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(ADRIANS POV) We walked through the portal silently. We popped up in front of someone's house I could hear music blaring from down the street. "Come on there's a party down the street" Taylor said running. He grabbed my hand making butterflies build up in my stomach. We ran down the street but stopped when we came to a house that had a bunch of teenagers in front of it drinking. "Come on!" Taylor said running into the crowd. I tried to keep up with him but couldn't I soon lost him. "HEY YOU COME HERE!" I looked over to see a boy pointing at me. He had green hair and red eyes. If nobody noticed that he was a demon then they were blind. I walked over to him. "We need you to play in the game" he said smiling his eyes lit up when I smile. I knew he saw my fangs. "Um OK?" I said confused " OK stand here" a boy said pointing for me to stand behind a keg. I stood there just watching. "OK EVERYONE THE GAME IS TO DRINK IT AS FAST AS YALL CAN WHOEVER WINS GETS TO KISS THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes stood there smiling "AND IF A GIRL WINS YOU GET TO KISS THIS UH HANDSOM FELLOW" he said pointing to a boy he had red and blue hair and green eyes he was so adorable. All the girls I was going against all said eww when the boy pointed to the one with red hair. The boy with red hair looked down frowning "not fair you just wanna see us kiss a girl" a girl yelled. "No pouting" a boy said "OK ready there can be up to 4 winners ready" we got lifted up onto the kegs upside down "get set....GO!" we all started chugging. There was 10 of us counting me. 3 boys got out by laughing. I was now the only boy. I quickly chugged having only a few gulps left. I quickly gulped it down and stood up. I was the only one done. Everyone else still had a lot left. About 5 minutes later 2 girls finished "THATS 3 ONLY ONE SPOT LEFT WHO WILL IT BE?" the players were almost done. The crowd started chanting chug. A boy was almost done but choked as one of the girls lifted up her shirt. The girl quickly finished. "ALRIGHT FIRST PLACE GOES TO UH WHATS YOUR NAME?" he asked me "Adrian" "ADRIAN SECOND PLACE GOES TO BRITTNEY THIRD CHELSEA AND FORTH GOES TO THE LOVELY MORGAN PICK WHO YOU WANT STARTING WITH FORTH PLACE!" the girl walked past the red headed boy "as if" she hissed. She walk over to the girl and started kissing her. They kissed for about 30 seconds. The girl,Morgan, walked away the other girls walked past the red headed boy ,when it was their turn, saying mean comments. "AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ADRIAN PICK YOUR KISSER." The boy said I walked toward the girl. She smiles and put on another thing of lipstick fixing her hair and breast. I walked up to her "uh finally that loser over there tried to kiss me and I was like as if" she said pointing to the boy with red hair. I leaned in to kiss her. I stopped inches away from her lips "as if" I whispered walking toward the boy. The crowd gasped. "Hi" I said lifting the boys chin" I smiled at him "h..hi" he stuttered. His green eyes warmed me. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him "I know you don't want to do this but thank you" he whispered. I gentaly pressed my lips to his. I pulled away pecking his lips softly. I smiled at him and walked away. I walked inside the house smiling from ear to ear. I just helped a boy out. I'm sure he'll be okay now
(Mendus's POV) After the boy left a group of girls surrounded me. "Oh my god how was it was his lips soft is he a good kisser?" They all asked at once. I just stood there "uh! I would've been kissed if it wasn't for you!" Abby yelled smaking me. I fell to the ground. I held back my anger. I could've killed her right then and there but I held back I ran into the house morfing so no one would know who I was. I changed my hair to spikey and blonde and my eyes to a mix of blue and gray. I walked down some halls until I found a room. I went in locking the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror that was connected to the dresser. Why won't it let me stay like this? I would love to stay like this. I can only stay like this for a number of hours. I can turn into animals but not even then can i stay that way for long. I can only stay like that for like 10 days. I sighed sitting on the bed. What's wrong with me! I yelled mentally. I jumped when hearing sniffles coming from the bathroom. I slowly got up making my way over to the door I slowly and quietly opened the door. I saw a boy that looked around my age,15, sitting there crying. His lip was bleeding and his eye was bruised. He had white hair that had blue,red, and green streaks going through it, baby blue eyes, he had a lipring, and he had on a black shirt and red pants. I looked at him. He was beautiful. He didn't seem to notice me. I morfed so that I was invisible. I sat down beside him slowly "GO AWAY!" He yelled he slowly looked up and looked around. He sighed "uh stop get out of my head!" He yelled. I looked at him weirdly what is he talking about? He blocked his ears and let out a painfilled scream. I couldn't help but snoop on his thoughts.
(DARE'S POV THOUGHT) "no one cares for you" it whispered "no one will ever love you" "your meant to ruin peoples lives that's all you'll ever do" "that's why no person ever wanted you, why you didn't get picked at the orphanage, why you got picked on, why you have bruises on you!" It screamed I covered my ears "please make it stop!!" I yelled "you'll always be different, you will never find love, no one will ever love you, your pathetic!" "Stop! I yelled " PATHETIC!PATHETIC!PATHETIC! PATHETIC! !PATHETIC! !PATHETIC!" The voice yelled. "I SAID STOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!" I said bursting into white and black flames. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was warm and calmed me down. What's wrong with me! I yelled mentally. I opened my eyes looking around. I still felt the warm touch. "Is anybody there?" I asked aloud. I sighed. "But when has there ever been?"..........
