Shower pt.1 - Hyunho

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Non-Idol Au, wherein Hyunjin's showerhead decides to play cupid.

- 1180 words


Hwang Hyunjin was the lucky boy of 2023.

Not only did he pass his junior year of college with flying colors—that guaranteed his career as an interior designer—but also, his senior year started off even better by getting roomed in with his new crush Lee Minho.

Totally cliche, right?

He was convinced the Dean was some sort of shipper, for the fact that Minho, a dancer, got paired off with Hyunjin, an artist, was very suspicious. Normally, the dorm arrangements were done keeping in mind that students with similar major were together most of the time. And even if the arrangements went a little awry, like in Hyunjin and Minho's case, the management most likely fixed them. But these two.... They were left just like that.

Not that Hyunjin was complaining.

Rooming in with Minho had his best advantages at heart, and it wasn't just because of his crush on the elder. He got amazing food because the elder was a top-class chef, he got a daily dose of heavenly singing because the elder had an angelic voice, he also got a clean dorm most of the time all thanks to the elder's organised ways and he gets good night's sleep whenever his insomnia kicks in and the dancer pitches in to help. He would play some music or sing to the artist and boom, Hyunjin was fast asleep.

Overall, Minho was a great roommate.

And that came to test when Hyunjin's shower head broke.

"What the fuck? WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL?!!!" The younger screamed and stumbled out of the shower room as the shower head dropped down to the floor and water sprayed everywhere in the bathroom. Jets of drops hit him in the face while he desperately tried to stop himself from slipping and cracking his skull open. His hands grabbed the sink for support and he righted his balance, eyebrows pulled together in a frown as he realised his predicament.

Oh no... how will he shower now?

The dorm, despite being that of a reputed college, was still a dorm. It didn't have a bathtub in it, the shower was the only option of taking a bath and with the shower head broken, Hyunjin lost that option.

Feeling his mood sour considerably, the artist walked over to the stall with heavy steps. His eyes squinted at the offender and his hand wriggled around, trying to reach the knob. Blinded and drowned in water from head to toe, he grasped the knob and turned the shower off. The water stop flooding the bathroom and he was able to glare at the naked pipe with vehemence written across his handsome face.

Fuck you.

He cursed the metal piece in all the languages he knew, which weren't even three, and stalked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

A knock interrupted his mad charade as he angrily pulled his sweatpants on, making him glance up at his door.

"Hyunjin?" Minho called, his soft voice muffled through the door. The said artist went wide-eyed and immediately shook his head like a dog, jerking the water out from it and ran his hand through it a couple of times to make it look presentable. He huffed out an encouraging breath and quickly rushed to the door, opening it so hard he nearly hit himself in the face.

"Oh hey, hyung." He greeted with a lopsided grin, not even noticing that he wasn't wearing a shirt yet.

Minho definitely noticed though, as his gaze fell down to the younger's chest and abs.

"Everything okay? I heard you scream." His voice was a lot breathy and high-pitched as he promptly eye-fucked his roommate.

"Yes- I mean, no. My shower head broke." Hyunjin shook his head to clear his thoughts off the handsome dancer and angled his body to the right, letting the elder in. Minho's gaze snapped up to his eyes and it was only then did the artist realised, he wasn't sporting a shirt.

His grin fell, his heart dropped and his brain went dead.

He glanced down at his wet upper body, noticing the water dripping down his chest to his abs, getting absorbed in the waist band of his sweatpants. His cross pendant lay forgotten on his chest and he could see see the goosebumps arise on his skin.

How had he not noticed his bare body before?

Really? Was he that much of a lovesick puppy around Minho?

Feeling extremely done with himself, he sighed heavily and motioned his smirking roommate to the bathroom.

"Ooooh that sure is a disaster." Minho commented lightly, peeking his head through the door to look at the messy and water-filled bathroom.

"I know, right. Ruined my bloody day. What do I do now?" Feeling helpless and slightly miffed by the sudden disaster, Hyunjin turned to Minho for help.

"Well, we can call the management and they will take care of this. But I think it will take at least a couple of days to do so, since you know how vigilant our college is." They both rolled their eyes at that. Their college was ranked first academically, but in general, it had its own set of flaws, one of the most complained out of them being that their management system was too slow with things.

"I am not going without showering for two days. I will ask my father to complain, goddamit." No, Hyunjin wasn't a spoiled brat, he was just a daddy's boy. After his mother's death, his father and him became very very close to the point where Hyunjin finds his dad more of a friend than a parent. And ofc, Hwang senior is ready to measure the fucking world for his dear son. A small complain of a shower head is nothing.

"You can use my bathroom, drama queen. I am right here to help." Minho shook his head at the younger's antics and stepped away from the door. He was nonchalant about it all but Hyunjin could feel his heartbeat slowly rise at the words that left his crush's lips.

"Use your bathroom? Me?" He squeaked, a little anxiety ridden and a whole lot excited for no reason.

"Yes, Hyunjin. Use my bathroom. I don't see any other option anyways." The elder made a exasperated expression and started walking away.

"Now get ready for your classes. I have already made breakfast." His voice trailed in through the hallway while the younger melted on his bed dramatically and kicked his legs around, silently screaming and banging his head on his pillow.

Oh yeah.... This is gonna be fun....


Empty thoughts again, but I had to put something out after TA.

This will ofc have a pt2, because I love, live and breath for Hyunho. But it will be released later on, my school is starting from tomorrow. Bare with this guys, it's a one shot book which will have less updates than normal bcuz I need to focus on my main book more.

Which brings me to my next point, should I just name this as Danceracha oneshots? Bcuz all my drafts and ideas are about them (bias line y'know). I really dk, help me with this.

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