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TAYLORS POV) I walked until I popped up in the woods I was singing Stronger. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone!" I sang taking off my clothes. I popped my back then dove in the water. Floating on my back I started singing another song. "he goes left and you stay right pray to god he hears you I say pray to god he hears you. Where did I go wrong I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness end. And I stayed up with you all night and I know how to save a life" "Its not nice to watch people you know" i yawned. I could feel someone's eyes on me. I couldn't see them though. "I can't see you because your in the shadows but I can feel your presence mate" I didn't move i just stayed floating on my back. "Well are you gonna show yourself human? I'm waiting I might even spare your life" I snarled laughing to myself. I smiled when he came out of the shadows. He was beautiful his eyes where a bright green and his hair was black and spikey"soo I was right" I said smirking."so should I spare your life?" I asked standing up out of the water. I snapped my fingers and turned completely dry.I quickly jumped takeling him. Making him shriek "Or should I kill you now" I asked smirking. He looked at me with no emotions. "Fine have it your way!" He shrieked as my fangs sunk into his neck. He gasped making me suck harder. His painful gasps turned into pleasure filled moans. What the hell why isn't he in pain. He arched his back onto me as I retracted my fangs. "What the hells the matter with you it's suppose to give you pain not pleasure!" I screamed. He started laughing and turned his head pointing to faded fang marks. I gasped and got off of him "what the hell you didn't care to tell me!" "Now where's the fun in that?" He said making a pouty face. "Damnit I was hungry too" I said sitting on a rock. He started laughing "what is the matter with you?" I asked looking at him. "Hey my neck is open for business!" He said smiling. I bit his lip thinking about it. I haven't had blood in 20 hours "no thank you I can last." I said getting up and looking at him. My eyes got wider as I notice I was in boxers. I snapped my fingers and clothes popped up on me. His smiled disappeared but quickly hid it. He slowly made his way into the water floating on his back and sighed. "I walk a lonely road the only one i've ever known don't know where it does but its only me and I walk alone.. I walk this empty street on the Blvd of broken dreams" he started to sing. I watched as he swam under the water. I layed back again at the rock. I don't know why I didn't leave something said not to. I closed my eyes falling asleep. ( Why am I like this? I looked at the little boy in the corner crying "p....please" he cried. He was around 5 or 6 at the time. He had spkey blonde hair and purple eyes. He wore blue jeans and a red shirt. "Shhhhhhhh Skylar I'm not gonna hurt you " I said taking his hand. I got up and walked over to the woman in the corner she was covered in her own blood "TAKE THE BOY JUST DONT HURT ME!" She yelled. I looked at my mother. I've always hated her ever since she found out that me and my brother were demons she hated us and barely fed us. She tried to throw us out when I was around Skylar's age. My mother said that the devil had claimed us. "Skylar close your eyes" I said looking at him "but" "just do it everything will be OK I promise" I said smiling at him. When he closed his eyes I turned toward the woman "your a horrible creature you will burn in hell with your kind" she spat. I clenched my jaw and laughed making my fingernail grow into a sharp point "save me a seat mother won't you" I said stabbing into her heart. I watched the color leave her face and her life leave her eyes. I retracted my nail. I waved my hand making her body disappear. I walked over to Skylar "you can open your eyes now" I said bending down infront of him "where's momma?" He asked I averted my gaze "she's uh on vacation" I said looking at him "when is she coming back?" He asked "she's not" I said silently he started to cry. I hated seeing him cry "do...do you want me to make the pain go away?" I asked staring in his eyes. He sniffled and shook his head yes. I sighed "close you eyes baby" he slowly closed his eyes. Right when I was about to wave my hand he opened his eyes and hugged me "I love you Taylor" I picked him up as a tear made its way down my cheek. "Close your eyes" I whispered he closed his eyes. I waved my hand making him fall asleep. I waved my hand again making us pop up in front of a building that read "boys adoption center" I leaned down putting my hand on Skylar's heart and whispering "forget me forget that your a demon forget everything I will come back for you one day. I love you too" I layed him down on the steps taking out a sharpie writting "Skylar Morse 6 years old orphan" I put the sharpie up and knocked on the door running way. I watched from a distance as someone came out and noticed him. They picked him up and walked inside with him. "I promise I'll come back for you Skylar I swear" I said putting my knees to my chest crying.)
