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(UNKNOWN POV) I sat there just watching everyone. I sighed leaning against the tree. "S...Sir?" I looked over. "What!" I snapped. The boy flenched. He was 18 and yet I was only 17 "W....We found someone" he said stuttering. "Really damn about time I'm hungry where is she?" I asked "I..its a boy" he mumbled "ok then where is he as long as I get blood!" I snapped. I followed the boy to a clearing. "There" he said pointing at a tree "good go everyone go away so I can eat!" I snapped. "Trance! Tell Blake I need to talk to her after I'm done tell her to meet me at the cave" I ordered "haha its not me this time fuck yeah!" Trance said cheerfully. "Just go" I snapped. Trance and Blake were brother and sister but looked nothing alike. Trance was 17 with green and black hair with dark red and blue eyes. He was pretty cute but nothing compared to his little sister she was the prettiest no most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is 16 with beautiful glowing white hair and baby blue eyes. She was beautiful but yet dangerous and so was Trance. Trance ran off to tell his sister. When everyone left. I walked over to the tree that the boy was tied to. My eyes widened h...he was beautiful he had rainbow hair and rainbow eyes. He smirked at me. "So 'sir' how do you like your dinner?" He laughed coldly. His voice was beautiful. "Hmm you should let me go I mean what the point in eating me? I mean seriously I haven't even tried to get free" he snapped. "Then why haven't you?" I asked smirking. My eyes widened as he disappeared. "Oh please and miss this opportunity. I mean how can I pass something like you up" he said gently kissing my neck. "W..who oh are you?" I said as he found a sweet spot and sucked on it. "Well it depends" I looked forward and he was tied to the tree. "On what?" I asked "on who you want me to be" he laughed. "I could be bad boy I could be naughty. I could be called your baby boy" I felt his breath hit my neck as his lower pressed against me. "Buuutttt my real name is Kite. Nice to meet you" he said smirking he was tied to the tree agian "so you wanna taste?" He grinned from ear to ear. "Come on trust me your gonna want to taste this rainbow once you had a taste" he lick his lips "just a taste" he whispered in my ear. "Why did you want me to do it so bad?!" I asked "haha are you serious haha oh wait your serious. Have you never had your blood suck before!" He asked I slowly shook my head no "oh god you don't know what your missing. Please just hurry up" he begged. "Please!" He begged I just stood there. "AHH" I yelped as he tackled me to the ground he pinned my arms above my head "have a taste please" he whispered softly in my ear. I flipped us so I was on top. I sunk my fangs into his neck. He yelped in pain. I slowly sucked. His gasps soon turned into moans as I sucked harder. His blood tasted amazing. Its a taste I can't explain. "O...oh god" he moaned arching into me. His moans weren't helping they were making me wanna keep sucking. It was like music to my ears. "Oh....oh hard...harder please" he moaned. I sucked harder as he moaned "o..oh god dont....stop" he moaned. I sucked more but slowed down. He whimpered as I retracted my fangs I sucked and licked up the blood. I looked down to notice I was straddling him. I usually kill the people I take blood from but this boy caught my attention I couldn't kill him. He flipped us so he was on top. "Let me have a taste please" he whispered in my ear. I slowly nodded. He smirked at me and leaned down to my neck. He gently kissed my neck. I gasped as he sunk his fangs in. He slowly sucked making me gasp. My gasps soon turned into moans. "Oh god" I moaned as a wave of pleasure ran up my spine. He started to suck faster and harder "oh g...god do...don't st...stop" I moaned. "J....join me...my army I...I could u...use oh you" I moaned. It was the truth how fast he was and how smart he was and how cute he was and and hmum never mind. "P...please j..join..me y...you c...can be...sec...second coman...der" I moaned as he sucked faster. I arched into him. "D..damn oh god fuck me!" I moaned as he rocked his lower into mine while sucking harder. I was getting dizzy from to much blood loss but I didn't care. I whimpered as he retracted his fangs. He slowly licked the blood away. "Will you? Join my army I could use a second comander like you" I said smiling. "Why should I?" He asked kissing down my neck "b..because I need you" I breathed "hmm" he said throwing my shirt off and kissing down my stomach. "No because I want you" I whispered in his ear. He smiled "deal" he slowly pulled my pants down with my boxers. "Oh god"
