Chapps 11: Take to the Next Level

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"You don't have any chance of beating me, Yukihira Enji." A person with white hair and is known to be proficient in spices said to the redhead

"Don't talk like the tournament is over. It hasn't even begun yet." Soma fixes his gaze on the other

From an outsider's point of view, it would seem like the person who introduced himself as Hayama Akira who has an unparalleled sense of smell would have the upper hand if at some point in time they would ever have a duel but Soma is someone that shouldn't be taken lightly

Megumi panicked, looking between the two with worried glances. The atmosphere around them became incredibly tense from their exchange

It didn't occur to her that they would want to duke it out just moments after meeting each other

'We went here to learn more about spices not to pick a fight with someone!' Megumi thought, inwardly disheartened

"I'll make you taste curry that is even better than yours at the preliminary round." Soma said after tasting the curry dish presented to them

"Is that a threat?"

"No. It's a promise."

Hayama laughs at the audacity. 'How interesting.'

They soon left the facility after talking with Professor Jun some more about any topic related to spice

"Hey Megumi, did you see how cool I delivered that last line to Hayama?"
Soma asked out of the blue

"You mean the promise thing?"

"Yup! I got that from a movie. I thought it would be funny to use against him!"

Megumi should have expected this kind of things happening around the redhead. She laughed along with him, unable to resist the infectious laugh


There's still a whole month before the elections. Most members of the Polar Star dormitory decided to visit their families during their break except for Soma and the warden of said dorms

Soma was busy in his room reading up books about spices when a voice from the intercoms interrupted him

"Oi Somaaaa, Come help me in the kitchen."

His mind went to autopilot and just did what he was told. He wasn't even fazed by what greeted him

"I already started prepping. Can you make the stock and chop some of these vegetables?"

"Got it." Soma was in the middle of chopping when it hit him. "What are you doing here?!"
He asked, turning to his father with an incredulous look

"Slow on the uptake there, kiddo!" Joichiro chuckled at his son

The redhead glared at him, thinking how could it slip his mind that they're not back home

"Let's finish this first, we have a visitor coming later." His Father said more seriously now. He nodded his head and resumed his task

"Oh, so you two know each other." As soon as they were done, Fumio chose that moment to go to the kitchen

"This brat is my son."

"This old man is my dad."

The two said at the same time, surprising the old warden

They began to bicker back and forth for what seemed like forever. Fumio stopped them soon enough before they make her kitchen into a warzone

Soma and his father greeted their visitor while Fumio respectfully retreating to her room knowing how sensitive their topic of discussion would be

"Glad you could come to Totsuki and have a meeting with us Joichiro." The current director of the academy said. His son nodding in agreement

Soma was surprised when they arrived, not knowing beforehand the situation since his father was of no help in revealing any information

"I will cut to the chase— Azami already knows Soma's involvement and what some of our plans entail."

The redhead gaped at Senzaemon in bewilderment. His expression letting them know the question he wanted to ask

"The bastard—" Senzaemon's demeanor greatly darkens then his son Soe Nakiri coughed loudly to stop him from using a swear word. "What my father was about to say is that Azami was able to plant a spy in our Household."

With senzaemon's keen senses and all of the precautions he did, there's no incident that has ever happened to shake them except now

Azami grew stronger, with more allies now than ever and was able to plant a spy in the Academy which made the director warry of the people around him

"Soe here was able to remove the mole not before extracting information of what he has told Azami and what they know"

They told the father and son duo that Senzaemon's former son-in-law is coming back sooner than they expected since Erina is already in her first year

"Correct me if I'm wrong but what I'm getting in this exchange is that we are somewhat doomed and what I've been doing is for nothing?"

They nodded with a grimace

"So what now?

"You'll just have to focus on the Elections for now until we have a more solid plan."

Then the topic shifted to Erina, making Soma stiffen in his seat. He admitted that the girl he was observing whenever they cross paths is just a shell of who she used to be just like what Senzaemon told him

They have a long way to go it seems


After weeks of preparing for the elections, the members of the Polar Star dormitory is ready and bubbling in excitement for what's to come

They haven't change much but a certain blue haired girl's slight increase in confidence was  noticeable and their outgoing redhead discarded the mask

When Soma was asked about it, he just told them the mask was out of style

The group went to the venue for the Autumn Election Opening which is the Totsuki Academy's special arena

"This place is huge!" Yoshino marvelled at the place, holding onto Megumi

The lights were suddenly cut off, only illuminating the big stage where the director is standing tall while looking over at everyone inside

"This space was meant only for the Elite ten to use as they challenge one another. Numerous battles has taken place here and this is where the main tournament of the Elections will take place. Soon, the students who'll pass the preliminary may step onto this very stage and make their mark on history. Let us meet again young chefs of this generation!"

As soon as he ended his speech, the emcee explained the rules of the tournament

The competitors have three hours and only four from each group will be chosen to advance

The storm brewing ahead of them that will be hard to navigate is the only obstacle to their goals

Everyone of them will forge their way into the storms while the wind is howling and the heavy rain slowing them down, their will to continue and the decisions they'll choose along their journey lies with them if they will prevail or lose their way


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