I quickly rose up in a heap of sweat I wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks. It was dark out and the moon and stars were out. I stood up stretching. I hate having those dreams. I was about 10 at the time and I killed my own mother! But if I wouldn't of killed her my brother would still be with her. That was about 10 years ago he's now 16. I'm 4 years older than him and Im 18 I stopped aging at 18 like all demons. I looked down and blushed. The boy from earlier was laying there only in boxers he was well toned and had on black boxers. "Don't!" He yelled in his sleep. I jumped when he yelled again. I couldn't help but snoop around his dreams. (ADRIANS POV HAPPENED 8 HOURS EARLIER) "were are we going mom?" I asked my mom. She smiled but I could tell it was a fake one. My mom hated me and I hated her. "Well swe...... Sweet..heart hmum since its your birthday I thought we could do something special" her words shocked me. What? Why? Is she high? Is all I could think. It was silent for the rest of the car ride. I didn't know where we were Finally she stopped the car. We got out I could see a bunch of men in black robes standing around a big wooden cross."w...what?" I said backing up. I started to back up even more but backed up into someone. "Don't be scared you will soon be at peace!" The man said grabbing me. I tried to get away but there was too many of them. "LET ME GO" I yelled as they tied me to the cross I looked down at them. They all parted as a man came forward with a book in his hand. "Shall we begin?" He asked my mother "yes father" she said smiling. "GOD IF YOU CAN HERE US NOW PLEASE HELP!" "LET ME GO!" I screamed "LORD HELP US GET THIS BOY AT PEACE REMOVE THE DEMON" "AHHHH LET ME DOWN I WILL HURT ALL OF YOU!" "GET THIS DEMON TO GO AWAY. FOGIVE THIS BOYS LIGHT SOUL AND TAKE AWAY THE DARKEST PART" "MOMMA HOW COULD YOU!!!! IM YOUR SON!" I screamed. "TAKE THIS BOYS LIFE GOD AND LET HIM REST IN PEACE!" Something inside of me clicked. My back arched and and I screamed a pain filled scream as lightening struck and black and purple fire surrounded me. I finally broke free. I landed on the ground in front of the man my back arched again fire shot up everywhere "wheres your god now!" I said to the man hearing my own voice even made scared. I made a dagger appear in my hand and stabbed the man in the heart. (TIME SKIP: A MINUTE) I sat there breathing heavily. Each time I killed a man I counted I got to 136. I sighed looking at my mom"B...baby please I...I'm sorry i...I was trying to save you. To get that horrible demon out of your body" she said scooting away as I walked closer. "BY KILLING ME!" "It was the only way..." "THE ONLY WAY!!!! YOU COUKD OF ACCEPTED ME FOR WHO I WAS BUT NO YOU HAD TO TRY AND KILL ME!" I yelled. I waved my hand making a dagger apear in my hand "your father was the same way and now look where he is we got the demon out of him baby we can help you to" she said scooting away "NO YOU DIDNT GET THE DEMON OUT OF HIM YOU KILLED HIM! HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" I yelled shoving the dagger through her chest. I watched as her life left her eyes. I stepped past her dead body walking towards the woods. (DREAM OVER) I sat up breathing heavily. I looked over to see the boy from earlier staring at me. "W..what?" I asked. I looked around and noticed that we were surrounded in black and purple fire. I quickly waved my hand making the fire go away. "Uh sorry about that" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "I...it's fine" he said smiling. I blushed and looked away. I quickly looked over and busted out laughing when hearing his stomach. "How long has it been since you ate?" I said laughing "uh like probably 10 days ago" he said staring at the ground. "Uhhhhh OK before I let you do this I need to ask you something" "wait what?" He asked confused. "What's your name?" I asked staring at him "Taylor" he said biting his lip "OK Taylor I'm Adrian it's nice to meet you" I said getting up. He watched me as