Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


   I woke up at the sound of my alarm, I groaned as I glanced with my sleepy eyes at the alarm clock that was sitting on the night stand which read 6:30, I suppressed the groan from escaping my mouth.

 so I got up, I dragged myself to the bathroom where my little sister Lya was running a brush through her hair, I leaned my shoulder on the door frame and crossed my arms against my chest, without taking my eyes of my little sister, while yawning with a wide open mouth.

My little sister was still 15, she's younger by two years, but she acts like a 30 years old woman, it's amazing how she can be sometimes, it always has shocked the people around her, why a girl her age acting the way she does, but I can't blame her for being who she is now.

    I put a smile on my face for my little sister ''good mornin Lya'' I told her to get her attention, but to my amusement -not- a normal person would have jumped out of their skin out of surprise 

''Mornin sunshine'' she glanced at me, adding the sunshine comment for my lovely appearance I'm sure.

The messy hair, the overly sized superman shirt that's dangling from my right shoulder, and the long red sweatpants, which weirdly enough has climbed up to my thigh on the left side while I've slept.

 ''you know, I'm really shocked Julie'' she turned her eyes back to the mirror in front of her to continue combing her hair, I gave the back of her head a confused look.

She looked at me over her shoulder after a few seconds of my silence.

''You woke up, without the need for world war three to break loose'' she said with a small smile.

I chuckled at her comment while rolling my eyes at her, but said nothing, she turned around to give me a small smile if you can call it one then walked out of the bathroom.

Well here is the deal.

I'm not kidding when I say, am not even close of being a morning person, mom and Lya knows that very well.

    I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth, when I was done I splashed some dead cold water on my face, hoping that would wake me, I combed my hair with allot of difficulty, I grabbed two big locks of my hair from each side and binned them to the back of my head, by the time I was done and arranged my bangs on the side.

 I walked out of the bathroom down the corridor to the kitchen to find Lya sitting on the table eating her sandwich and drinking from her cup of a steamy beverage.

I went to the cupboard hunting for some toast, when I found it, I grabbed some jam from the almost empty fridge and sat on the chair across from Lya.

By the time I was done making my own sandwich and a cup of coffee was now sitting in front of me, I looked at Lya who was now done with her own sandwich and was sipping her cup of hot chocolate. 

''So, where's mom?'' I asked almost being sure of the answer.

 She looked at me with her cold eyes that she always have ''she has a double shift at the hospital so she didn’t come back last night'', my heart skipped a beat out of worry and guilt, but I felt how my eyes were showing how worried I am, because for a second there, Lay's eyes softened a bit, so I cracked a smile on my face, hiding the worrying look I had a minute ago, and started eating with my breakfast.

   Our mom works at a nearby flower shop, and when she's done there, she starts her shifts at the hospital, she's a nurse. The hospital is farther away than the flower shop.

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