Axel x Ripper🌹

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i am being honest here, if someone ever brang up the idea of Axel and Ripper being in a romantic relationship, i'd chuckle and say "honestly, i don't see it". but here we are. My first reaction to this story line was literally *akito shocked face*. I NEVER THOUGHT TOTAL DRAMA COULD SHOCK ME SO MUCH, LIKE I LITERALLY EXPECTED ANYTHING FROM THIS SHOW BUT I NEVER EXPECTED AXEL AND RIPPER'S ROMANTIC STORYLINE LEAVE SO MUCH IMPACT ON ME. a day after watching the episodes, i am actually kinda okay with it. i love both of these characters, i think they're a cool duo. BUT i do still see them more as enemies or friends at least. It's just i can't imagine them being in a relationship (ESPECIALLY Axel). With that being said, it's time to get to a fanfic about Axel and Rippers' romantic interaction LMAOO

anyway this takes place after whatever tf happened in episode 4's elimination

also i'll draw a sketch of the ship later. Rn get this screenshot of Ripper with the cutie patootie face ever💕💕🥺💞

3 am. What an interesting time it is, 3 am. Most of the animals and human beings are already asleep, probably travelling and having unusual adventures in their dreams (or nightmares for our Total Drama contestants). But some are either not supposed to sleep at this time or their thoughts just don't let them sleep. One of them was Ripper. The event that unfolded technically just now really got stuck in his head. While his thoughts revolved around that, his mind was going crazy, like during some fever. Honestly, even i can't describe Ripper's feelings right now.

Suddenly, a rustling sound made that waterfall of bizzare thoughts stop for a few seconds. Ripper sat up, looking in the small window that was all the way at the end of the cabin. He waited for something else to happen for a few seconds, then went back to his laying position. He heard rustle again! Ripper decided to stop guessing and see what's actually going on. He sneaked right to the window as quiet as possible. With a little feeling of fear, he started looking out in the window, theorising what could possibly make a rustle sound. And he saw... a human silhouette! It had something fluffy and curvy, it moved easily through the wind. It had visible outlines of pants, probably something like camo pants. It had outlines of an actual human face! «Wait, is that Axel?» - a thought crossed through Ripper's mind. The silhoutte seemed to notice a guy standing right infront of the window, it smiled and waved. It was indeed Axel!

Ripper, forgetting the ability to think at that moment, got carried away by his feelings all the way outside. It was pretty cold outside that night, and it felt even colder for our alpha man, because he usually likes to sleep without a shirt. Only in his jorts and socks, he arrived all the way to his crush. He took a moment to catch his breath and calm himself down a bit since he still felt nervous around the zombie girl.

- «Hey.» - greeted Axel, almost whispering.

- «Oh uhm.. Hey. phew Don't mind me-»

- «Shh! Keep it down.!» - interrupted Axel. Ripper was still breathing heavily, but he tried his best to stop.

- «Sorry, sorry! sigh I just, uhm, ran so fast. i, i just got excited when i saw you.»

- «You act like that run was a whole marathon, heh.»

- «Pfft!» - scoffed Ripper. - «This was nothing. It's just, erm, i am a bit sleepy so.»

- «Oh, my bad i woke you up.»

- «No-no-no!. Uhm, you're cool, it's okay.» - quickly reassured Ripper. - «Uhm, anyway, why are you awake at this time?»

- «A true survivelist is never actually asleep. Zombies can come at any time and you gotta be prepared.» - proudly said Axel. - «..Or, uhm, i actually just can't sleep. So to kill my time, i decided to hunt, because that's basically my hobby.»

- «Your hobby is hunting?»

- «Y-Yeah! You think i am weird for that?!» - threatend Axel.

- «No-no! Just, uhm, making sure.»

- «Okay..» - mumbled the zombie girl.

The lovebirds stood a bit in silence.

- «Alright, what the heck actually happened earlier, on that elimination?» - broke silence Axel.

- «Oh that, uhm..» Ripper got flustered; he shyly looked away, scratching the back of his head. - «L-Look. I am super sorry, okay?. I didn't mean to, uhm, embarrass you like that. You're probably thinking it's the worst day of your life..»

- «Worst day of my life?» - chuckeled the survivelist.

- «Or.. i don't know! I am sorry, still.»

- «Heh, don't be sorry. I-I actually...» - paused Axel for a second or two. - «..I really appreciate it.»

- «Huh?» Ripper raised his eyebrows.

- «Yeah, i-i really do. I never thought a guy would do something like this for me.»

- «You never thought?! But you're like the prettiest girl ever!»

- «You think so?.»

- «I mean, uhm, yeah. If there was ever a challenge to write compliments about one contestants, i'd write two whole dictionaries probably, talking about how awesome you are!»

Axel blushed. They stood in a little silence again.

- «Anyway, i kinda want to... Apologise on how i treated you in the earlier days.» - somewhat shyly said Axel.

- «It's okay. Don't worry about it.»

- «It's just i don't know how else should i treat people. I am trying to be nicer, but it's just.. i really don't get it how to be naturally nice.»

- «I mean, i once read that the way we treat others is the same way as we treat ourselves.»

Axel thought a bit «Yeah, well, i guess i am little too hard on myself. Or, i don't know, it's just people always treat me like i am a weirdo that should be avoided.»

- «Oh, that makes sense. Kinda relatable.» Ripper mumbled the last part.

- «But, to be honest... I kinda feel nice when i am around you. It feels like you just understand me.»

Ripper smiled shyly. «Well, uh, i really like being around you, so.» The two stared at each other, genuinely smilling.

- «Okay, maybe we should go to sleep now.» - said Ripper.

- «Yeah.. Bye.»

- «Bye..»

They then both went their own path. Nothing bothered them now, the hurricane of thoughts stopped and they peacefully slept.

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