Chapps 10: Have Confidence-No Confidence

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The morning sun shone so brightly, its rays coming through his window acting like an alarm to wake him up for the day

The hungover Soma's feeling as soon as he opened his eyes were slowly pushing him into the brink of passing out again

A groan left his lips as he forced himself to stand on his shaky feet. Left with no other choice but to make preparations for the upcoming Autumn Elections

When it was time to get breakfast, he was greeted by Megumi handing him some medicine to alleviate the pain

"I'm never drinking again!" He exclaimed

"You also said that before." Ryoko pointed out, giggling softly before taking a sip of her morning tea

"Well now I mean it." Soma huffed in response and then turned his attention to the opened envelope on the dining table

He inspected the paper, scanning through it with fervor

"Curry dish... I see."

The people in the room could practically see the gears turning in his head as he started to brainstorm ideas to get ahead of everyone else

"Hey, Yukihira! Oi, I got something to ask you. Yoohoo~" Yoshino waves her hands in front of him to get his attention back to the real world


"I need to know something very important." Is what she said while having a very serious expression

The others tried to do their own thing whilst stealthily eavesdropping. Anticipating what they have been waiting for to be discussed

Soma gave her the go signal to continue

"...Why do you have the need to wear a mask and eye contacts outside?"

The question definitely caught him off guard but made no move, frozen to his spot, afraid that he'll let the real reason out

"Ahem!—" He coughs into his clenched hand, "I wear them to look cool of course!"

Everyone almost fell down from his unexpected answer

"What the—! That's it?!"

To make it convincing in their eyes, he began to ramble about the coolness level if you wear a mask and how different colored eyes add an intimidating factor to his overall appearance

"Stop, stop! We get it. No need to say a whole speech about it." Yoshino regretted asking the redhead

Soma inwardly smirked at their looks. He doesn't actually find the joy of deceiving people he considers to be his friends. What choice does he have but to pretend

"I heard that masks aren't allowed inside the class anymore. Are you still going to wear it?" Shun asked Soma who shrugged his shoulders

"Maybe I will just to pissed off other nosy people who are out to get me every second of class."

Not surprised with his answer, they decided to just discuss the topic for the elections

Soma left the dorm with Megumi to look for a facility where a certain spice expert resides

"I think we're lost hehe." Soma said, making Megumi to grow nervous of the situation

They decided to ask for some directions but to no avail, no one seems to know the place they're looking for

"Let's split up and meet here again if we have information or we can call each other." The redhead suggested to which the other readily agreed with


Megumi sighed in frustration, feeling lethargic all of a sudden with all the running around

"Hey, isn't that the dropout that got picked for the elections?"

Even without turning she knew they were referring to her

"Yeah, she is! I don't understand how it was possible. As for as I know I have higher scores in everything compared to a lowlife like her!"

Her eyes began to water, trying her best to ignore their words and just walk as far as possible away from them

"You two are such miserable fools that knows nothing else but to bark."
A voice she doesn't recognize spoke up

"What did you just say?! Take those words back before you regret it." One of the guys demanded

"Listen closely, the elections are not solely based on your grades, it's also important to consider the individual's potential. People like you obsessed with mere grades will never improve and be chosen."

Megumi finally had the courage to turn, seeing a tall beautiful girl with matching purple eyes and hair

The girl stood with both her hands on either side while clenched tightly, stomping her right foot on the ground in an attempt to further scare the bullies

"We-We're sorry!" The two looked absolutely frightened of her at that moment that they ran away

"U-Um, Thank you! Uh—"

"The name is Hōjō Miyoko." The purple haired took a few step closer to Megumi, the other doing the opposite which made her collide with the wall

Megumi turned her attention to the ground, unable to meet Miyoko's gaze. Miyoko then uses her right hand, placing it on Megumi's chin to lift her face up

"You are Tadokoro Megumi, right?"

Megumi rapidly nodded, "Y-Yes, thank you again for helping me earlier, Miyoko-san."

"It wasn't a big deal. Oh and I heard that you were looking for a professor. Hand me your phone for a minute."

Megumi did what was asked of her without question. Curious as to where this will lead them

"I texted you the direction you're supposed to take to go to your destination."

"Thank you! You've done so much for me." Megumi eagerly accepted the object back. But now she felt bad for being a burden

"I know that kind of face," Miyoko distances herself. "don't feel bad and just accept my help. You can make it up to me by being more confident and strong-willed because you'll have a harder time if you don't."

Megumi wouldn't just accept it like that without actually paying her for the act of kindness

"But at least let me make it up to you!"

The two stared intensely into each other, neither of them wanting to back down. "Fine, you win. Then will you cook a dish for me? I want to actually taste how good you are."

Megumi immediately agreed and soon they bid each other farewell

As soon as Miyoko turned a corner, she facepalmed. Seemingly displeased and embarrassed of the last thing she said to the person she's interested in

And later that night, Megumi pondered about what Miyoko told her

'She's right. I can't continue to be like this.' Megumi thought inside her mind but she knows that it won't be easy to gain confidence in a snap of a finger

Megumi began feeling frustrated by needing help all the time and being hopeless. 'I can't move forward if I'm like this. So let's believe in our self and do our very best!' She hyped herself up, feeling a lot better now

Megumi suddenly felt the urge to call someone. She then snatched her phone on the nightstand. Eventually found what she was looking for and just pathetically stared at the number of her savior. Having second thoughts if she should call but realized that it is already late into the night

'Maybe next time...'



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