Priya x Wayne🌹

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requested by: Huckleberry-Hounds

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As the merge seemed to be coming soon, Priya couldn’t help but feel excited and nervous at that fact. And can you blame her? She had prepared her whole life to win Total Drama, and getting to the merge was already a halfway to success. To calm down her nerves a bit, the Indian girl decided to distract herself with jumping jacks. She tried her best to focus on the counting, and yet some lingering thoughts still bothered her. She stopped suddenly, sitting down on the staircase in front of the main lodge. Priya immediately remembered her conversation with Millie and the way she looked at her as she talked about her parents… Maybe there is something wrong with my parents, she thought.

Despite what she was doing most of her life, she never ever shared a goal to win Total Drama with her parents. She always wanted to be a doctor, to help and treat people’s injuries with love and care. But here she is, competing for a million dollar prize at a shabby camp Wawanakwa. What if she never was there? What if.. What if she were to quit to pursue her dreams? Priya shook her head, now realising the direction of her thoughts. She quickly stood up and decided to jog now, trying to think of anything else but her participance in Total Drama.

As she did that for a few minutes, her thoughts indeed cleared, as she was now observing the beautiful Mother Nature at an early hour. Suddenly, Priya heard someone call her name. She looked around, trying to find the source. As the voice called her out again, it seemed to be somewhere… up? She looked at the crown of a tree and saw Wayne, waving at her. “Whatcha doing, Priya?” he asked, wiggling his feet while he’s sitting comfortably on a branch.

She scratched her head, not knowing how to respond, “Just having a morning workout.. But, I am more curious about what you’re doing up there.”

“I wanna collect some apples for me and Raj!”

She chuckled, “I don’t think they grow on any of these trees.”

“How do you know?”

“Uhmm.. I mean, I don’t see any apples around me.”

“Well, what if they’re hiding from you, huh?” he challenged, moving to another branch as he continued. “Back at my uncle’s farm, there were no apples in the trees either, but we still had bowls full of apples. Like, how could they possibly get in there? Obviously they were just hiding, and my uncle seemed to be an expert and would find them easily!”

Priya sighed, “Uhm.. Whatever you say, Wayne.”

Priya decided to keep walking somewhere else, since this interaction made things a little… awkward to say the least. Just as she walked a few centimeters away, she heard a clear thud. She spun around, now seeing the blonde hockey guy wincing in pain. Priya’s heart ached, her ‘doctor’ instincts kicking in. “Wayne! Let me quickly get an ice pack, o-okay?!” she said, now running off.

A moment later, Priya was now sitting next to Wayne, bandaging a few of his cuts as he was pressing an ice pack on his bruise, previously wrapping it in a towel. Her teammates were now at the main lodge, having breakfast, so she took this opportunity to help the hockey guy out by letting him rest in her bunk bed. Ugh, what are you doing, Priya? she thought. The Indian girl couldn’t help, but remember page 1, rule number 5 of the handbook; the one that clearly stated to keep your enemies closer. But she surprisingly didn’t consider him an enemy, rather a kind person, who just so happened to not be in the same team as her. Wayne still winced, but not as loud and painfully as it was when he firstly fell. Priya looked at him, and for some weird reason, she felt nice. His blonde silky hair, his green eyes, his cute perky nose.. it all combined into one charming face. At one point they made eye contact, making Priya realise what she was doing. She shook her head, having a more serious tone now, “So.. Make sure to keep the ice pack for 15 minutes every one or two hours today. It will help to prevent the swelling.”

Wayne raised his eyebrows, smiling as if he didn’t fall from a tree just now “Okay!”

“I hope your teammates won’t mind if she stays in the Ferocious Trout cabin for a little. And hopefully neither mine… I will take you to Chef once the challenge is about to start.”

As she was now starting to walk away, the hockey guy suddenly commented, “Man, you’re a great doc.”

She turned around, slightly taken aback, “I-I am? You think so..?”

“Of course!”

“Oh.. Hehe, well, thanks. I used to climb trees like a monkey, so.. consider me an expert at treating these kinds of bruises.”

“Ya did?”

“Yeah, that was a part of my… Total Drama training…” her smile faltered as she looked away.

Wayne raised an eyebrow, concerned, “You okay?”

“Y-Yes, it's just… I didn't want to think of that right now.”

Wayne smiled softly, “Well then, how about we think of something you wanna think of right now?”

Priya smiled back, “I guess we can do that.”

They then started talking about their hobbies, where Priya found herself recently liking doodling something on the sand, and Wayne also sharing that cute passion. As they rambled for a while now, they suddenly heard Chris McLean from the loudspeaker, calling the campers over to the challenge. Wayne stood up, luckily not feeling any pain. Priya still suggested being careful though. And once they exited the cabin and walked to the same place, their hands brushing against one another, they knew that their interaction will continue on, and definitely outside the challenges.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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