↳ ❝ [ TIME ] ¡! ❞

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[A.N - GUESS WHOS BACK WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER RAAAAHHH!!! im so sorry for being offline ive been very busy.. a lot has been happenin' with me and all that stuff.. BUT I IMPROVED IN MY WRITING NOW!! (i think) AND ALSO HERES THE CHAPTER TWO YOU MIGHT'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!]

Many years have passed since that first encounter, and Star Sapphire had gotten used to being in the school of the Lustrous. She sighed to herself, muttering something.

"..This is when the first episode takes place, isn't it?"

Morganite and Goshenite, on the other hand, were looking for Phosphophyllite. Star Sapphire saw that and walked up to them. "Hey, what's going on?" She asked

Morganite glanced at her. "Oh, Teacher asked us to look for Phosphophyllite." They then had an idea. "Can you go call Phosphophyllite for us? Please?" Morganite asked. Goshenite just shook their head, before speaking. "Don't involve them into this, Morga.. Teacher specifically asked us--"

"I'll do it." Star Sapphire said. "Wait, really?" Goshenite turned to her in surprise. Morganite on the other hand just pat Star Sapphire's back gently.

"Great, thanks Star!" Morganite said, before walking away with Goshenite.

Star Sapphire stood there for a few seconds, before walking, looking for Phosphophyllite. The leaves hiding the said turquoise-colored gem pretty well.

"Phos? Phosphophyllite!" Star Sapphire called out, looking for Phosphophyllite, until she noticed a teal glow in the grass.

"Aha, found you." Star Sapphire said, before walking to the teal crystal.

"Phos, wake up." They said, hovering over Phosphophyllite. The gem then awoke, yawning before sitting up. "H..Huh?.." Phosphophyllite muttered, before seeing  Sapphire. "Yeah?.."

"The teacher's calling for you." Sapphire said, crouching down to meet Phosphophyllite, while the teal-haired gem just sat up, rubbing their eye. "..Oh.. okay!" Phosphophyllite said, watching as Star Sapphire got up from crouching and lent a hand for them.

"I wonder what he wanted.." Phosphophyllite said as they took the blue gem's hand as a support to get up. "Maybe he'll take me to fight!" They said excitedly, as the Sapphire had chuckled.

"I don't think so, Phos.." She replied, sweat-dropping at the turquoise gem's determination. "Ha! I see even talented people like you haven't seen my potential!" They said proudly. "Potential.." Star Sapphire tilted her head "Sure, Phos..-"

And in the distance, Goshenite was heard telling Morganite to stop playing around. It seems a lunarian sunspot had appeared where they were.

The blue gem had stared at the two in the distance, knowing what was gonna happen next. "I'm not sure they can uh, handle fighting that lunarian." She muttered, before looking back at the teal gem.

"..Anyways, let's go to the teacher, now." Star Sapphire said, leading Phosphophyllite to the teacher. Phosphophyllite then spoke. "Today's gonna be the day I ask teacher, and he'll see my full potential! You're gonna be so amazed!" They exclaimed, walking to where their teacher was with Sapphire.

Eventually, they reached their teacher, 


"Adamant Teacher!" Phosphophyllite said. "You were asking for me?" The teacher nodded. "That's right." He then stared at Phosphophyllite with a serious expression. "I finally have a job for you."

Phosphophyllite glanced at the teacher with a stunned expression, before finally going back to their senses. "Oh, teacher." They paused, before continuing their sentence again. "Come to think of it, Morga and Goshe said they saw a sunspot earlier." The teacher's eyes widened. 

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