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You know that feeling you get when you wake up form a really intense dream and your mind hasn't quite sorted out what's real and what was part of the dream? What happened to me was kind of like that. At first anyway.

One second I was cocooned in a comforting darkness that felt safe and secure, content to merely exist within my own little corner of the universe, and the next I was cold and terrified and had absolutely no idea what was happening.

More than just being frightened of the unknown sensations assaulting my senses, I was also terrified of the fact that I couldn't move. My arms were weak and didn't respond to my commands. My eyes were so blurry that even when I managed to open them I couldn't see anything. I was confused and afraid and did the only thing that seemed to be within my power to do: I started wailing for all I was worth.

I didn't connect the dots until much later that that what I had been experiencing was actually my birth, that the giants standing around me speaking strange words and smiling down at me were actually my parents. As time went on I discovered that I had been given the name Ryouta Senju and had been born on August 29, two weeks later than expected but perfectly healthy, son of Kiyo Senju and Teichi Senju.

Kiyo Senju, a former ANBU under the Hokage who was also a student of Tsunade Senju, she was a relative of the Senju clan however she grew up an orphan.

Senju Teichi, Tsunade's younger cousin and a high kage level powerhouse. He was given an SS rank in the shinobi bingo book and was given a flee on sight order. He was a year younger than Minato and Kushina but was in the same generation as them.

He was known throughout the world as the 'Calamity Tiger' and the name alone struck fear in the hearts of Kumo shinobi and Kiri Shinobi. His strength is considered to be ahead of the Three Legendary Sannin alone.

He was a direct descendant of Hashirama, being his grandson, therefore, Tsunade was my auntie and Tobirama was my great grand-uncle.

For lack of a better term, as near as I could tell, I had been reincarnated. Or at least I think I was. For all I know I'm lying comatose in some hospital right now, and everything I've seen and done up till this point has just been some fantasy my mind has cooked up.

And that's not even taking into account that I remembered my previous life. I had been an ordinary guy on his way to his first year of college. At least that's the last thing I remembered. I hadn't done anything remarkably bad as far as I could tell, but then again I had never done anything remarkably good either. I was just... average. Even if I had been reincarnated and even if I did remember my past, ultimately I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Given the choice I'd like to think that I took a wrong left turn on the way to the afterlife and ended up somewhere I didn't belong.

But for the first few months of my life none of that really mattered to me. What mattered was that I was trapped in the body of an infant and that didn't seem to changing anytime soon. After a few days when I began to realize that whatever was happening to me wasn't going to stop, and that I wouldn't wake up from whatever crazy dream I was in, it hit me that I wouldn't be able to go back to my old life.

It hadn't exactly been amazing, but it was everything I had ever known. My friends and family, my plans for the future, my life. It was all just... gone.

I don't think my parents ever really knew just how grateful I was for them in those first few months of my life. My entire world revolved around them, everything from sleeping and eating to my daily schedule, they dictated almost every action I took.

But above everything else I was most grateful for the comfort they provided whenever I needed it. As a newborn child the only real way I had to interact with the world was to cry whenever something bothered me. Which I did. Frequently. But my tears weren't normal tears.

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