See - Minho

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Non-idol Au, wherein an accident crumbles down lives.

- 1720 words


Minho wasn't born blind.

The fates just hated him.

Losing his mother at the mere age of 10 ensured a horror in Minho's life. His father lost stability in life and fell for the alcoholic toxins to keep himself sane. His drunk rages often ended up in getting the little boy beaten and abused and the house in shambles.
For five years straight, Minho kept up with his father's physical and verbal abuse, never made friends, never went out to play and constructed a weird and quirky personality. He didn't smile a lot, mostly made dark jokes and was always stuck with a scarily blank expression.

His classmates didn't like him, even though he was handsome enough to make the entire school swoon.

But then, his father died of alcohol poisoning and Minho was kept in his aunt's care.

His life lifted from there.

He made friends with the boy next door, Jisung, who introduced him to Chan and Changbin.

Together, the four of them starting hanging out a lot. Minho opened up to them and started smiling again. His jokes didn't seem threatening anymore and his eyes didn't look like the life was sucked out of them. He joined his high school's dance class and aced it within a month. He made a friend again, Hwang Hyunjin, who then introduced his younger cousin, Yang Jeongin, to them. Chan and Jeongin started dating 2 months after they met and then Changbin also brought in his crush from the biology stream, Kim Seungmin. A year later, the two started dating too, though Seungmin was a lot reserved from the usual relationship shenanigans because he was a medical student with a shit load of work.

By the time they all made it to college, their lives were set.

Minho got accepted into JYPE as their youngest choreographer.

Jisung, Chan and Changbin also formed a producing unit and released their hit album '3Racha' on ITunes and Spotify.

Seungmin was an intern in the biggest plastic surgery hospital of Seoul.

Hyunjin followed his passion of modelling and ended every model's career just by his existence.

Jeongin took over his father's business with ease, surpassing his two brothers as the ideal heir of the company.

And then, during one rainy day in between the art class, Chan received a message from his mother informing him that his cousin was coming to Korea.

Lee Felix joined their friends' group the day he landed at the Incheon Airport.

Minho fell in love with him the very same day.

But then, the accident struck.

Seungmin got minor bruises, Jeongin hurt his ear against the seat, Hyunjin fractured his left hand and Minho.....

Minho got a bad concussion that damaged an optical nerve and hence, he became fully blind.

He didn't talk to anyone for weeks after he was discharged from the hospital. His dance career fell down the drains, he broke his phone after the endless calls from his friends and he shut out his aunt when she visited. He got sucked into a dark black hole for days on end. His life became a dull grey of waking up, stumbling around, sobbing his eyes out and then falling back asleep. He lost weight due to not eating, he got various bruises from his accidents around his apartment and his brain was pretty much sluggish to the point of non-working as he slowly lost his bearings after his eyesight.

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