(ADRIAN'S POV) I slowly opened my eyes. I had a hangover from hell. I looked up to see Taylor sleeping.I blushed seeing I was in his arms. Thank god for that because the sun would of blinded me. I looked down and saw that we were only wearing boxers. I blushed as images of last night flickered through my head. I smiled ear to ear. I slowly looked up when feeling Taylor move. "Shit that's bright" he said opening his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. "Good morning" he said smirking. I slowly crawled on top of him "morning" I whispered closing the space between us. Taylor tensed up but soon relaxed. He held me by my waist as I rocked my lower into his. He slowly slid his tongue into my mouth. He easily won the dominance. I slowly pulled away and laid my head on his chest. "Well that was awesome" I laughed at Taylor's words. "I....I thought you were to drunk and high to remember last night" he stuttered. I leaned up and connected our lips. "How can I forget the happiest night of my life?" I said smiling. He smiled at me. "Adrian can I ask you something?" I looked up at him. "Yeah what is it?" "Well....I...I know we just met l..like yesterday b..but I like..you a lot and....and I was wondering would you kinda wanna be my boyfriend?" He stuttered I felt the heat rise up in my face "yes" I said kissing him
(SINGE'S POV) I stretched as I opened my eyes. Last night was awesome I loved it. I looked over to see Dennis was missing. I looked on my nightstand and saw a note.
Hey thanks for last night....I....I had fun lol it sounded and looked like you had fun to. You were moaning in your sleep. I really like you thanks for everything ;) maybe I can take you hunting one day call me (841-682-9721)
bye Dennis
I smiled to myself as images of Dennis moaning ran through my head. I got up and dug through my dresser for some clothes. I grabbed my clothes going into the bathroom. I turned on the water and stepped in. I closed my eyes leaning my head against the wall infront of me as a smile made its way across my face. Memories played over and over in my mind. (flashback) "oh god" Dennis moaned as I pushed my hand into his pants. I slowly kissed his neck leaving little hickies. "Oh....god FUCK ME!" he moaned. "That can be arranged" I purred in his ear. (flashback over) I washed my hair and body then got out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked in my bedroom. I changed into clothes, black Peirce the Veil T-shirt gray skinny jeans and black and white high tops. I went downstairs and made me something to eat. I looked at the note over and over again thanks for last night....I....I had fun call me (841-682-9721) I thought about calling him. I threw the note on the table. I slowly walked out of the house. I started to walk (1 hour later) I stopped infront of the house falling to the ground laughing. I slowly walked in the house there was people passed out everywhere with beer cans and blunts and ect. everywhere. I went to the kitchen grabbing a garbage bag. I started picking up anything that looked like trash and threw it away "god when Zeke see's this" I said laughing. "To late I've already seen it" I looked over at Zeke. His green hair was in a mess he only wore boxers and he had toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. I have to admit he looked good "dude at least let me do a full spin for you to check me out" he said sticking his arm out and spinning. I laughed and started picking up trash "dude you don't gotta do that I'll clean that stuff up" he said going to the sink to rinse his mouth out. "No its fine hey dude where were you last night I barely even saw you" I shouted out kicking a person in the floor telling them to get out. "I was hosting games. Dude did you know Taylor was back I would of freaked out but I was to high. Oh and I met this really awesome boy he was hanging out with Taylor I got him high and Taylor yelled at me" he said helping me pick up trash. A smile grew across my face. "Was his name?????? Adrian by any chance??????" "Yeah Taylor left with him after they almost made live gay porn on the floor" he said laughing. "Go Taylor fuck yeah" I shouted. "Hmm? What about me?" I turned around to see Taylor and a really really cute boy in his arms. He had black spikey hair and bright green eyes. I grinned from ear to ear. "Hey its you! we made out then got high" Zeke yelled. Adrian paled and looked at Taylor. "Its fine" he said laughing. "Hmum um care to introduce me to your 'friend' Taylor?" I said smirking. "Oh uh Adrian this is my long lost best friend Singe. Singe this is the boy I've been telling you about my boyfriend, Adrian" he said smirking when he said boyfriend. I practically fangirled right then and there. But I kept my cool. "HOLY SHIT!!! oh hmum I mean hehehe its nice to meet you Adrian Taylor has talked a lot about you hell yeah" I squealed shaking his hand. Adrian smiled he was beautiful. "It's nice to meet you Singe" I smiled and let go of his hand. "Hey who wants to get high?" Zeke asked. "Um baby I'm going to go get high with Zeke bye" Adrian said kissing Taylor and following Zeke. A boy with messy hair got up off the floor and hobbled to where they were going. Me and Taylor busted out laughing and continued cleaning.