(TAYLORS POV BACKTRACT FIRST ARRIVED) " come on" I yelled running off into the crowd. Once I stopped running I looked around for Adrian but couldn't find him. "Hey" a boy said sitting down beside me. His voice sounded so familiar yet strange. I looked over at the boy he had purple hair with blue steaks in it and his eyes glowed a faint but yet light blue and purple. I looked him over. "How's it going?" He asked boardly "shit" I said. He looked at me and started laughing. "Well that's a way to put it" he laughed. "Why" he asked "I...I like a boy I just met like yesterday" I said smiling thinking of Adrian's smile. "Hmmmm just go for it" he said smiling. A memory slowly itched at my brain but I pushed it away. "Its harder then it sounds" I said sighing. "I know but just hang in there" he said winking while walking away. The memory finally broke free. ( "Singe are you sure about this?" A young me asked "well duh" he said laughing. "OK I got this" I said taking a deep breath I slowly walked over to my crush she had blonde long hair and blue eyes. "Abby?" I said tapping her. She turned around flashing a smile "Sing....Oh its you" she said makng a mad face "what do you want Taylor?" She asked "I was wondering if you uh would kinda want to go out" I stuttered. She started laughing "me? Go out with you as if come on Taylor this has to be a joke. I'm popular and pretty and your well you" she laughed. I threw the note and rose I was going to give her on the ground and ran around the corner. I watched from a distance "what the hell did you do to him?" Singe yelled at her "oh h..hi Singe" she said blushing and biting her lip. "So Singe I was wondering if you would kinda wanna go out" she said smiling he growled and repeated her words "Me go out with you as if come on 'Taylor' this has to be a joke. I'm popular and pretty and your well you!" He yelled. She paled "well its true Singe and you know it" she yelled "no its not Taylor is smart and a good kid and he deserves way better than some 2 cent whore like you" he spat walking away. Singe walked up to me. "Hey you OK?" He asked. I sniffled and wiped away a tear "yeah" I said frowning "hey don't listen to her you'll find someone that's way better than her just hang in there" he said winking while hugging me) I quickly got up and ran after the boy. I saw him standing there "SINGE!!!" I screamed tackeling him. He shrieked as I landed on him "ahhh what the hell!" He groaned "oh I've missed you!" I said smiling hugging him "dude I just talked to you not even a minute ago" he said laughing. I thought of something I would only do or say to make him know who I was. I thought of something "just watch" I said standing on a table "HEYYYYYYY YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING?!!!" the crowd cheered "THE ITSY BITSY SPIDAR WENT UP THE WATER SPOUT" I screamed shaking my index finger while my other hand on my waist and spinning. I done this at a party when I was about 13. Singe used to help me get people's attention. They were usually all drunk so they gave me money. "Wanna pay me give the money to Singe!" I said pointing to him. Everyone in the room through money at him. I carefully got off the table and walked over to Singe. I got tackled to the ground "ahh fuck Singe get the fuck off you just popped my back and it fucking hurt" I said annoyed "I missed you bro!" Singe said kissing me it wasn't romantic or anything it was just a friendly happy one. "Singe please get the FUCK off" I laughed. "NO!" he said hugging me. He finally got off helping me up. "When did you get here how long are you gonna be staying where did you go I'll kick your ass if you leave me again!" He yelled "Singe chill dude I got here an hour ago. And I don't know how long I'm gonna be staying" I said silently "Taylor where did you go? One day you where in the orphanage with me then the next day you just up and disappeared without a single word" he said as a tear made its way down his cheek. "Listen Singe I'm sorry but I couldn't stand it there anymore I.....I had to get out. I found more well not exactly more just one my kind" I said smiling "what really?" He asked "yeah we..." I got cut off by a girl "Singe hey ohhh whose your cute friend here?" She asked she had long blonde hair and blue eyes,Abby. Singe gave me an evil smile "well if you must know Abby this boy is Taylor you've met him before" he said smiling "I have?" She asked. "Should I tell her?" He asked "nah I got it" I said smiling I got up where my face was lines up with hers "Me go out with you as if come on 'Taylor' this has to be a joke. I'm popular and pretty and your well you!" I mimicked her words. Her breath hitched "uh your T........Taylor?" She asked I grinned at her "yep" "well if you" I cut her off "hell no" I said walking away with singe....
(ADRIANS POV) I started to chug down a bottle of clear liquid. "Dude slow down you've had too much" zeke said laughing I looked at him and smiled "shhhhhhhhhhhh I need OK but don't. stop it" I laughed "What!" The boy fell over dying of laughter "can HEY! shhh hey can you hand me that?" I asked pointing to air "haha what? Hand you what?" He laughed "rhay yhmhn that s...squirrel" I said hiccuping. We both went silent then started busted out laughing. "Who are you?" He asked "um I don't know what yes I do stop that!!!!!" I said swatting at the air. "My names Adria...ADRIAN" I said hiccuping. "Who are you!" I asked I had met him earlier he's the boy that told me they needed me to play the drinking game "uhhhhhhhhh ze...zeke" he stuttered. "Uhhhh im hungry!" I said laying down "uh what do you want to eat?" He asked smiling "uhhhh Taylor" I said laughing. "Well what's something you want to eat that's not part of a human...." He trailed off. I smiled at him I could tell he was wanting the same thing I wanted blood. "How long?" I asked he looked confused "what?" He asked "how long has it been since you had blood?" I asked. He looked down at his feet "about 23 hours" he mumbled. "Uhhhh GOD can't y'all ever find your own food come on!" I said grabbing his hand. I led him up the stairs and into a bedroom and locked the door "OK look please do not get carried away or don't get surprised when you hear my moaning OK?" He nodded. I slowly made my way over to him I sat in his lap. I only liked doing this with Taylor but if I didn't he would die. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded. I gasped as I felt his fangs sink into my skin. My gasps soon turned into moans. I put up a barrier so no one would hear me. "OH FUCK" I moaned as he sucked on my sensitive spot. He rocked his lower into mine making me moan louder. "OH HMM GOD!" he started to suck faster as my moans increased. He retracted his teeth making a whimper escape my lips. He trailed down to my abdomen. He sunk his fangs into my skin making me gasp a wave if pleasure ran up my spine making my abdomen clench as he sucked on it. "FUCK OH GOD FUCK ME!" I moaned...