I made my way over to him and sat in his lap. "What are you..." "Don't worry. If you don't eat your gonna die now drink" I said putting my neck to his mouth. He hesitated "dude its not like I have oh god" I squealed as he sunk his fangs into my neck. I gasped as he sucked harder. My gasps soon turned into moans "oh god" I moaned wrapping my arms around his neck as he sucked harder (TAYLORS POV) I hesitated for a moment "dude its not like I have oh god" Adrian said as I sunk my teeth in his neck. Something about his blood made me have butterflies. His quiet gasps soon turned into loud moan which made me suck harder. I managed to flip us where I was on top. "Oh....oh god" he moaned I sucked harder making him moaned a little louder. "OH GOD!" He moaned as I accidentally rocked my lower into his. I retracted my teeth making him whimper. I sunk my teeth back in his neck. He arched into me as I sucked hard "oh....." he put his head in my shoulder to muffle his moans but it didn't help. I sucked hard one last time savoring the taste. I retracted my teeth making him whimper loudly. I sucked a little on the sensitive spot and licked the blood away. "Uh sorry" I said getting off of him blushing. He smiled "I...its fine now if you don't mind I have to go find like a squirrel or some kind of animal" he said smiling I looked at him confused "why?" I asked "I'm thirsty I'll be back" he said running away. I quickly got up and ran after him that's the good thing about demons we can run faster than anything. I quickly tackled him "ahhhhhhh what the hell Taylor I got to eat" he said trying to get free. "I have exactly 1 hours before I die!" He said trying to get out from my grip I sat up and put my neck near his mouth "drink" I said smirking "wh...what?" He asked "I said drink you let me take blood so you take it back" I said smiling. He just sat there "either you drink my blood or you die because I'm not letting you go" I said holding him we just sat there for like 20 minutes "hmmm soon you'll get light headed then your vision will get blury then your breath will slow down then hitch then all you will feel is nothing and see nothing" I said smiling. He looked on the verge of passing out. "All you gotta do is suck" I whispered in his ear. He slowly and gently put his mouth to my neck he had just enough strength to bite down. I gasped as his teeth pushed into my neck. As he sucked harder I understood why he always moaned when I did it, a wave of pleasure ran up my spine making my abdomen clench. I silently moaned. He pushed me backwards onto my back. Still on top of me. He sucked harder making me arch into him. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the moans. "OH FUCK!" I moaned as he sucked on a sweet spot. That only made him suck harder. "DAMN FUCK ME!" I blushed at my own words "SHIT OH GOD I DIDNT OH MEAN THAT OH GOD!" I moaned He started to suck faster and harder. I arched into him "ohhhh" I moaned. I whimpered as he retracted his teeth. He licked the blood away. I gasped as he bit down on a different spot "OHHHH!" I moaned as his lower pressed against mine. "DAMN WHY! I DONT WANNA STOP I LOVE HEARINGG HIM MOAN UH IF I COULD I WOULD FUCK HIM AGAINST A TREE" I could hear Adrians thoughts. My eyes widened and I blushed. I've never been able to read people's thoughts before. "OH!!! ADR.....ADRIAN ST...STOP OH GOD!" I moaned loudly. I arched into him as he sucked harder. "OHH!" I moaned as his lower pressed into mine again. I whimpered when he retracted his fangs. He licked and sucked the last bit of blood away. "Damn you must've been thirsty" I said still laying there panting. He blushed and got off of me. I let a whimper escape my lips. "S...sorry I...I..." "Hey it's OK you hadn't had blood in awhile and when you tasted it you just couldn't stop" I said smiling. "Y..yeah" he stuttered. "Hey come with me" I said getting up and grabbing his hand. I waved my hand making a portal open up. We walked through silently.

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