(DENNIS'S POV BACKTRACK) I slowly got up from the bed making sure I didn't wake Singe. I found my clothes and put them on I smiled as images from last night played through my head (flashback) "oh god" i moaned as Singe pushed his hand into my pants. He slowly kissed my neck leaving little hickies. "Oh....god FUCK ME!" I moaned. "That can be arranged" he purred in my ear. (flashback over) I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil
Hey thanks for last night....I....I had fun lol it sounded and looked like you had fun to. You were moaning in your sleep. I really like you thanks for everything ;) maybe I can take you hunting one day call me (841-682-9721)
bye Dennis
I sighed laying the note down on his nightstand. The sun was just coming up. I silently kissed Singe on the lips watching him cuddle up to a pillow. I sighed walking out of the house. I walked down the driveway I felt bad about lying to Singe about how my brother died. My brother didn't die in a car crash he died in a fire (flashback) I looked at my brother "I...I'm sorry Dream I....I didn't mean to" I said looking at him as tears filled my eyes. I couldn't control my powers. I killed my dad and step mom in a house fire when they where sleeping I tied them down to their bed and set them on fire. I don't know why but something in me snapped and I just did what I thought I had to do. I looked down as Dream hugged me in his arms. "Shhh Dennis its fine I know you didn't mean it but we have to go" he said letting go of me. "W....wait! My...my watch that mom got me is in there" I said running towards the house. The flames were bright and heated that I could feel them 20 ft away. "Wait no Dennis stay here I'll get it for you no matter what don't come into the house" he said hugging me and running into the house. I sat there tears running down my face. I didn't mean for this to happen it just slightly got out of hand. I quickly flew backwards as the house exploded. I scrambled up to my feet. "NO...NO!NOOOOO! DREAM! PLEASE DREAM!!!!!!" I screamed as tears stained my cheeks. "DREEEEEEEEAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!" I screamed falling to my knees. I sobbed quietly. He was the only family I had. And yet like everything I love it disappeared (flashback over) I sighed pushing the memory away. If I told Singe that I was a demon he would've freaked. And I really like him and I don't want him to go. Maybe he'll like me for who I am. But maybe not. I looked around "where the hell am I?"