(Mendus's POV BACKTRACK) I sat there my hand still on his shoulder. "Is anybody there?" He asked aloud. He sighed. "But when has there ever been?"My heart clenched as he said that. This boy looked like he got beaten. I removed my hand " p....please don't" he said looking up I stopped. "Please don't go" he said again. I stood there. He thought I left "or leave me like everyone else does" he mumbled as a tear ran down his cheek. I silently sat in front of him as he started to cry. I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up a bit but then relaxed "thank you" he cried. I smiled as his arms went around me. He silently cried into my chest. "Who are you?" He asked. I got up and made fog appear on the mirror I slowly wrote my name "Mean-dus?" He asked I blew more fog on the mirror and wrote men-dus "Mendus" he said smiling I wrote more on the mirror what's your name? He sighed and looked down at his feet "D...Dare" he stuttered. I smiled and wrote I love that name. He smiled and blushed. He sat down back on the floor. I walked over to him and sat down in front of him "c...can I see your hand?" He asked. I hesitated but put my hand on top of his intertwining our fingers. He couldn't see my hand but still managed a blush. I smiled. "I promise Dare that I will protect you until the end of my days" I whispered in his ear. He smiled and looked at me. I know he couldn't see me but our eyes were directly connected "thank you Mendus" he said looking at our hands.
(DARES POV) I looked down at our hands I couldn't see his but I knew it was there. I felt safe when he was here. I didn't know who he was or what he looked liked but I seemed to start to like him. I know that's weird but something about him made my anger go away. I frowned thinking of what happened before he got here
(FLASHBACK) I took a deep breath. OK Dare you got this just go up to him and tell him how you feel. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. I thought walking toward him I looked at him as he stood there. He had brown hair blue eyes and he was one of the popular boys. "D...Dave can I tell you something." I asked tapping him. He looked at me then made a disgusted face. "Yeah what is it dude" he asked. "I been wanting... To uh tell you that I...I like you a lot" I said rubbing behind my neck. "WHAT! DUDES SHUT UP I CANT HEAR !" Dave yelled to his friends. I sighed. I leaned forward catching him by surprise and kissing him. He just stood there shocked. He quickly pushed me off "WHAT THE HELL! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" he yelled that took me by surprise making me fall. "DUDE WHAT HAPPENED?" Dave's friend asked walking up to him. "THIS QUEER JUST KISSED ME!" he yelled. I quickly got up and started running. "COME BACK HERE!" He yelled. I quickly ran upstairs but got cornered by Dave and his friends. "NICKOLAS GET HIM!" Dave yelled. "What? Dude can't we just leave him be. What did he even do?" Nickolas asked "HE'S QUEER! NOW PUNCH HIM!" "But why can't...." "JUST DO IT!!!!!" Dave screamed. Nickolas sighed walking over to me. "Dare I'm so sorry please don't let this ruin our friendship." He whispered. I smiled at him and nodded. He brought back his fist holding me by my collar. I flashed a smile. He sighed putting down his fist "I'm sorry Dare your like a brother to me I can't hurt you I'm sorry I even tried" "NICKOLAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Dave screamed. "YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU DAVE IVE BEEN FOLLOWING YOUR RULES FOR 7 YEARS" Nickolas yelled. "And you know what Tyler!" Tyler looked at Nick and blushed. Nick walked over and stood inches in front of him. "I like you a lot and I've always have" Nick said leaning forward. Everyone gasped as Tyler closed the space between them. I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek. Nick smirked into the kiss as Tyler jumped up and wrapped his legs around Nicks waist. They walked away still kissing. I fell to the ground as a fist connected with my face. I screamed out in pain as another hit me in the jaw then the eye. "Ahhhhh!" Dave kicked me in the face making my lip bust. "QUEER!" he spat walking away. I was in to much pain to run home so I ran to the closest room and hid in the bathroom (FLASHBACK OVER) I felt Mendus tighten his grip on my hand. I opened my eyes and gasped. We were surrounded in black white red and purple flames. I tried to relax some to make them go away "s....sorry" I said stuttering. I felt an arm go around my waist and pull me close. I blushed at how close we were. I layed down, my head in his lap. I smiled as he started playing with my hair.
