Chapps 13: Another Win

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"Erinaaa! Get your butt out of this office so we can celebrate!" The blonde's white haired cousin whines while slamming her hands on her table 

"It's your responsibility to celebrate! Hibiki won and you should be proud and of course as your beloved cousin I also won first place so where's my congratulations!" 

Hisako felt a bit irritated at Alice getting her name wrong once again. She can't remember a time that the other did not deliberately said her name wrong. She then glanced to her lady and watches as her expression changed into something that seems like abandoning every reason to resist, surrendering to the devil that is her cousin

Erina sighed and knew that it would be difficult to refuse the other's demands. She signalled to her aide that they will be going out much to Alice's excitement

"This better be the last time you'll bother me while I'm working!" 

Alice ignored Erina, completely in her own world while she tells them this place they can visit 

Erina secretly smiled, tired from today's event but despite everything, she felt lucky that she has people surrounding her willing to drag her out from time to time even if it is sometimes by force

"Are you sure about this, Erina-sama? Maybe we can postpone this till you are free." 

Hisako worriedly asked her 

The blonde shook her head, already accepting the situation at hand. "Might as well go before someone throws a tantrum." She fixed her gaze at the only white haired girl in the room 

Alice denied the claim against her and demanded for Ryo to back her up to which he decided not to take part in and just ignore their banter 

"Is that a smile I'm seeing on your face?" Alice teasingly said, poking Erina's right cheek with her index finger

Erina scowled, "Your eyes must be deceiving you, Cousin." She quickly walked out of the room 

The others hot on her heels with Alice teasing her non-stop 


The students of Tōtsuki were buzzing with excitement as the day of the duel of two well known figures finally came

The atmosphere made a certain blonde annoyed and also excited to see the person she disliked the most to lose. It was sad that his fate to lose isn't going to be by her hands but she'll have to remind herself to relish on the look on his face when the time comes

"Don't lose." Was the only thing she said to her grinning cousin before turning her back

"I won't. Cheer me on, yeah?" Alice knew that it was Erina's way of saying "Goodluck" to her 

Erina just huffed and left with Hisako by her side and towards the VIP section. To her surprise, an old lady she doesn't know is already sitting inside. Standing near her is the seventh seat of the council, doing his annoying eye-smile that looked stupid 

The old lady with spiky hair beckoned for her to sit and take the space available besides her. Erina hesitated since she doesn't know her at all and she curses herself for not having an idea

Erina noticed Hisako about to protest, so she raised her hand as a signal to keep quiet and just let the matter go even if it annoys her since Isshiki, also a high ranking council brought the unknown guest himself

"I'm good." Was her court reply but the old lady was having none of it. "Don't be stubborn, and take a seat. I know you're tired and don't ask me how I know. It's quite obvious."

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