Part 1: Jarlaheim

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As the horizon rose, it soon revealed the great fortress of Jarlaheim rising from the horizon.
Sounds of admiration could be heard in the theater.
But the sunlight shone down to reveal an unknown girl watching the ocean by the ferry's railing. The girl's long, wavy light blonde hair cascades over her shoulders. Her striking eyes are bright blue, while her skin is both fair and lightly tanned from her time in the sun. She was dressed in a dark blue sweater with a lighter blue t-shirt peeking underneath her sweater. She also has dark blue pants that's folded at her dark brown boots.
"Who's that?" Everyone was surprised to hear Justin's voice spoke up and gazing at a lone girl who was sitting by herself on the screen.
The same girl was hidden by the shadowy corner, sitting away from the people in the theater. She never felt comfortable around a crowd of strangers and prefers to sit alone.
His breath was hitched in his throat when he and her locked eyes. It was a girl. Justin had seen many girls, but not like her; the others were children. This girl was definitely attractive, but unlike Loretta, she wasn't coming to any conclusions immediately. Her gaze was... studious, as if she were trying to figure just who or what he was.
Erika's voice starts to speak as everyone have started to see the famous land of Jorvik. "Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it. Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that one's destiny intertwines with many others. It's the one thing we search for or fight to change. Some never find it. But there are some who are leading it." Up at the sky was a flock of seagulls could be seen flying overhead.
The four Soul Riders glanced at each other when the heard those words. Some could believe that they were descendants or reincarnations from the first Soul Riders and are destined to defeat Garnok with their beloved Guardians Horses.
But Gunnar frowned sadly at those words. One could believe that he's the complete embodiment of evil when he's not, and has to guide lost souls to the Keep with his closest friend.
"And I'm one of those people." It went down to see the girl watching the sea from the ferry. "And my journey is about to begin." Her eyes show happiness, but if one looks closely, they can see a forlorn and wary look in her eyes.
Gunnar felt his heart goes out to Erika, who prefers to be alone most of the time and struggles to hide her problems.
The boat finally came to a stop, the ramp lowering to meet the wooden dock as the guard rail lifted. Multiple men immediately climbed aboard and began to unload the crates.
Erika didn't say a word to any of them as she slipped past and walked from the boat onto the dock, pulling her suitcase behind her and her bags on her back while another dangled from her right side.
She looked at the fortress with wary admiration and fascination before she left her seat.
"I guess you're not used to be alone," noted Maya. "Much."
Erika made her way to the entrance of the pier. There were plenty of people around, but only one stood out. And that person was Stein, one of Herman's stablehands.
Gunnar shuddered, feeling uncomfortable at the sight of so many people.
She decided to take a chance and walked towards the redhead boy, feeling nervous and curious. "Umm. Hello. I'm Erika Thrymson."
"Nice meeting you." He smiled at her warmly. "I'm Stein. Welcome to Jorvik." But he soon caught sight of her luggage being pulled behind Erika. "Here. Allow me to help." Erika nodded and watched as Stein took her luggage for her.
"Thanks," said Erika quietly.
"Sure thing." Stein soon led her away from the docks. "How was the trip?"
"A little boring at first, but fine," admitted Erika bluntly.
Gunnar was stunned to silence. After the passing of his daughter, he thought he would never seen them again and withdrew himself from Jorvik to hide his emotional pain and continued his duty as the guide for lost souls. But the longer he looked at Erika, he could tell that she's the spitting image of her mother with her father's blue eyes. Could it be?
It didn't take long for Erika was standing outside of the intricate wrought iron gates of Jorvik Stables, which were flanked on either side by two rearing, marble horses. From a fair distance, she could see a few riders in a meadow that began where the stable yard ended. Beyond that, was a glimpse of the forest, and farther away, the high mountains stood against the blue horizon. Behind the stable was the shimmering pure and blue of the sea.
"It's sure a massive and grand stable," admitted Erika softly.
The main stable seemed to be large and well kept, with several paddocks, indoor rings, and stable buildings. It was surrounded by a wall that has been constructed from the same pale yellow bricks as the buildings.
"Herman!" Stein hollered in the direction of the house. "Erika's here!"
Herman stepped out of the house and headed towards them. He gave them a big smile and came over to say hello. Erika's hand was enveloped by one of his strong, firm hands.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Herman," said the man. "I own this amazing place. Welcome to Jorvik Stables! Erika, is it?"
"Yes, it's nice to meet you too," Erika said softly.