(TAYLORS POV) "so your falling in love with a boy you just met?" Singe asked taking a drink of his beer. "Yeah his names Adrian. I know its stupid but just something about him makes me happy" I said smiling "Dude its not stupid. I didn't even know you were gay or bi." He said smiling looking over at a boy. I know that look it's the look of want. He use to look at another boy like that but I never noticed it until now. "I didn't know you were either" I said taking a drink if my drink "wh......what?" He asked looking at me. "Dude ever since that boy went over there you've been staring at him. Either you want to kill him or fuck his brains out and I'm pretty sure its not the first one" I said laughing. He sighed "how long have you been bi?" I asked him. "Im not bi I don't even like girls I never have." He said looking down. "Hold on" I said smiling "where you going?" He asked "to get another drink" I walked over to a table "Ok let's see I need a cup"I said looking at the table I found a cup and filled it up with beer. I walked over to the boy sitting on the couch. I have to admit he was pretty cute. He had purple hair and blue eyes. I sat down beside him "hi" I said smiling "hi" he said frowning "what's wrong?" I asked "just bored I guess nobody to talk to" he said yawning "hmmm I have a solution my friend over there also has nobody to talk to come on" I said pulling him up by his hand "here sit here" I whispered to him he sat down awkwardly. I smiled walking away trying to find Adrian.
(ADRIANS POV BACKTRACK ) "oh god fuck!" I moaned as he sunk his teeth back into my abdomen. "DAMN OH!" I moaned he rocked his lower into mine making me moan even louder. I arched into him as he sucked harder. "Ze....Zeke oh i can't do this" I said moaning. I arched into him as he retracted his fangs. He licked and sucked the last bit of blood away. "S...sorry" he said sitting beside me "I..its fine wait can I do something?" I asked "uh sure" I leaned over and kissed him slowly. I pulled away pecking his lips "sorry I've been waiting to kiss someone since earlier today" I said laughing "hey are you still drunk?" He asked. I still felt a little buzzed but still sober. "Nah you?" I asked smiling "nah hey you wanna get high?" He asked jumping up. "Uhhhh you have pot?" I asked sitting up "are you a cop?" He asked "no" "then yes" he said laughing. "Have you ever done it before?" He asked digging in his pocket. "Uhhhh not really!" I said smiling "oh goody that means I can be your first to do it with!!! FUCK YEAH!!!" he said jumping up and down. He pulled out a little rolled up piece of paper "this my friend is called a joint its FUCKING awesome!!" He said lighting it. I smiled at him watching as he sucked in the smoke. "Here to get you use to it" he said blowing the smoke in my face. He repeated this process for about 5 minutes "OK your ready remember suck in the smoke then hold it in a few seconds OK?" He said handing me the joint. I nodded and took it from his hand. I took a deep breath and hit it. I held in the smoke as long as I could then blew it out. "Dude I'm fucking hungry it feels like I haven't ate in like 5 days!" I said getting up. "OH my god" Zeke screamed "WHAT?!" I yelled "I WANT SOME FUCKING COOKIES!" He yelled getting up "oh my god I haven't had cookies since like I was 3!!!" I screamed "haha let's go!" We ran out of the room and down the stairs. We made it to the kitchen and started digging in the fridge "uh Adrian what are you doing?" I looked behind me to see Taylor standing there. "ZEKE!!!!! HE KNOWS MAKE A BREAK FOR IT!" I yelled. "What about the cookies?" He pouted "FUCK THE COOKIES IM GONNA GET MY ASS KICKED WAIT WHAT KIND OF COOKIES?" I asked looking at him "UHH CHOCOLATE" "GRAB THE FUCKING COOKIES!" "WAIT EWW NEVER MIND THEY'RE FUCKEN RAISINS " He said frowning "FORGET THE FUCKING COOKIES AND LETS GO" I yelled "uhhhh Adrian are you OK wait come here?" Taylor said walking toward me. I started running away laughing. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I got tackled. "Why do you smell like that. UHHH ZEKE DID YOU GET HIM HIGH!!" Taylor yelled "hahahahaha sorry Taylor he asked for it!" Zeke said laughing "haha you my baby yes you are" I said pinching Taylor's cheeks making him blush. "Awwwww your sooooo adorable when you blush" I said hiccuping. I somehow managed to flip us so I was on top. "Ooooooh live gay porn awesome!" Zeke said watching us. "Uhhhh Adrian your high get off" Taylor said. I smirked at him "what?" He asked with a worried face. I gently rocked my lower against his. "Oh god" he gasped as I did it again but harder "HEY NO SEX ON THE FLOOR ITS CALLED A BEDROOM" a boy shouted at us. My eyes widened as I suddenly came off my high. "OH MY GOD TAYLOR IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING IM SO SORRY IT WAS A MASTAKE!" I said getting up off of him. " its fine as long as you didn't know were doing" he said getting up. "Um will you excuse me for a second?" Taylor said running out the door.
(MENDUS'S POV) I sat there playing with Dare's hair. I could hear light snores coming out of his mouth. He looked so peaceful when he slept. "Ahhh" I screamed I put up a barrier so Dare wouldn't hear me or anyone else. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Pain was corsing through me it happens when I stay invisible for too long it drains my strength. The pain stopped as I came into view. "Damn that hurts" I carefully stood up. Making sure I didn't wake Dare. I looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Why can't I be cute why do I have to be so ugly?" I asked myself. I had red and blue hair, green eyes and a scar going down my lip. "YOUR UGLY AND PATHETIC DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD LIKE YOU. THAT I WOULD BE WITH 'YOU'" the memory played over in my head. (FLASHBACK) I sat there just admiring her beauty. "Why are you staring at me loser?" She asked. I frowned "don't take it too hard I'm sure you hear those names a lot" she said texting on her phone. I took a deep breath and tapped her on the shoulder "Samantha?" I said tapping her "uhhh what do you wan...." I cut her off by kissing her. She quickly pushed me off "ugh what the hell what do you think your doing?" She yelled "I....I just thought maybe" "oh my god you are so pathetic!" She screamed "w..what?" "Your ugly and pathetic. Did you really think I would like you. That I would be with you!" "I....I" "uhhhh! Loser!" She yelled getting up and walking away (FLASHBACK OVER) I sighed and turned invisible I quietly sat back down running my fingers through Dare's hair and closed my eyes.
