Chapter 4

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Chapter 4



When Hailey was done trying to suffocate me with her hug and sat back down on her seat, I was able to breathe again, and when hailey saw the state I was in, she gave me a guilty smile, though you can see there is no guilt in her eyes but joy.

She turned to towards Paige, but I didn’t catch what they were saying, cause the moment Hailey's eyes left my own, they instantly dropped to my lap.

A huge chuck of guilt jumped to my heart, knowing that this is all me, how much I have been missing out on their lives, how much I'm missing to be with them, and simply to be carefree.

I would go back in a heartbeat to have it all back, the happy smiles on my family's faces and my friends.

I raised my head to see both of them chatting happily, I knew I had to burst their bubble, and I hated myself for it.

''But there's one condition'', their happy faces fell in mere seconds, I hate making them feel like this.

''Oh come on guys don’t make such faces, I'll go home and check up on mom and Lya, and if am not need there, I'll call you guys and we'll go to the consort'', I smiled at them hoping those happy expirations would just come back.

Paige smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, maybe because she knows there is a high possibility that I won't be able to make it.

''Okay, we will be waiting for you Julie'' Paige commented.

''You better come, or I'll kill you if you miss this consort'' Hailey told me, I chuckled she looked beyond serious right now, so I faked seriousness too and told her.

''Okay, I'll try my best'' I told them with smile.

''You better'' both of them said together, which made me chuckle at them

They know better than arguing with me when it comes to my family, they have accepted that fact long ago, and I love them for it a little more for it.

The bell rang, ''come on guys lets go'' with that being said we got up and started walking out of the cafeteria.


  I walked Hailey and Paige to their chemistry class, and Hailey kept going on and on about the fantasies band, she kept going on and on about them to the point I started getting little worried and suspicious.

But I dismissed the matter, I think too much

    I grabbed my stuff from my locker and started walking to my class, but then it hit me like a truck, I have biology right now, that’s means am going to run into Ethan, so much for trying to avoid him, now I have to be in the same room as him for a whole period, wait! What if he tries to talk to me, what if he starts talking about my job and he wouldn’t shut up and someone would hear us, that would be a complete disaster, but I don’t think he would do that, that means the deal would be off, but what makes me believe that he gives a damn about the deal, its Ethan we're talking about here. But wait, why am I thinking about the possibility of him talking to me, he always sits in the back, and I don’t think that would change anytime soon, just because he knows something about me now, yah I have nothing to worry about.

   I let out a sigh and walked in, and sat in my usual seat near the window, another habit of mine I guess. When I already know I can get what the teacher's saying just by reading the notes, I gaze up the sky and just watch the clouds as they pass by, it calms me down.

 So I placed my biology book and my notes book on the desk, and I sat down, as I placed my elbow on the disk and my face into my palm, I started gazing at the clouds, today was pretty cloudy, and the clouds were moving fast, I smiled as I tried to figure the shapes of the clouds, but that didn’t last for long.

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