Lisa smiled at Erika empathetically. It had taken her a while to recover from the accident, and she befriended a young girl who was quiet and timid around horses. Though Lisa has no idea what Erika had went through in the past, and it had reduced Erika into a quietly mysterious and introvert person. But with the right horse, Erika would slowly open herself up to others.
"Come along," said Herman and led her towards a paddock.
About a dozen horses and ponies stood inside of the paddocks. Some were drinking water, others were standing about. A couple were grazing, clearly wanting a snack. A few playfully nudged one another, clearly friends. A few foals chased after each other as if they were playing a game of tag. They varied in all sorts of colors. Some have white pinto markings on their coats or have regular white markings too. Some horse experts recognized some of them as ponies, due to their smaller statures.
"I'm not sure if there is a horse for me," Erika said quietly, she looked away from the horses.
Gunnar felt a pang in his heart as he heard those unspoken words that was once felt in the past. He glanced at Erika, who was quietly watching the screen.
"There's always one for every person," said Herman gently. "You just need to find the one that calls out to you the most."
"And he was right." Only Gunnar had heard Erika's quiet voice and looked over his shoulder to see Erika petting her black mare.
"Herman!" yelled a stablehand. "We need your help!"
"I gotta go," Herman said to her. "Have fun looking around. And remember to search for who is missing."
"I'll try." Erika watched Herman with a lonely look in her eyes.
Erika walked towards the inn by the paddock and found a black door with her name on the brown plack. She used her key and unlocked the door with the key. She pushed the door opened and looked around warily.
The room is pretty descent: a clean white bed with soft-looking pillows on the left side. A window at the right side that looks out to the sea. A wooden desk with a mirror. A pencil box with pencils and pens on the desk. A closed door that's probably the bathroom on the opposite wall.
A moment later, she headed towards the courtyard and tried her best not trying to get any unwanted attention from the other riders as they all rode back and forth, barely noticing her as she kept walking towards the small courtyard and halfway hidden in the shade.
Alex felt sympathetic and empathetic towards the girl. When she was living at Jorvik Stables, she was forced to push down her childhood and become an adult to protect James. But that's not the case. Not many people would glance at her because of her background. Only her Soul Sisters had done it and some of them understood more than others. But now, it's probably time for her to be there for someone else for a change.
But something had caught her eye and saw a group of friends laughing and chatting with each other as they rode their horses.
Erika was all alone and she felt the familiar pang of loneliness creep into her chest. The way the riders stand together is something that she had longed for so long: friendship.
Erika was all alone and she felt the familiar pang of loneliness creep into her chest. You would think that after traveling alone for years, she would get used to staying by herself... but she never did. Her nomadic lifestyle was fun and beautiful in its own way; no fights with anyone, no set schedule, she was living off the land, and so on. But she longed for one thing: friends. The people she usually came across out here were either liars or thieves, so there were no real opportunities for friendships.
But Erika had always have a soft spot when it comes to animals, especially horses. She loved horses when she was a kid and loved anything that involves horses. She had seen a lot of horse shows of all sorts as well as dressage performances and championship races just as well.
As soon as she stepped out of the shadows, she felt herself bumped into someone. She spun around defensively, but she soon calmed down when she realized that she had accidentally bumped into a girl. The girl was none other than Alex Cloudmill.
The two mentioned kids both smiled, but Alex noticed that Erika was quiet and yet she was slowly relaxing.
"Hello, I'm Alex," said Alex brightly. "Alex Cloudmill."
"I—I'm Erika." She stepped back, but she met her eyes firmly. "Erika Thrymson."
Alex offered her hand to Erika, whose eyes widened in surprise. She and Alex locked eyes. Deciding to take a leap of faith, she gently took Alex's hand.
Everyone smiled at the two new friends.
But the camera shifted to Herman, who has been watching them from his window with a frown. He soon went to a table with a white telephone. Herman soon used a phone number of an unknown person and pressed the phone against his ear.
"Herman, is Erika safe?" Graham's voice could be heard from the phone.
Erika perked up curiously. "Dad?"
"Yes, she's safe." Herman, looking concerned and uncertain. "But are you sure it's a good idea to bring her here?"
"Yes," said Graham. "My wife made me promise to bring her there when she comes of age. Just keep her safe for me, okay?"
Herman sighed wearily and glanced at the window to see the two kids laughing before he continued the call. "Okay. You also be safe."
"I will." At that, Graham hung up and Herman put the phone down as he glanced at the window to see the two girls.

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