[ Chapter 3 ] Current state

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Within a few minutes of Rapton leaving, the screen that stood outside Ras' cell updated.
Like with every important cell, this cell too had a screen with information about the prisoner(s). It used to be empty, with information unavailable, but now, it had an official image of Ras profile with his information, and top of the screen said " Feed once a day, at 18:00 ( 6pm ) ".

Under it stood his basic information saying:

Name(s) and Last Name(s) : Ras
Date of Birth : Unknown
Age : Unknown ( Presumed to be in early or Late 30s )
Species : Anthropomorphic Tiger

On the other page there was additional information saying :

Realm of Birth : Unknown ( Outlander - Not from Imperium )
Powers : None

Allergies : None / Unknown

There were more pages and buttons, but they weren't accessible without a higher rank of security, such as one of the Leaderships, VIPs, and individuals who were assigned to guard his already highly secure cell.

You couldn't see the inside of the cell, as it wasn't one like those transparent ones. This one was with extremely thick Metal walls, maybe 3 meters ( 9.8 feet ) thick. the gate for access was also same thickness.
However, on the inside of the cell, there were 8 cameras ( 4 on each corner, and 1 in between each corner ) with which you could zoom in.

The cell was sound proof, so any sound coming from inside, couldn't be heard through the outside, nor could you hear any sounds from the outside, inside cell.
In fact, even knocking on the cell itself couldn't be heard on the opposite side.
There were high quality microphones built in, probably in cameras all coming to one output, and on the Screen there was a button to be able to hear. However, it was set on mute, like in most cases.
There was one obvious microphone at the screen, and hidden speakers inside the cell, so that they could communicate with the prisoner without opening the gates.


Either way,
Hours passed by, and Ras was still laying on the floor, sleeping.
It was stressful time to sleep, but him running around the cell in anger , trying to break free, being Electrified multiple times harshly, with handcuffs on too, and with the fact that he's been serving the Imperium day and night... his body had to give out eventually.

It was true. Unlike many others who were in the higher positions in the Imperium, he was constantly being given tasks. For example:
He'd just come back from an exhausting expedition that took 12 hours, in freezing rain, succeeding, but when he'd be back, he'd be told that it took him too long, and that now he should go and plan out another expedition, or plan out some logistic things, or even just do some random database stuff.

Throughout years, he learned not to oppose when being told to do something by Beatrix, because whenever he tried to mention that we was tired and exhausted and has been running and fighting for past 50 hours with no sleep, he'd get shouted at and get told he was openly talking about not wanting to serve his Empress and the Imperium. But that was minimum.
Worse things happened, and happened for failures or just being too slow. He'd be alone in the Throne Room, and Beatrix would have an Electric Rod, and would hit him with it while he'd be on his knees obediently. He was taught that 'such actions and such behaviour'  meant that he was rebelling from His Empress and Imperium, and / or that he was trying to become the new Emperor, and / or that he was ungrateful to the Good will of his Empress,... so many things, and they all would elad to severe punishment.
However, what threw him off, was that he never saw or heard of anybody else, such as Rapton, be punished like that.
Rapton failed multiple times in front of the Empress, and even tried to irresponsibly get away with it, and he'd just get shouted at or get grabbed by his neck by Empress, and that would be it. Nobody had any scars or bruises, or burn marks,... nothing, no injuries.... No injuries that would showcase that they got punished by the Empress. Only Ras did. Even through his were les obvious due to his fur, they were still there, and others saw that. some random Claws of the Imperium witnessed it themselves, and it started being a little rumour that he was being severely punished.

But why?

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