Chapter 13: Psychology

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Anemone POV

I was actually a little concerned about Clarissa. She usually acted focused and knew how to handle any delicate situation. That was why her recent behavior confused me. The sudden nervousness and she questioned every single one of her words and actions.
'Well...understandable if she works with Lesso every day. I should talk to her.'

I found the redhead in the old library. She was seemingly annoyed by my presence.

"Oh hell no, is there any reason why the Evers are constantly annoying me today? It seems like I can't even catch a break up here, although everybody tends to avoid this library."
"Don't even start with that attitude, I just wanted to talk to you and your sarcasm gives me headaches."

"Well then we share the same suffering. I get migraines by looking at the amount of glitter and perfume you wannabe princesses carry."
"Yeah you complain about that every day, now listen for once, please. I'm concerned about Clarissa. She's been acting kind of weird lately."

"Maybe she accidentally inhaled that disgusting glitter, did you ever think of that? It wouldn't surprise me if that stuff is toxic", the Dean smirked evilly.
"Oh come on, red. You've been spending much time with her, right? You've had to notice something."
"What should I have noticed? That Clarissa is like a scared squirrel and can be annoying as hell if she tries to explain herself helplessly?"

"You really don't have a nice word to say about anyone, huh? Not even the fairy godmother?"
"I'm the Dean of the school for evil, does that suggest anything to you?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around.
"I should really learn to avoid you if I wanna have a nice day."
"Please do that, it would make my day so much better as well."

'This woman is really no use for normal conversation...'

Lesso POV

'I really feel like those stupid wannabe princesses have made it their only purpose of life to get on my nerves. Dovey and Anemone are a dream team...'

When I finished reading, I tried to put some energy into the lousy essays of my first year students.
'At least I'm safe when I'm in my room. Nobody can ask me stupid questions here. I'm not our colleague's therapist.'

I started to notice that helping Clarissa was changing me as well. But not in a good way. The constant giggling and the oh so happy motivation talks weren't good for my health. As much as I wanted to lock her in a closet sometimes so I'd finally have a few quiet minutes, I also caught myself various times, thinking about how her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she thought was exciting or funny.

'Damn you really have to drink less alcohol and get more sleep...who am I kidding, I will do it the exactly the other way round...'

3rd person view

Meanwhile, the blonde Dean restlessly walked through her room, feeling how her heels almost broke the old, wooden floor.
She looked into the mirror and dusted her enormous gown.
'Okay Clarissa, focus. If you concentrate on your breathing and calm thoughts you'll feel okay's just another short episode of your symptoms...'

The princess had finished Lesso's book and at this point she was convinced she was sick. It was simply impossible to explain why she felt that warm and nervous all the time.
'Maybe my surroundings triggered some kind of anxiety? That's a possibility, right?'

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