Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


   After throwing my hair up in a high pony tail I went back to the kitchen to chat with mom and Lya for almost an hour or so, we talking about anything and everything that came to mind.

 Lya's school and her friends, mom's job and how the guys hit on her, I have to admit that kinnda pissed me off, but mom seemed okay about it, and not planning to let those guys get to her, so I dropped it.

   Mom is the vulnerable type, she's easy to get to, and she's easily broken, she smiles and laughs all the time, like she's okay, makes jokes out of serious situations, she doesn’t care about anything if it's not involving me or Lya, she is broken beyond belief, I know that, and I also know that she's keeping it together, for my sake and Lya's, and that is one of the many reasons that I love her deeply, she is the best mom there is, I know if it was someone else who went through what she did, that person would give up on everything, I rarely see her cry, but I know she wants to, I'm just proud to have such a mother, makes me want to keep going. 

She is my own rock.   

    We also talked about how crazy Hailey is and how calm paige is, they asked me about my day at school, I told them how it was, they laughed at Hailey's reactions, what's there not to laugh about, she is crazy, and I love her for it, but of course I left the Ethan part out, and it will always be left out, it will leave my life soon, hopefully.

  when it was almost time for Hailey to be here, I got up to get ready, don’t want to face the 'wrath of Hailey' for being late, I don’t want to know what she would do if I ended up making her late for the meeting of her beloved band.

  I went to take a shower, that didn’t take long, only 15 minutes or so, didn’t want to waste too much water.

I left my hair to dry on its own, I stared going through my closet, obviously, I'm not the type of girl, who has clothes for each and every occasion that might accord, and this concert is one of these occasion that I surely don’t have an outfit for, so I just slipped on my black skinny jeans and a light blue top, with a black leather jacket, that Hailey got me for my 16th birthday.

When I was done, I glanced at myself in the mirror, I looked fine.

I heard a knock on the door, and saw Lya walk in, '' something wrong Lya?'' I asked her frowning.

''No, I just wanted to give you this.'', I noticed a small black box in her hands, I let a frown grow more.

''What's this Lya?'' I asked her, raising my eyes from the box to meet hers.

''See for yourself'' she had this innocent cute smile on her face that I don’t see often, made me happy to see it, and curious what's in that box in the same time.

 She handed me the small black box, and I open it only to see one of the most beautiful necklaces I've seen in my life, it was a simple sliver chain with a small sliver flower as a pendant that had a small pink diamond in the middle, it was simply breath taking, but I remember this necklace, when she was 6 years old, our grandmother gave this to her before she passed away, Lya really loved our grandmother, and I did too.

''what's this for?'' I asked her picking the necklace out of its box.

''I'm giving it to you'' she told me, placing the box on the small table close to her.

''what?! wait… I can't take this, this is yours'' I told her, shocked, she can expect for me to have this.

There is no way I could take it, it's something to remember Nana by, I could never take something like that from her.

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