Part 10: Lost Story

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The screen soon changed itself. It soon revealed Jorvik Stables. The sound of the birds could be heard in the morning. The adults had started heading towards nearby markets or started heading towards their work. The teenagers had started working their morning jobs or meeting up with each other. While the kids had started helping their parents, playing with their older siblings or playing with their pets.
Gunnar felt his heart ached at the beautiful sight of Jorvik's morning sky and the sound of the songbirds. What he'll give just to see the morning skies and hear other voices than the Vala Witch's voice in his head to do her doings. But for some reason, he feels somewhat freer whenever he's around the fifth Soul Rider and Erika.
Many of the people takes in pride of the unique nature and vibrant beauty of Jorvik. One could almost feel sorry for all the people who had never experienced the beautiful island they called home.
But the screen soon changed and showed Erika saddling Tempest by herself. The girl glanced over her shoulder to see other riders taking care of their horses and the stablehands working everywhere in the stables.
Erika hummed thoughtfully. "Looks an average day to me."
But staying near Erika and Tempest was Alex grooming bridling Tin-Can. Alex caught Erika's eye and winked at her playfully, making Erika glanced at her and smiled at Alex.
Alex caught Erika's eye, a smile could be seen and Erika returned her smile.
The camera soon changed to show Erika riding a galloping Tempest and Alex riding a galloping Tin-Can on the trail towards the Crescent Moon Village. As they stopped on the top of a sunlit hill, the Crescent Moon Village felt calm and peaceful as it stood near the swamplands and some forests. The sounds of rapid hoof beats and the sounds of birdsong filled the air.
"So, we're just jumping into it, aren't we?" Alex smiled at the sight.
Erika narrowed her eyes with wary curiosity as she gazed at the village. She and Alex caught each other's eyes with silent words being spoken between them. At that, the two girls galloped down to the village.
"Sure looks like it," Erika agreed quietly.
The scene soon changed yet again to revealed Erika and Alex trotting into the village. The village was less active than in Jarlaheim, but it was quiet and full of hidden life. Erika looked around the laidback village curiously, with Tempest's ears twitched and sniffed the air. Erika spoke to a member of the townsfolk, who nodded and pointed to one of the houses nearby. Erika nodded and gave her gratitude to him before she rode away once again.
Erika looked around curiously as she continued riding through the village when she saw Helena Thrymson working in her garden.
"Grandma Helena," whispered Erika quietly at the sight of her grandmother.
The cottage was slightly hidden by the nearby forest. Outside of the cottage stood three horses (a dappled gray stallion named Oliver, a brown pinto mare named Patches, and a dark brown mare named Derby) eating from a trough. In the backyard, there was a small piece of land and behind the cottage was a barn and a larger paddock. Inside of the pasture are two cows, three pigs, and three goats.
"Grandma!" Erika cried out joyfully.
"Erika!" Grandma Helena smiled at the sight of the girl as she led her horse carefully into the garden. The two of them both hugged each other with Tempest joining them in their embrace while Alex and Tin-Can both watched their reunion.
Erika felt a pain budding in her chest, a mix of sadness and loneliness. She willed the emotions back down inside before they could grow out of control though. She has to be strong.
The scene soon showed it was dusk and quickly changed to the kitchen in Helena Thrymson's cottage. It showed Erika and Alex both sitting around a table and were watching Helena getting a plate out of the oven.
It was quite clear that Erika and her grandmother had spoke to each other for a while.
She had placed a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and gave the girls cups of cool drinks.
"Erika." She looked up at Helena, looking confused and curious as her grandmother took out a book. It seems to be bound in soft leather brown leather, which made Erika become curious about it. "This belongs to one of our ancestors." Helena soon gave it to Erika. "I want you to have it." Helena winked at her granddaughter playfully. "Just in case."
It seems to be bound in soft leather brown leather, which made Erika become curious about it. A forgotten diary maybe?
Helena had started telling the stories that people had loved to hear from the mysterious, but magical island of Jorvik. "The farm sits in the shadow of Devil's Cap, an ill-fated crater where darkness lurks. For centuries they been biding their time, sleeping in fury at Jon Jarl when he destroyed the precious Life Wardens and forest on the Forgotten Fields. With each day that passes the curse gets stronger, and until the curse is lifted, the land will remain and doomed for all of eternity!"
Gunnar felt his heart ached as he remembered his terrible curse of from his stupid order. What he'll give just to see the morning skies and hear other voices than the Vala Witch's voice in his head to do her doings. But for some reason, he feels somewhat freer whenever he's around the fifth Soul Rider and Erika.
"Once upon a time within the magical world, there was an order of knightly warriors and druids, from a kingdom called Jorvik, who would rise each night into the darkness and perform noble deeds. They spoke of true words, their purpose was to right all wrongs, to make strong the weak, mend the broken, vanquish the evil, and make powerless those who abused the frail. With hearts sublime they would take flight."
Gunnar looked down, sadness and guilt went over his expression. He was once one of those knightly warriors before he was cursed by the Vala Witch.
Erika tilted her head curiously at Helena. "Is this story true, Grandma?"
"It's a legend, Erika," her grandma replied.
"Is true though?" Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"Sometimes, legends have a ring of truth," admitted Linda.
Her grandma smiled at her warmly. "A legend, Erika, is a story that begin to feel in your mind and then over time it becomes true in your heart. And perhaps makes you become a better person."

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