(MENDUS'S POV) I slowly opened my eyes looking up at the sky. "Hum they're still out" I said staring at the stars. I felt something tighten around me I looked down and saw Dare asleep. Last night I drank blood from an unknown animal I built a fire and I turned visible for like 6 hours when Dare was asleep. I'm happy he hasn't seen what I look like if he did he would run away. I sighed I should last the whole day now since I went 6 hours being visible. "M...morning" I jumped hearing Dare's voice. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Dare said laughing. "It...its fine you just brought me out of my thoughts" I smiled. Dare tightened his grip around me. "Oh god!...D... Dare please remove your grip its below my waist" I said as Dare kept accidentally moving his arm. It was on my you know what and I was trying my hardest not to moan. Dare paled. "Oh god I'm s...sorry Mendus" he said removing his arm. He looked sad that he had to move. I scooted down to his height. I took his arm and put it around my chest. "There better?" I said watching him blush. "B....better" he stuttered snuggling up to me. I smiled. He doesn't even know what I look like and still he stays and bes nice to me. I could get use to this. How his white blue,red, and green streaked hair goes infront of his beautiful baby blue eyes.. He was beautiful. I mean I have seen cute boys before but Dare he was not cute nor hot. He.....he was beautiful in his own way. I looked down to see Dare had his eyes closed and he was smiling a little I couldn't help but snoop on his thoughts. (THOUGHTS DARE'S POV) I smiled as he tackled me to the ground. "So you care to tell me why you where staring at me?" Mendus smiled pinning my arms above my head. "I.....I....I" I stuttered. He smirked down at me. I imagined Mendus as a boy with black hair and brown eyes and a very pretty face. "So you don't want to tell me why you were staring at me?" He said leaning closer. I smirked and whispered "the world may never know" he started laughing loosening his grip on my hands. I quickly got up and ran. "AHH!" I yelled as I got pushed against the wall. I smiled as he pinned my arms to my side. We sat there in silence. I bit my lip looking at him then his lips. He smirked when noticing where I was looking at. I looked down to hide my embarrassed blush. He slowly lifted my chin and leaned towards my ear "D ..Dare? May I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll return it" my eyes widened as he said that and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I blushed as he leaned in. I closed my eyes leaning in with him. We connected lips slowly. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I gasped as he hoisted me up on his waist. He pushed his lower against mine making me gasp. He stuck his tongue in my mouth fighting for dominance he easily won. I giggled as he pushed me against the wall (THOUGHTS OVER MENDUS'S POV) I quickly stopped snooping as he came back into reality. Not even kidding his thoughts could of got me there. I could feel my buldge sticking through my pants. Thank god I was invisible if I wasn't damn. I was happy that he thought of me but yet I was sad that he got his hopes to high about what I look like. I wanna apologize to him for not being what he expected. "M.......Mendus?" He asked. "Yeah you ok?" I asked "I....I'm fine. But um I was wondering if I could..... Nevermind." He said looking down. I slowly lifted his chin "what is it Dare you can ask me don't worry" I said smiling. "W....well I haven't had um......b..blood in a while and I was just wondering if I could um....never mind forget I asked it was silly to ask." He said frowning. My eyes widened. Oh my god I should've gotten him some blood. Just imagine how he feels. I slowly lifted his chin "yes you may have some of my blood" I said smiling. His eyes widened and he jumped up. "R...really are you sure I can because if you don't want me to have some I'm fine with that I mean I can go try to hunt for some animal but itll be hard but that's OK and...." "Dare!!!! Its fine" I said standing up. I slowly got infront of him. I grabbed his hand and sat down with him. I took his hand and put it on my neck telling him where my neck was. Its probably going to be hard to suck blood when you can't even see where its coming from. "R....Ready?" He asked. I smiled nodding while saying "yeah I'm ready" "h...how am I going to do this? I...I mean like I can't see you and" he shut up as I pulled him on my lap to where he was straddling me. "Here" I whispered. He blushed and tried to look away but I grabbed his chin so he wouldn't. "Bite here" I said taking his hand and putting it on my neck. He nodded and smiled showing his cute little fangs. He leaned forward and slowly bit down. I gasped as he started to suck. My gasps soon turned into moans. I put my hand over my mouth to not let him hear my moans. He started to suck harder making a warm feeling go up my spine. My abdomen clenched as he sucked faster. "O..oh god!" I moaned. I'm so happy we were in the middle of nowhere because damn if we weren't people would be coming to see if I was alright. My moans slowly died down when he retracted his fangs making me whimper. "Hmum s...sorry mendus" he said playing with his fingers. I looked down panting he was straddling me. I blushed. "Oh um sorry" he mumbled getting off of me. "Its....um......fine" I said sitting up. "So you wanna go get some breakfast. I don't know about you but I'm hungry" I said smiling. He stood up smiling. "Yeah starving" he said dusting off. I opened a portal and grabbed his hand stepping in.