(TAYLOR'S POV) "Um will you excuse me for a second?" I said running out the door. I don't know where I was going I just couldn't stay here. His words played over and over again in my head "OH MY GOD TAYLOR I'M SO SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING. IM SO SORRY IT WAS A MASTAKE" I ran until I got into some woods. I fell to the ground crying. Blue and red flames surrounding me. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed clenching my chest. "Take a breath" something said in my mind "relax" I took a deep breath relaxing. "OK calm down" I whispered. The flames slowly died down what did I do to deserve this the pain? I know he didn't mean it like that but still "you know the darkest flames are the lightest souls" I jumped and turned around. Adrian was leaning against a tree. Damn he looked hot. "Listen Taylor I'm sorry for what I said and did back there" he said sitting beside me. "I..its fine" I said giving a fake smile. He sighed and scooted closer to me. "Why did you run away?" He asked looking at me "I...I" I couldn't tell him that I liked him. He would think that I was gross. "Its fine if you don't want to tell me" he said engulfing me in a hug. "I would give up anything to relive the moment" my eyes widened at his thoughts. "Me on top of him, him moaning as I rocked my lower against his." He sighed and titened his grip on me. I stood up leaving him in the ground. "Come on there's a lake not to far from here" I said helping him up. "B...but I don't have anything to swim in" he stuttered "who said we needed clothes" I said smiling as I dragged him along.
(DENNIS'S POV BACKTRACK) I sighed sitting on the couch. I looked over at a boy and smiled he blushed and quickly looked away. I sat there just staring off into space. "hi" a boy said smiling "hi" i said frowning "what's wrong?" He asked "just bored I guess nobody to talk to" i said yawning "hmmm I have a solution my friend over there also has nobody to talk to come on" he said pulling me up by my hand "here sit here" he whispered to me. I sat down awkwardly. As the boy walked away I sighed not knowing what to do. The boy beside me raised his head and looked at me. He gasped "AHH SHIT!" he yelled falling out of his chair. I smiled laughing "are...are you ok?" I asked laughing "y...yeah" he stuttered getting back on his chair. "Um its nice to meet you I....I'm Dennis" I said extending my hand. He hesitated but slowly shook my hand "I...I'm Singe." I smiled making him blush. 'Soooo um how are you? " I asked taking a sip of my drink. "Terrible" he said sighing. I looked at him confused "why?" "I don't know just confused" he said looking off into space. "What are you confused about?" I asked "" he sighed. "Well I can't help you there but I do know this, don't try to hide your sadness or feelings. If you keep them cooped up inside you'll never be able to live the way you want" I said scratching the back of my head. He looked at me and smiled "thanks Dennis" he said getting up. "No prob. Wait are you leaving?" I asked "uh yeah I'm a little tired" he stuttered "well can I walk you home?" I asked "I live like really far away like 2 hours away on foot are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure" I said getting up.
(DARES POV BACKTRACK) I yawned raising up. I could still feel the alcohol in my body but it was just a buzz. I felt something tighten around my hand. I looked down to see nothing there. I thought for a moment as the memories came back in my mind Mendus? I thought smiling. "Am I ever going to be able to see you tighten your grip if yes" I said smiling I felt nothing and sighed. I jumped as he tightened his grip. A smile formed on my face. "Awesome" I whispered. I got up pulling him with me. I quickly ran out of the room pulling him by his hand. "Where are we going?" My eyes widened as he talked I quickly stopped in my tracks. "WE'RE GOING TO GET FUCKED UP!!!" I screamed. I could feel the heat rise to my face as he tightened his grip. "Uhhh wait" I said smiling "stay here for a second" I said leaving the room. I couldn't let him leave the room if someone saw a floating beer they would be scared shitless. I ran downstairs and grabbed some beers. I looked over and saw some purple liquid in a bottle. I quickly grabbed it. I looked around and saw vodka i grabbed it and ran upstairs. I quickly opened the door to the room I was in. "Ok here we go wait are you in here?" I asked aloud no response came. I sighed I jumped as something tightened around my hand. I smiled "why didn't you answer?" I asked "I...I can't talk when I'm yawning" he stuttered. "Oh" I said rubbing my arm. " I'm sorry" he said tightening his grip. I could feel the heat rise up in my face. "Oh uh here" I said handing him a beer. I watched as the top came off and all the beer drained out. "Damn uh" I said taking the cap off of the beer. I slowly took a sip "AHH fuck that's fucking AHH gross" I said gagging. Mendus started laughing his laugh was so beautiful. "Uhhh I don't see how you drank that fuck that's gross" I smiled as he laughed harder. "Here" I handed him another beer and watched as he chugged it. "Ok I got this come on Dare you got this you can do this" I said taking a deep breath. I went to drank the beer but stopped "nope I can't do it" I said laughing. "Ohhh" I laughed at his response. "You think thats bad here" he said taking the bottle out of my hand. "Try this" he said handing me a bottle of vodka. I smiled ear to ear and took the bottle. I cleared my throat. "Are you sure?" I asked sweetly "yeah try it go ahead" he said laughing I smiled and took the cap off. I smiled and started chugging the bottle when I stopped chugging the bottle was almost empty. "What the FUCK!!! You can chug vodka but not a fucking 8% alcohol beverage!?" I laughed "yeah well I've been drinking vodka since I was like 9" I said laughing. "Hmm I wish I knew you when I was 9 when I was that age I was still playing with Lego's" he said laughing. Our laughter soon died down. "Hmm whats that?" He asked I looked over to see a bottle with purple liquid in it "I don't know" I said grabbing it. I took the cap off and smelt it it smelt like fruit. I slowly took a sip. "Oooh that's delicious try this" I handed him the bottle he slowly took a sip. "Oh hell no not this I drunk this when I was 15 and it made me see things its like weed but in a liquid form" he said handing me the bottle. "Really awesome." I said smiling. "Wait let me see it for a second" I slowly handed him the bottle I watched as he chunked it across the room making it shatter against the wall "awwwww I wanted to drank that" I said frowning "Noway that stuff can mess you up" he said laughing I sighed I opened a beer and took a deep breath I quickly chugged the beer. I gasped for air as I stopped chugging. "Fucking gross" I yelled. We started laughing. "Uh Hey Mendus can I ask you something?"
