Chapter 20

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⚠️Mature content

Fuck my neck hurts

Rubbing my neck as I sat up on the bed with Dante knocked out next to me, I looked at him admiring his tattoos , muscles and his facial features,I didn't even realise I was staring at him like a creep.

This man is a literal Greek god

" didn't you mom tell you it's rude to stare". He said eyes closed and his voice much deeper. I snapped my head away from him, clearing my throat as I got out of bed, he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me back to bed.

" don't be shy now tell me what you were thinking about Bianchi". He said looking at me as I fell back on the bed laying next to him.

" Nothing" I said as I tried getting out of bed again but he pulled me back.

" I said tell me Bianchi" he said turning to his side as his hand went to my thigh.

" uhh I was just thinking about what you said on the jet and I just think you don't have the balls to do what you said you'd do" i said getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath.

Yes girl cut yourself and jump into a tank of sharks .

I wore a thigh length open back dress with high heels since Dante said he is attending another meeting.

The clicks of my heels echoed through out the hall way with Dante walking next to me wearing a black suit with the body Garuda behind us. One of them
Opened the big dark brown door , Dante placed his hand on my exposed back letting me go in first a chill went up my spine as his cold ring came in contact with my warm skin.

The heads of businessmen turned to us. They got up to greet Dante as they shook my hand with lust deep in they eyes. I felt disgust fill  my body because these men where either old enough to be my dad or even grandfather except for one . Dante set at the head of the table as I set next to him opposite This hot as men around Dante's age he had brown hair light brown eyes and caramel skin and a scar on his lip.

Fuck his hot

Through out the entire meeting we would send each other small glances or I'd catch him looking at him and not breaking eye contact. I stared back at him.

Fuck this men is hot I mea.... What the fuck is that.

I glance my eyes down to see Dante's hand on my upper thigh moving under my dress, my eyes widened at his actions, I looked at him and stared right ahead at the men examining everything. He parted my legs and moved his hand higher up my thigh till he reached my laced Victoria's secret panty , He started rubbing me through my panties. My breath hitched, my posture straightened as shook filled my body. He rubbed his fingers in slow circular motion.

What the fuck is going on!... Don't stop

He stopped. My chest feel In relief until I felt him move my panties to the side. He slid his fingers between my pussy lips coating his fingers with my wetness and rubbing it over my clit. My breath hitched once again as I held onto my thigh squeezing it for dear life, I bit down on the inside of my lip as he entered one finger in my pussy moving it in and out slowly. I looked at him he looked unbothered like both was happening while I was here fighting demons.

I regret saying what I said this morning

Biting down harder on the inside of my lip to prevent myself from moaning in front of all these people, pretty sure my lip is gonna start bleeding.

I grabbed his wrist digging my nails into his skin as he curled his finger in me repeatedly and my walls clench around his fingers. I closed my legs around his hands. He pulled out his hand to move my legs apart again then went back to moving my panties to the side and added two fingers this time.

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