(DARE'S POV) We atept through the portal hand in hand. "Where are we?" I asked looking around we were in a bathroom facing the mirrors and sinks. "We are in a public bathroom at a diner......I think" he said the door opened just a peek and shut. "Yep were in a diner" he said. I smiled. "Ok let's go eat" he said. My eyes widened. "W....wait!!" I said grabbing his wrist. "What?" He asked. "What will people think when they see floating food?" I asked. "Don't worry I got that under control" "how" I asked. "I out up a special gas in the air to where humans won't see floating food or something invisible talking they'll see someone sitting there talking and eating" he said as we walked out of the bathroom. I smiled and sat down at a booth. I smiled at what I was assuming was Mendus. "Hey y'all would you like to order now?" A boy said coming up to us. "Uh just the pankakes for me and what about you Dare?" Mendus asked. "Just bacon and eggs will be fine" I said smiling. The waiter leaned down. Mendus whispered just enough where I could hear him. "And 2 glasses of dybe" the waiter's eyes widened and he smiled "yes sir" the boy smiled and walked off. "Uh what the hell is dybe" I asked. "You never heard of dybe? Every diner or restaurant or store has a person thats demon but they don't know they're demon and they supply dybe. Or other known as byed blood" he said. I smiled as the waiter put down a glass filled with orange liquid. I took a sil then downed the rest. "Damn chill chill" I smiled at his words. "So Dare what's your type?"
(ZEKE'S POV BACKTRACK) "So who wants to get high?" I asked smiling Adrian followed me into the bedroom. I looked at a boy confused. "Who are you?" I asked the boy. The boy looked at me and shrugged his shoulders walking away. Me and Adrian busted out laughing. "So what kind do you want?" I asked. Adrian looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I opened a box and pulled out a bag smiling. (Minutes after getting high) "holy shit dude did you see uh highlight? You know where um that zombie and werewolf fight for the girl named um zella? Cinderella? Bella? No it was Cinderella. The zombie has a weird hair cut and hes really pale and the werewolf is hot" Adrian said laughing while smoking some of the weed. "Dude you got it all wrong that movie is called um highlight wait you just said that well anyway he's not a zombie he's a....snowman? Yeaaaahhhhh. A snowwwwwwmaaaaaannnnn and her named isn't Cinderella its Bell and her father gets kidnapped by the werewolf and she goes to find him and the werewolf sees her in a magic um mirror and she takes her fathers place in the dungeon and little candles and teacups and clocks come to life and try to help her like it there and then the 5 little dwarfs come to save her and Willy Wonca gives them a golden ticket to get a ride to the ball in a pumpkin and that's were the snowman comes in she passes out from heat from all the apples she's eaten and the big bad wolf tried to save her but he had to much air and the snowman gave her a kiss and she awoke from her sleep and then they got married and had a baby and shit like that" I said smiling. Adrian looked at me weirdly "yeah your right I was talking about Spongebob" he said standing up. "Dude you wanna um um um nope I lost it I have no idea what I was going to say" I said frowning. "Oh!!! Yeah...um do you wanna um....shit!" I said laughing. "Nah...I don't have to go right now, what about you silent Bob," Adrian said looking at the boy beside him. The boy shook his head no. "Um...let's... Let's go eat!!" I said. I ran out of the room with Adrian. "Watch out you motha fuckin pop tarts ima bout to eat you!" I said crumping towards the fridge. "Dude wait isn't that um...canablism?" Adrian asked. "Nah bruh....hepatitus though," I said handing him a pop tart. I bit into my poptart slowly. I stopped mid bite hearing sniffling. I slowly looked over to see Adrian crying. "They neva had a chance ahhhh!!! Jaboby was gonna go to college!!!" He cried. I looked at my pop tart. "B..Billy NOOOOOO!" I screamed crying

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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