Chapps 8: Memories of You and I

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Excitement eagerly dances within some student's soul and as well as the happiness shining through their eyes because of passing and wanting to go home

But one student in particular has seemingly lost the light of day, tired from waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare

"Students, please gather all of your belongings and head to your respective bus."
Someone announces on the intercoms of the resort

Soma and his group of friends started to leave the building

"We're finally done! Whoohoo!"
Yoshino exclaimed happily

"Yeah! Let's celebrate when we get home."
Daigo said, with shoji immediately agreeing to the suggestion

"After that no one is allowed to go in my room to play." Marui sternly said

"But you enjoyed the last time we came over!"


While the others were arguing, Soma noticed in the corner of his eyes someone looking at them

It was an unknown figure hiding behind a wall, casually observing as they exit the lobby. He opted to ignore it for now and acted naturally as if he saw nothing

As they were about to board the bus designated to them, Soma felt something is missing on his person. So he quickly scanned his bag, then it hit him

His headband's missing

Soma was racking his brain to jog his memory of where he left the piece of white cloth

Just like him, someone also left a thing precious to them and went back to the resort to get it


'Where is it?!' Soma rummaged the whole room in a panic-stricken state

"Aha!" He exclaimed out loud as soon as he found it. Comically rubbing the cloth to his cheeks

Soma left the room in haste to try and catch up with his group in order to go back home. When he turned a corner, just at that moment he run into someone. He felt a sense of deja vu, when Erina came into view

"Hey, Nakiri!" Erina glared at him in return, not bothering to greet back

Soma didn't take offence at her and smiled with an outstretched hand waiting for her to take the offer

She reluctantly did so but it came with a cost as she felt her head pounding in irritation. In her mind maybe it's better to just continue to lay on the ground

"Woah! You okay there? Want me to bring you to the Infirmary?"

Erina released herself from his grasp, "I don't need your help. So you better get going and don't bo-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence when she suddenly fell unconscious. Fortunately for her, Soma caught her before making contact with the cold floor

Soma wordlessly adjusted her position to do a princess carry. He placed an arm under her legs while the other is supporting her back

"Why do you gotta be so stubborn, Erina." Soma said, anxiously thinking of reasons why she fainted


"Argh... My head hurts..."

"Erina-sama!" The mentioned girl shifted and twisted her head to the side to see a tearful Hisako

"What happened?" Erina asked, as she took a glass of water handed to her gratefully

Hisako relayed the information of her passing out, being brought by a certain redhead to the infirmary and the doctor saying that she's severely fatigued

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