Part 8: A Vision

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Everything slowly darkens into a dark and mysterious field in the Forgotten Fields. Dark clouds swirled in the sky, making it darker than usual. The dark clouds were blocking out the moon and the stars from sight, as if everyone was in a darker than a dark cave at midnight.
Everyone glanced at each other, but a few people remained silent and continued watching the screen.
The camera soon lowered itself into the field. Through the sparse canopy of leaves, a faint light of the hidden moon shone through the trees. Not a single sound could be heard from the undergrowth. The trees were extremely still and not a single rustle from the still wind could be heard.
But in the center of the trail was none other than Linda Chanda.
"Linda!" exclaimed Alex, startled and appalled at the sight before her. "What are you doing in that ominous looking forest?"
"I must be having a vision again," Linda replied, startled and bewildered at the sight.
Linda looked around with wary curiosity, her eyes flicking back and forth as she gazed at the ominous field. Wind ran through her hair. The skies remained dark without a trace of the moon or the stars. But when she looked down, Linda suddenly felt the ground trembling slightly with surprising strength. Linda's eyes widened with horrified fear.
Gunnar flinched back quietly, a look of guilt entered his green eyes. He remembered the dreams he sent to Linda and unintentionally scaring the Moon Rider. He absolutely hated the curse that was placed on him and Morrigan, but they have to do their line of duty.
But Alex, Anne, and Lisa gathered around Linda like protective sisters. Alex sat in front of Linda, while Anne held Linda's hand and Lisa inched closer to Linda's side.
Linda started running away from the unknown horse. But the galloping had started to sound louder and louder. Like thunder. It was like all of the field were holding their breath. After a while, Linda saw a faint orange glow in the distance.
Everyone (except certain pair) has became increasingly tense and nervous.
And by that moment, Linda tripped and fell over an unseen and unknown object, a startled cry could heard in the wind.
"Linda!" cried out Linda's friends.
But, instead of being run over, a shadowy figure of a horse jumped over Linda without landing a single hit on her by accident.
The Soul Riders and the Druids sighed in relief at the sight.
Linda turned to look at the other side as the horse landed gracefully. But it seemingly disappeared in the depths of the shadows once again. The forest had opened up to a clearing in Greendale. Standing in the circle of trees was a horse with a darkly, cloaked rider. The mare's coat is black as a starless night sky, though her mane and tail seemed to be set ablaze with fire as well her hooves that seemed to be putting her hooves aflame and her bright green eyes glowed like a pair of fiery green smoke.
Gunnar quietly gasped at the sight of the mare. He recognizes that beautiful and magical Whinfell mare.
"Soul Rider of the Moon." A strong, feminine voice was soon heard. The voice is clearly a female and sounded human, but inhuman at the same time. 
Linda gasped at the sight. She recognized the Whinfell mare in a instant. The mare was Galloper Thompson's mare, Morrigan.
"Morrigan." Gunnar's voice was in a hoarse whisper. He remembered the last time he heard her voice and spoke to each other. It was a day before his "execution."
"Find her." The rider's hidden eyes shone with grief and hope, Morrigan whinnied and scrapped her fiery hoof against the earth. "Find her. My rider needs to see her."
Linda spun around, while Morrigan and the unidentified rider followed her gaze. Torrents of rain poured down from the stormy skies. Dark storm clouds swirled in the sky, rumbling with powerful thunder overhead. The dark clouds were blocking out the moon and the stars from sight.
Everyone glanced at each other, but a few people remained silent and continued watching the screen.
But galloping through the storm was a black horse with a cloaked rider. It was as if she was racing the wind and the lightning. She jumped from hill to hill, jumped over some boulders, and galloped through the field gracefully.
"Who's that?" asked on of the Druids.
But some of the people immediately recognized the rider and the horse.
Though standing there on the field, was a black horse (aka Tempest). And, on the horse's back, was a rider, draped in a long, black cloak, sitting astride the horse and watching her.
Everyone became tense when they saw the visionary sights of Erika and Tempest.
Erika and Tempest's eyes both shone with startling blue electricity as they gazed at Linda. Tempest soon reared and let out a shrill whinny. Thunder crashed overhead, ripping across the sky from horizon to horizon, and Erika breathed quietly in the scent of fresh rain and lightning.
Alex and Erika both exchanged knowing smiles.
Erika locked eyes with Linda. Her eyes, which were almost hidden by the hood of her black cloak, Linda couldn't tell what Erika was thinking as she gazed at her. Her eyes were unpredictable as the storm overhead.
But everything changed all at once, the thunderstorm had suddenly came to life. Lightning flashed behind the two partners and their eyes were illuminated by the lightning. A heavy gust of wind tore through the forest, driving wind and rain towards Linda's location.
