Damien x Priya🌹

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this takes place in episode 5, this time Ripper getting eliminated instead
Also this is requested by Looni24, thanks to them for the idea :)

The Ferocious Trouts made to their cabins after another elimination ceremony, in which one of the most annoying campers yet was finally eliminated! This was relieving for the team, especially for Priya. She held a grudge for that one time Ripper used her as a shield, which was pretty painful for her. No teammate should be used like that! How did he not get voted out last time? Priya was pretty confused on this one, but still glad he got eliminated this time.

Priya sat down on her bed, making a bun on her head. Right next to her was a letter, just a small piece of paper. It was pinned to a bouquet of flowers, seemingly picked up from the ground. Priya was indeed surprised by such finding on her bed. She slightly tore off piece of paper from the bouquet. It felt pretty light and was already crumpled in a few spots. On that there was a text, saying: ”From Damien„. Priya felt her heart beating at a fast pace, the blood rushed to her cheeks. Was this really from Damien? Priya had never been in a situation like this before, so she wasn't sure how to feel. Yet, she felt a good feeling about this, so she was planning to thank Damien for the flowers. Priya decided to do this now, since she was sure she wouldn't sleep tonight because of constant thoughts about this gift being active. Before that though, she took a brief moment to cherish the smell of those flowers. Priya sniffed the flowers, feeling more calmer than before. The smell of freshness, dew and grass hit her nose, got stuck with her for a second or two and got imprinted to the brain, memorizing this smell forever. She lightly put the flowers down, having a wide smile on her face.

Priya quickly knocked on the door, not too loud so the other guys wouldn't wake up. She waited a bit, rubbing her arm up and down to distract herself. And someone opened the door, who was... Damien! Priya smiled at the sight of him.

— «Hi! Hope i didn't interrupt you from sleep.» - happily said Priya, waving her hand.

— «Not at all! I just feel pretty energetic, because i am SO into the competition now.»

— «Aw, that's amazing! That's the energy we need!»

— «Exactly! Gosh, can't believe i wanted to be eliminated this badly. I can definitely see my chances in this game. But enough about me, what's keeping you awake tonight?»

— «Oh, pff, it's nothing. Just wanted to tell you something.»

— «Go ahead. But before that, let's just uhm... take a seat.» - Damien sat on the stairs outside of cabins. Priya joined him shortly after.

— «Uhm, yeah. So, i found a bouquet of flowers on my bed a few minutes ago. And it said those were from you...» - Priya hesitated a little bit because of how awkward it is to say this. — «Just wanted to thank you for the flowers, they smell really nice!»

— «You're welcome! Glad you liked them, i was actually pretty nervous about your reaction. Really tried to impress you there.» - said Damien, scratching his neck a little.

— «Aw. You know, it's probably my first time a boy gifted me something special, something so romantic..»

— «Your first time?! There's no way you could be this pretty and have never had guys trying to get your attention.» - Priya giggled at Damien's words, she was getting extremely shy and nervous around him.

— «Aaw, stop. But honestly that's the truth. I guess i was just focused on training for total drama too much.»

— «Pretty understandable, we all have our goals.»

— «Yeah.. but i think it's good to sometimes forget about them and focus on the other person, especially the one that i really love!»

Damien slightly blushed from that comment, then decided to take one more step into this. He leaned a bit closer to Priya. She seemed to understand what he's implying to, so she grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. Both of them enjoyed a kiss a few seconds and then pulled away. They were smilling pretty widely with a deep red blush on their faces. They decided to not say a word and just go back to the cabins, yet having a good mood after that moment.

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