(ADRIAN'S POV) "Come on there's a lake not to far from here" he said helping me up. "B...but I don't have anything to swim in" I stuttered "who said we needed clothes" he said smiling as he dragged me along. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks. After a few minutes we stopped. "Well here we are" he said smiling. Taylor slowly started undressing. "W...what are you?" I stuttered "well we came here to swim didn't we? If your that self conscious about your body then you can wear your boxers but I'm not" he said pulling his boxers down. My mouth fell open and my cheeks started to get warm. "Thank you....thank you very much" he said smiling. "No thank you" I thought smiling. He ran back then jumped in the water. "Shit this feels awesome come on Adrian get in" he yelled winking. I slowly kicked off my shoes and socks. I took my shirt off revealing scars going across my chest. I slowly unbuttoned my pants. I looked up and blushed. Taylor was staring at me not moving while biting his lip. I slid my pants off and put them to the side. I left my boxers on and slowly slid into the water I made my way over to Taylor who was still staring and biting his lip. "Earth to Taylor?" I said waving my hand in his face. He shook his head and smiled at me. "Sorry bout that" he said smiling. "Its..f..fine" I stuttered "why you still in your boxers?" He asked "I....I don't know" I said looking to the side "well if you don't have a reason to still have them on why dont you take them off?" He said smirking "o...ok" I stuttered I slowly slid my boxers down and tossed them over my shoulder "t...there" I said smiling. "Uhhh ha um do you wanna go swim to that dock?" He stuttered pointing to a dock "sure" I said starting to swim. It took us about 3 minutes to get to the dock but we finally made it "so um Taylor how old are you?" I asked smiling "I'm 18 what about you?" He asked "I just turned 17 today" I said smiling I forgot it was even my birthday. "Its your birthday? Well happy birthday." He said smiling "thank you" I smiled "so did you get anything?" He asked. I really didn't want anything to be honest. "No" I sighed "well what does the birthday boy want?" He said pulling me to him by my waist. "I....I" I started stuttering ah curse my stupid stuttering. He backed up against the dock and pulled me with him. We were a few inches away. He grabbed my waist and slowly pulled me to him to where we were touching. "Anything the birthday boy wants" he whispered in my ear. Is this actually happening? I'm not dreaming this am I? "Anything" he whispered kissing my neck. I shivered at his touch. "Tell me what you want" he whispered pushing up against me. I know that I'm high and probably won't remember this so I should do it. I didn't answer he began to pull away but I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him to me. I quickly kissed him. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I pulled away slowly. "I want you" I whispered in his ear.
(TAYLOR'S POV) "I want you" he whispered in my ear. My mind was going crazy as butterflies flew around in my stomach I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him. I flipped us around to where his back was to the dock pole. I pushed him up against it. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I licked his bottom lip for entrance he gladly excepted my tongue. Our tongues faught for dominance. I won easily. I pushed my lower into his making him gasp. I pulled away and trailed kisses down to his neck. I sunk my fangs into his neck making him gasp. I started to suck faster and harder his pain filled gasps soon turned into pleasure filled moans. I smiled as blood ran down my chin. "OH god Taylor" he moaned I loved hearing him moan it was like music to my ears.I slowly bit down harder. "Oh god" I tried yo savoir the moment. I knew Adrian was drunk and high at the same time and I knew that he would forget all of this. I slowly picked him up out of the water and layed him on the dock. I got on top of him and connected our lips. I pushed my lower into his making him gasp. I took that advantage and slid my tongue in. "Oh god I'm so high I hope this is real" my eyes widened a bit at his thoughts. I slowly pecked his lips and pulled away. He whimpered. I smirked and snapped my fingers making boxers appear on us. I leaned down and bit his lip and pushed my hand into his boxers I was planning on stopping that's why I put boxers on. I slowly pulled my hand out making him whimper. I pecked his lips and layed beside him. He put his head on my chest "Taylor?"he asked " yeah?" "Thank you for giving me a great birthday" he said looking up at me. I smiled pecking his lips "your welcome"
