Chapter 29

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"What did Dante say about the surprise"  Hannah asked fixing her lipstick in the car on our way to the club.

"He seemed off" I said looking out the window

"Girl don't let his moody ass bring you down tonight" she said kissing my check before getting out the car and taking my hand.

"His not"I said as we walked in the club. This club is huge,  and it smelled like money.

"Good if he needs you he'll know where to find you given this  is his club" Hannah said leading me up the stairs to the VIP level of the club.

"What this is Dante's club?" I asked admiring the club.

"Dante owns a lot of clubs and other shit I mean he is Lucianos son." Hannah said sitting down in the biggest booth there,the wall had a capital letter gold R on it. Later Luca and Alesandro joined us.

"Is Dante coming aswell" I asked Luca

"No I don't think he is after that meeting with dad" Luca said taking a shot.

I toke one myself as Luca toke my hand and danced with me.

"Make sure Dante dosent find you or he will kill you Luca" Alesandro said while Hannah danced grinding on him.

Me and Luca laughed at Alesandros statement. We danced and drank for hours.

"I'm going to the restroom"I said taking my purse and heading to the restroom

I did my business and washed my hands after I fixed my hair and lipstick and all that.

"So you must be Valentina Nadia Bianchi" the same old man from earlier said popping out,out of no where.

This ninja was in here the whole time

"Uhm what are you doing in here" I asked turning to face him as he walked to the door and locked it.

"Does it matter" he asked as I held onto the sink for dear life.

"Listen Valentina I mean you are one beautiful women and I get that my son has this little obsession with you but I need you to stay away from him because you are a big distraction to him and you are turning him into a pathetic mess like his brothers... so this is what is going to happen, my men  are going to break in and kidnap you and take you home,  where do you live?" He asked

"N..New York" i stuttered.

"Yes New York and if you don't cooperate I will kill you and sell your body parts to different countries ok" he said pulling out his gun and holding it to my neck.

"And don't think about telling anyone, believe it or not I'm listening to everything you say ok"

No no ok, what is going on

I walked out the restroom clearly still shock as to what just happened, I walked back to Hannah and set down as she danced. She looked at me and climbed off the table.

"What wrong you ok" she asked placing her hand on my back. I thought about what that men said and I looked around with my eyes and my eyes met his as he wiggled his finger to tell me no.

"Uhh yeah I'm fine just craps that's all" I said as my heart rate sped up.

I wish I hadn't come back here

After what felt like forever we finally left the club, Alesandro had Hannah over his shoulder as we walked back to our separate cars, Hannah and Sandro drove together while I drove back with Luca.

About eight minutes into the drive a black V-class blocked us, the door slid open and four men wearing black came out holding guns. My grip on my thigh tightened as they started shooting cracking the windshield.

"Shit get down" Luca said pulling out his gun and opening his window and shooting back. I ducked down placing my head between my knees as I covers my ear.

My heart raced as my side of the door opened and a gloved Hand grabbed my arm pulling me out the car, I screamed and kicked trying to get out of the man's grip. Luca got out the car shooting at the men before he received a shoot himself drooping him to the group. My eyes widened as I saw him starting to bleed out on the road. My vision blurred as the men placed a black cloth over my mouth and nose.

Not this shit again.

They placed me in the car driving off and the last thing I heard before they closed the door was gun shoots and Hannah screaming in the background.

They placed me in the car driving off and the last thing I heard before they closed the door was gun shoots and  Hannah screaming in the background

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