a unknown ship, but carries our flag.

Souryuu: "Looks like ours since I can see our flag flying on the ship, but it's unknown."

Takao: "We better check ourselves to see this unknown ship; it could be the enemy trying to disguise as one of our own."

Yuudachi(smirk): "Whoever they are; I give them a smack down."

We continue to head for the signal and notice that same ship that is carrying our flag, but don't know the design. We can see a falcon flying around the ship so we investigate the ship and notice a male laying on the water.

Takao(shock): "A male kansen?"

Souryuu: "He's not part of the Sakura Empire; I have all the pictures of everyone in the Sakura Empire, but he's not on it."

Yuudachi: "Should I sic him?"

Takao: "No; let's talk to him....HEY!"

That was enough to wake him up and see us.

???: "Who? What?"

Takao: "Who are you?"

???: "My name is USS Stuart."

This cause us to be on alert, but I continue to question him. I grab him in the collar.

Takao: "Why are you wearing like us and why are you holding our flag?"

???: "That's because I'm half American and half Japanese."

Souryuu: "In terms he's half Eagle Union and half Sakura Empire, but we can't trust him since we don't have any information so we better see the Commander before we pass judgement."

I agree with Souryuu so we escort him back to our main base so we can talk with the Commander before we pass judgement and make sure that he isn't a spy from Azur Lane. I grab him and heading to the base so we can question him.

To be Continued....

Chapter 2: Welcome IJN Stuart

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