(SINGE'S POV) "uh yeah I'm a little tired" I stuttered "well can I walk you home?" Dennis asked "I live like really far away like 2 hours away on foot are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure" he said getting up. I smiled walking beside him. "So?? Uh Singe how old are you?" He asked smiling. I looked back at the house as it got smaller and smaller the farther we went. "18 you" I asked "19" he said grinning from ear to ear. I laughed. "So you die first if we sie of old age" I said smiling. "Uh yeah"he said rubbing his arm. "so what are your hobbies?" I asked smiling "um hunting" he smiled "cool I've never been hunting is it fun?" I asked "you've never been hunting?" He asked surprised "" I stuttered. "Wow well one day I'm gonna take you hunting would you like to go?" He asked "yeah sure I would like that" I said smiling. I looked away to hide my blushing. "Cool um so do you got any brothers or sisters?" He asked smiling. "Um no I'm an only child what about you?" I asked "um I have a brother well had a brother he died when we were 15 he was my twin except he had blue hair and purple eyes" he said frowning "how'd it happen?" I asked frowning "uh um car crash" he said quickly. "Oh um I'm sorry" "no its fine" he said sadly. We slowly walked up my driveway. "Uh hey do you wanna come in? my parents aren't here they're in a business trip." I said smiling "um sure if its ok with you" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah its fine" I said pulling him in by his hand I closed the door behind us "uh do you want something to drank?" I asked "um no I'm fine but thank you" he said smiling. It was so weird just standing there. "Um do you wanna play a game or uh" I stuttered "yeah sure" he said rubbing his arm. I grabbed his hand and pulled him along up to my room "come on" I said walking up the stairs still dragging him by his hand. I walked in my room and shut the door "ok so I have different kinds of games. Video games bored games and card games" I said smiling. "Here pick one out" I opened my closet revealing a bunch of games. I sat on my bed watching him search through the games. "Hey what is Fantasies?" He asked my eyes widened. "Uh I....its uh" I stuttered. "2 to 4 players. Sit in a circle on the floor or wherever you choose to sit. Each player takes turns picking a card telling a fantasy. The fantasy can be sexual or it can be playful or funny. Once you pick a card read it aloud then spin the spinner. Whoever it lands on has to help you make the fantasy come true Warning:for ages 16 or older keep out of children's reach" Dennis said reading the instructions. My eyes widened and I was still stuttering "I.......I didn't.......k...know...that there....I'm....s...sorry" I stuttered looking away to hide my blushing. " you wanna play?" He asked sitting in the floor.
(DENNIS'S POV) "do you wanna play?" I asked sitting on the floor he just stared at me stuttering about how he was sorry "I'm sorry I didn't know that was.....wait what?" He asked "I asked if you wanna play it seems like fun" I said laughing it did seem like fun it seemed awesome. "S...sure" he said slowly sitting in the floor "I mean if you don't want to that's fine we can find another game to.." "No no I uh want to play" he said smiling. "Um ok haha uh do you wanna go first?" He asked "um sure wait since there's only 2 of us do we need the spinner?" I asked "um no" he said chunking the spinner over his shoulder. We laughed for a few seconds then started the game "ok um let's see your sitting there walking when all of a sudden a person tackled you to the ground and makes you beg to let you up ahhhhh" I screamed as I got tackled to the ground. I looked up to see Singe pinning my arms down. "Hmmm card says you gotta beg come on Dennis you can do this" Singe said smirking. "Do I really have to beg?" I asked pouting "hey your the one that wanted to play this" he said smiling. "Uhhh oh please please oh god please" I said plainly "oh come on I think you can do better than that" he said laughing.I took a deep breath and acted like I was begging "please I'm begging you pl....please stop oh god please please let me go please I'll do anything please oh god" I blushed as I accidentally moaned the last 'oh god' "well that was the best begging I have ever heard" he said smiling. "S...sorry about that" I said turning my head to stop him from seeing my blushing. "No don't apologize it was good oh um" he stuttered getting off me. He put out his hand and helped me up. "Hmum ok my turn" he said picking up a card "ok you just met a person that you like make a move and ask them out on a date" he said blushing. I looked at him wide eyed. He slowly made his way over to me and sat down beside me. He slowly put his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap "so uh I was wondering um would you wanna g..go out on a date? With me? I know someone as beautiful as you don't belong with someone like me but its worth a try" he said smiling. "Your turn" he said handing me the card. "Ok um your best friend has never kissed a person and you t........teach them. Kiss for 30 seconds" I read aloud I looked down and noticed I was still in his lap and blushed. "Um ok let me get my phone out for a timer" he set the timer "ok ready?" He asked. I slowly nodded and took a deep breath. He started the timer and leaned in leaving a small space between us. I closed the space by leaning forward. I felt the heat rise up in my face as. He pushed his lips against mine. I slowly pushed back.. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. He bit my lip making me gasp. He took that advantage and stuck his tongue I'm my mouth. Wow for someone that's just acting he's really getting into this hey but I'm not complaining. The timer went off and we pulled away. "Hmum s...sorry about that " I said blushing "I.." He cut me off with his lips he pushed me backwards onto my back and on me. He bit my lip drawing blood. He stuck his tongue in my mouth fighting for domanince. He easily won. I moaned into the kiss as he pushed his lower into mine into He pulled my shirt off and threw it across the room. He pushed his lower into mine making me moan into the kiss again. I slowly led my hand down to his boxers waistband.