Many people cried out in shock. Some were quick to cover their eyes, but a small number of them had forgotten to cover their eyes were temporarily blinded again.
Ydris rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, instantly healing the blinded people.
Linda soon woke up with a start from her window seat, gasping for breath.
Everyone glanced at each other, some where more skittish than others.
She shook her head and sat up from her window seat. Her cushioned window seat is surrounded by her books. Her books were all over her bedroom. The books were either in stacks or by itself on the floor desk. Though, some of the book stacks seemed ready to fall by the slightest movement. A few notebooks and a few papers were all over the place too, one could see some quick notes have been written down by Linda before she had fell asleep.
"Dang girl." Alex whistled, looking amused. "You've been busy again."
"You can say that again," agreed Erika, an amused smirk went over her features.
"It's going to take a long time to clean up that mess," observed Lisa with an amused smile.
"I haven't seen you that busy since the incident two years ago," said Anne, amusement gleamed in her eyes.
"Ha, ha." Linda gave an amused Alex, a curious Erika, and the two giggling Soul Sisters a playful glare. "Very funny."
Linda sighed with a dryly amused smile. She started cleaning up her room, but she kept some of her books and notes out. Misty woke up from her cushion and started watching her owner cleaning up her room. But she jumped in place when she heard a strong sound of thunder from outside.
Many people jumped in place when they heard the sound of thunder from the screen and echoing in the theater.
But the only ones who weren't startled were Alex, Erika, Rhiannon, and Gunnar.
Linda glanced at her window to see the makings of a cloudy day entering the sky. Linda frowned at the sight, a sense of forebode entered the air. But she knew what she had to do.
Linda frowned, a sense of knowing forebode entered the air around her.
The forest of Greendale soon revealed itself. A splash could be heard as a horse galloped through some puddles. Galloping into the depths of the forest was Erika astride on Tempest racing through the forest. A little cluster of light rain clouds had passed through the evening, dampening the ground and filling the air with the scent of fresh rain. The distant mountains were delicately sprinkled with the fading mist from the rain, like faint white frosting on cake slices.
They were running together, as though they're one in the same. Erika was intensely aware of Tempest's movements underneath her. She raised herself up slightly as the grassy ground disappeared underneath them for a bit. Tempest had leapt over a log. She felt her hair flowed behind her. She almost felt as if she and the mare were both flying. She tightened her grip on the reins and Tempest slowed down for a moment, long enough for her to regain her balance again and calm down her excitement. Erika took a deep breath, calming herself down and nodded to Tempest, who nickered softly and continued the ride.
Many riders — especially some cross country riders — were impressed by Erika's newfound equestrian skills.
The branches rocked to the silent rhythm of the breeze and leaves were carried off by the wind, spinning and twirling like tiny dancers as they fell. In front of her was a grassy field and a small waterfall that was making a river. She could also see a few woodland critters scampering through the clearing as they returned home. Some foxes went into a burrow. They spotted a couple of deer bounding away. Squirrels and chipmunks scattered about, grabbing their acorns to stash inside their tree-trunk homes and went into hiding. From above the birds started flying back to their nests. It was calm and peaceful around them in the gentle forest clearing.
"Mommy! It's so pretty!" A little girl cried out to her mother, pointing at the screen in her exclamation. The mother smiled sweetly, as did Lisa, as she couldn't help, but watch.
The camera had captured Erika astride Tempest within in the depths of the forest. She jumped from hill to hill, climbed over some log bridges, and galloped through the woods gracefully.
Erika was taken in by the beauty of the natural world. She couldn't remember the last time she was in a forest. There were some things she couldn't remember, but for the first time, she was partly thankful for her forgetfulness as it allowed her to experience a forest as if it were for the first time all over again.
She rode into a clearing in the depths of Greendale. Standing in the circle of trees was a rider astride a horse. The light shone through the branches and leaves, revealing Linda astride Meteor, searching for something... or someone.
"Hey!" Erika's voice startled Linda and made Meteor jumped slightly in place, but Linda spotted Erika astride Tempest and was standing on a shadowy hill. "What are you doing here?" Erika eyed Linda curiously.
Linda locked eyes with Erika. "Erika, I had a vision about you."
Erika narrowed her eyes at that. "What is it about?"
"I saw you somewhere in the Forgotten Fields," explained Linda, but she had a mysterious look on her face.
Everyone was stunned to silence by Linda's words.
Erika blinked, a look of wary confusion went over her face and gazed at Linda warily. "Why?"
Linda looked unsure of how to respond to Erika's question, but she strengthened her resolve to speak to Erika. "Just trust me on this. Okay?"
Erika frowned. It was clear that she could feel the weight of the situation, but is not admitting it to Linda. "Okay. I'll trust you on this situation."
At that, the two girls both nodded to each other and rode off in separate directions in the forest.

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