He's Going to be Mine (2)

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Prompt: Ashton has a little bit of luck

The walk to their first class was silent. But it wasnt exactly a uncomfortable silence, which Luke hated because he wanted it to be weird and awkward so Ashton would just leave him alone. To his luck, Ashton sat with a whole bunch of other kids during class. He guess they were the so-called "cool" kids.

The bell rang and the teacher, with a old fashioned mostashe walked into the room. Luke's eyes set on him as the older man sent him a small smile and held out his hand.

"Ah you must be Luke Hemmings? I'm Mr. Minsen."

Luke smiled back and nodded, grabbing his hand, shaking it. "Yep thats me. Its nice to meet you sir."

The teacher waved him to an open seat, where he sat down. He grabbed his black bag which had pins of his favorite bands on it such as Nirvana, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Good Charollet and others that where related to them. Youll find posters of the same bands on his walls.

Once he had gotten all of his stuff out, he got started on jogging down the notes. About ten mitunes into the lechure the class was getting, Luke could feel eyes basically scanning his body. He glanced over subtly making it look like he wasn't looking back. It was indeed Ashton. And when he got up to sharpen his pencil, he held in a groan, as he could pratiaclly feel Ashton's eyes on his bum.

It was his fist day here, why was he cursed already?

Finally though, class ended, students piled out of the room, shoving things into their bags while also trying to keep their conversations going while doing so. Luke shoved his things into his bag, stood up and made his way out of the empty room.

Half way down the hallway, he thought he had escaped Ashton but the older boy just appeared next to him. He held in another groan, as he started walking backwards in front of him.

"Can I help you?" He asked a tad bit shyly, not because he liked Ashton just the fact that he was really hot.

Ashton smirked softly and let his eyes roam down Luke's body. "Yes you can leave the school with me."

Luke blushed but rolled his eyes. "Hah so funny." He answered, his voice dripped with sarcasm.

The hazel eyes boys smiled, stopping so blue eyes had to also. "C'mon pretty boy. I want to take you somewhere."

The blonde groaned but sighed in defeat. Maybe hanging out with Ashton wouldn't be so bad.

He sighed and nodded, "Just this once."

A big smile appeared on Ashton's face, he grabbed the blondes hand softly in his own, before dragging him out of the school before they could get caught by the principal.

It was maybe a twenty minute ride of background stories, loud music and bad singing, before the curly headed boy stopped the car in a patch of flowers. They were on a hill, looking down at the city, watching the cars, as the sunset slowly over the mountains thousands of miles away. Luke was amazed, the colors of purple, pink, and blue, mixing to fill the sky.

Ashton led Luke to the back of his dark blue truck, telling him to get comfortable in the back, as he grabbed two sodas. Luke sighed as Ashton climbed into the trunk.

Soon that became their go-to spot, slowly becoming best of friends, ditching school to go to the hill and drink sodas, laugh over jokes and take weird selfies together.

Before they knew it, it was also their special place. The one they had their first date, and on that first date they shared their first kiss. The place became their secret hill, filled with love and flowers, sometimes candles to light the night.

It became the place their love developed and sparks flied. They made love their on their first year anniversary, and they continue to go there with their two best friends. Soon to bring their kids to show their lovers and on.

It would forever be special to them.

All that was ever on Ashton's mind, was how lucky he was to have won over Luke's shy heart. Little did he know, Luke asked himself the same thing.

That was bad but cute I guess, okay...

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