(MENDUS'S POV) "uh hey Mendus can I ask you something?" Dare asked me "yeah sure what is it?" I asked smiling. "Why.....why are you being so nice to me?"he asked I hesitated " well why not. I know how you feel I've been in your situation. I know how it feels to be lonely and I don't want you to go through the same thing. Your a nice kid and I wanna be there for you when some one is mean to you so i can stick up for you" I said smiling. He smiled turning away so I couldn't see his blush. I frowned "Why do you do that?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "W..what?" He asked. "You blush then look away to try and hide it" I said frowning. "I.....I because...I look weird when I bl.......blush" he stuttered looking down frowning. I slowly lifted his chin. "How can you be so blind?" I whispered "w..what" "I said how can you be so blind? you're the most beautiful person on earth. And if someone tells you differently then they'll have to go through me" I whispered. He smiled but I could tell it was fake "why do they do this to me? They say these things just to make me feel better and yet it makes me feel worse because I know it will never be true. Please just let this one be different" I frowned at his thoughts. "Come on" I said pulling him up by his hand "wh......where are we going?" He asked. "I wanna show you something" I said pulling him along. I tightened my grip on his hand making him blush. I smirked at him. We went down stairs. I smiled when seeing drunk people everywhere. There was people smoking making out playing truth or dare and drinking. "Oh looky here its Dare this is the queer that kissed Dave" a boy said pushing Dare up against the wall. "Ple....please Stop let g..go" Dare said crying "oh no I got plans for you" the boy said grinning. Dare sighed like he was use to it. He turned his head to the side "please just hurry and get it over with" he sighed. Something inside of me snapped. "Dare close your eyes" I spoke in his ear softly. "Don't open them okay until I say you can" he nodded and slowly closed his eyes. "Don't close you eyes on me you faggot" the boy yelled. Dare kept his eyes closed . I walked up behind the boy "let him go or I'll make you" I whispered where only he could hear. He sneered and didn't let go. I made a dagger appear in my hand "I said let him go" I said pushing the point of the dagger into his back. He cried out in pain as I pushed through his skin. He let Dare drop to his feet. "Never again touch him or I'll rip out your heart do you understand me!" I sneered in his ear. I push the blade farther into his skin he cried "yes" he cried "yes what" I snapped "y..yes sir" he cried I smirked "now apologize for being such a dick to Dare do it now or I'll rip your heart out in one stab!" I snapped. "D...Dare I'm...... I'm sorry pl...please forgive me" he said helping Dare up off the ground Dare still had his eyes closed as he spoke "I...I forgive you" he stuttered. "Now next time you bully somebody your going to feel a very sharp pain in your back and every time you be mean the pains just gonna get worse until you apologize" I said snapping my fingers "now go" I said taking the knife out of his back. He quickly ran away. I slowly walked over to Dare "beautiful you can open your eyes now" I whispered softly in his ear. He slowly open his eyes blushing at the name I gave him. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers pulling him with me. I walked outside still dragging him. I snapped my fingers making a portal appear. We silently stepped through.
(DARE'S POV) I looked around at where we were it was beautiful. We sat on a green grassed hill. It was dark but the stars and moon shown brightly. There were stars everywhere. I couldn't take my eyes off the sky. "Where are we?" I breathed. "Sky's Hill. Its where you just sit here and appreciate the beauty of the sky to get away from all your problems. The first demon ever made this. He was tired of having so many problems in his life about being a demon that he used all of his powers trying to create something to help. he didn't mean to create this though. Him using all of his powers caused him to over power and die. He exploded into many bright lights and he now represents himself as the stars and no matter what time of day it is those stars will shine brighter than anything you've ever seen" he said I could tell he was smiling. It took my breath away. I blushed looking down at our hands. I still couldnt see his hand but still managed a blush. I looked up at the sky "Beautiful" he said aloud "it is isn't it" I said smiling. "I wasn't talking about the sky" he mumbled to himself he didn't know that I could hear him. I slowly laid on my back. He laid down with me. "So um D..Dare have you always been demon?" He asked as he started rubbing his thumb over my hand. "N...No my dad was demon and my mom wasnt my dad died when I was 2 I have a twin brother he was demon and I asked him if he could turn me so we could always be together. He was scared to at first but he said ok and I was about 6 at the time" I said smiling "what about you" I asked "well me and my brothers are demons from birth. I haven't seen my 2 brothers since I was 7 the oldest was 9 and the younget was 5 at the time. Even though I was younger than my older brother. I always stood up for him and helped him out when he needed it. But I was causing to much problems. I couldn't control my powers. I caused 19 fires in just 1 day. So my mom kicked me out she hated us. I told my brothers that I was going out for the night so they wouldn't worry. Well that night when they were asleep I snuck in and told them I loved them and erased all their memories of me was for their own good" his voice broke at the end. "I scooted closer to him I didn't know where he was but I had to at least try to comfort him. I tightened my grip on his hand. I barrier my head in his chest and hugged him " I'm sorry" he said hugging me "its fine i understand" I said scooting closer. He put his arm around me and pulled me to him. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he pulled me closer "Dare I...I'm sorry" Mendus said letting go of my hand "for what?" I asked "for not getting to you sooner. I'm sorry. I saw how you looked earlier you looked like you were use to it. How long have you've been bullied?" He asked. "S...since I was in kindergarten. It started when I was just turned a week before. I had a nervous break down. I was seeing things And I needed blood. Ever since then people bullied me for saying there were voices in my head" I said wiping away a tear. "Well as long as I'm here you will never be bullied or feel lonely again I promise you that" he said intertwining our hands "good night Mendus" I whispered closing my eyes "good night.....Dare" he whispered pecking my cheek and tightening his grip on my hand.

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