Chapter 61

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When we walked down the stairs, Liam and Nora were talking with a few people, Nora's mother, Frederick and a couple of people I didn't know, also Alpha Raymond, Malcolm, George and Arthur. The conversation died down when they saw her, smiling brightly.

"So already planning to overthrow me?" she joked at Liam.

"If you intend on doing that every night and scarring me with sounds I never wish to hear again, honestly I might!" teased Liam. Elestren wasn't even a bit phased by this.

"Like you of all people should say that Liam Neville, it's not like you never heard them be..." She started before realizing Malcolm, George and Arthur were there and then her face turned as red as her bold lipstick. I couldn't help but chuckle which got me to be hit hard in the stomach. Malcolm and Arthur were enjoying this way too much.

"So, did Antoine come to see you?" asked Alpha Raymond, making me thankful for the change in topic of conversation.

"Yes he did. Thank him again for me, and thank you Alpha Raymond. Your presence here this morning was a proud moment for all of us. I only wish we can build back what our fathers and grandfathers had spent generations to establish between our packs, not only as allies but as friends." She said with both the formality due to his position and the affection she had for him. Back for a minute and already in charge and reuniting alliances, damn she was good.

"It's a pleasure to finally address you as Alpha Elestren, even if we are both past such kind of formalities. I have known you since you were a child and I look at you now with pride for counting you among my allies and my friends. And honestly, after what I've seen today, I don't think I'm a brave enough man to have you as an enemy." He chuckled but she did look kinda scary out there, red eyed, licking the blood off a silver dagger... She laughed and shook his hand.

"I wanted to walk around before the night falls, to see Crimson Moon, I haven't been outside here in years. Would you all come with us?" She invited them but again I gritted my teeth, she had been here for a month and she never left that damn room! God this place brought so much resentment and anger in me. She pressed my hand and frowned.

"Are you okay?" she asked through mindlink.

"I'm fine my love!"

"You know asking for help goes both ways... Think of it like this, I'm gonna walk you where I have very happy memories and I need your advice on what to do next. You've worked with Malcolm for years, you're my own private council." She smirked. I gave her a big smile as she always knew what to say to lighten the mood.

She introduced me to the other people there, mostly elders and council members from her father's time. We walked around, letting Nora and her mother guide her around. The training facility had been updated, there were more land to grow but the workers didn't get paid, a large frown was now embedded between her brows. The pack had a school but none of the omegas were given a chance to attend college or some of them even graduate if workforce was needed. Nora explained her the treatment of the omegas and the ways only warriors were paid, how women had been excluded from all official offices and I could see her discontent. Even though she didn't let on much except that she didn't approve, I could sense this outraged her in a way they never could have suspected. She truly loved this land and its people. I remembered her indignation when she explained me how Lucius had cut down her olive tree and a giant sequoia. Her respect for her land and for those who lived on it, was not only about the people, it was also about the balance so that every sort of life, vegetal, animal or human could coexist.

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