08 | 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 & 𝐀𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Waking up feeling a little warm due to the sun falling onto his eyes, Sungho opened his eyes feeling arms around his upper body and lags tangled with his as his face rested on a chest he has no idea who it belonged too.

Pulling away just a little Sungho could feel his headache kick in and his vision drifting from the blurriness he was feeling, once he was study enough to see who was holding him he couldn't help but blush before trying to break free from his hold.

"Junhyung? Wake up." Sungho said in a soft voice as he looked up at Junhyung who was still very much sleeping, Sungho didn't know what to do but just wait until he woke up and until then Sungho was stuck with his thoughts.

"What happened yesterday?" Sungho whispered to himself as he took his hand that was resting on Junhyung's waist to rub his eyes.

"Did we~ no we didn't... did we?" Sungho was so confused on what he did yesterday that he didn't see that the other had woken up and just watched before saying something.

"Good morning." Was all Junhyung said before he pulled away getting up from the bed and made his way into the bathroom leaving Sungho alone in even more confusion.

"You're free to leave whenever you want, but if you want something to eat just head downstairs my mom can help you out." Sungho could hear Junhyung shout from within the bathroom.

Sungho wasn't sure if he was going to take Junhyung's offer or if he was just going to leave but getting up from the bed Sungho looked for his phone and found that he doesn't have it and cursed under his breath before he walked down to the kitchen were he found a short female standing by the coffee maker humming a song that sounded familiar.

"Um, excuse me? Can I use your phone for a second?" Sungho said in his morning raspy voice as he smiled shyly at the female who jumped just a little before looking over to see who it was and smile.

"Of course! Here." Handing over her phone, Sungho called a number and his sister answered giving him relief before he spoke.

"Hey Dae, Sorry I didn't come home last night. I lost my phone." Sungho lied just a little feeling a little nervous as he could hear his sister let out a sigh before he spoke.

"At least you called and are alive, that's all that matters to me." Dae said before he could hear a call from her mother which got Sungho to ask a question before he hung up the phone to call a another number.

"How's mom doing?" Sure he was only gone for half a day but anything could've happened within the hours he wasn't there so asking if their mom was ok was what he needed to know.

"She's fine Sung, she couldn't really sleep knowing you didn't come home." Dae said as he could hear his sister walk towards the room their mother sat.

"Here, talk to mom before you hang up." Dae said as she handed her phone to her mother.

"Hi mom, I'm ok and we'll be home soon, just need to make a few calls before coming home." Sungho said as he explained his plan before he made his way home, Sungho could hear a sigh coming from the other side which he knew was a relief one.

"Good, take your time sweetheart, me and your sister we'll be waiting for you." Mrs. Lee said as she handed her daughters phone back. Dae told the younger that she was going to clean and get herself ready for the day as she watched over their mother and told Sungho to be safe.

Once he hung up the phone Sungho called another number which was Yizhuo who picked up pretty quick for a hungover person.

"What do you want?" Sungho couldn't help but chuckle at the annoyed tone in Yizhuo's voice before he spoke to the female.

"Do you by chance have my phone on you?" Sungho questioned as he and Yizhuo had this thing were Sungho would give his phone to the other when he knew he was going to black out or just go over his limit just a little and knowing that Yizhuo for sure had it gave him even more relief.

"Of course! Now let me sleep a little longer before you come and pick it up." With that Yizhuo hung up the call and Sungho chuckled before he gave the phone back to Junhyung's mom who smiled sweetly at him.

"Do you wan breakfast? I made more then enough." She said as she looked at the dining table that sat Mr. Kim who read a newspaper like every other dad... that is.

"If that's fine with you? Um, do you have any pain killers by any chance?" Sungho asked as he looked back at Mrs. Kim with a smile before she nodded and went over to the cabinet with pain medicine.

"Here sweetheart, you can sit beside Junhyung. His seat is right here." Mrs. Kim said with the sweetest voice she ever had before she herself took a seat beside her husband, now all they had to do was wait for Junhyung who soon arrived about a minute later.

"Morning." Junhyung said feeling less social then he didn't yesterday but nevertheless spoke.

"Morning son." Mr. Kim said as he looked back to his newspaper, to say that Mr. Kim and Junhyung acted the same would be an understatement because they truly do act the same, by the way they talk to how they are around new people and this is all coming from Sungho as he watched.

"So Sungho, how old are you?" Mrs. Kim asked as the atmosphere was becoming a little to thick for her liking, now that was where Junhyung got his shyness and talkative side from. Sungho couldn't help but smile to himself at the three person family he sat in front of.

"I'm 19, just a little older then Junhyung." Sungho replied as he eat his food that sat in front of him.

"So you guys must be close then?" Mrs. Kim said as she looked from Sungho to Junhyung but the longer she looked the more she saw something was wrong between the two.

"Sungho? Don't you have to go home?" Junhyung said in a loud enough voice but with desperation as he looked at Sungho who got the hint almost immediately.

"Right! I have to head home, my mom must be worried why I haven't arrived yet." Sungho chuckled just a little before he took a few more bits of his food and got up with Mrs. Kim following behind wanting to ask a question before he left.

"Sungho dear? Can I ask a question?" Mrs. Kim quietly asked not wanting her husband or son to hear what she was to ask of Sungho.


"I know Junhyung can be a little distant and quiet but please don't leave him all by himself, I've never saw him act the way he acts now. I love seeing him talkative and showing at least a little bit of emotions." Mrs. Kim explained as she thought back the days she say her son change just a little and the hug she got the night before.

"If he does try to push you away please, please stay by his side. I see something in you that can help him." Mrs. Kim said as she almost broke down to how emotional she was talking about her son and Sungho could see how worried she really was about Junhyung.

Something in Sungho decided that even if the two are as close as she saw them he'll try his best to be and show her that what she sees in him is true, and to befriend Junhyung was a plus. I mean who wouldn't want a friend like him?

"Don't worry Mrs. Kim I'll do the best I can as a friend." Sungho smiled before he gave a hug to Junhyung's mom who was happy to accept it.

"Anyways I hope to see you soon Sungho! You're more then welcome to come over whenever you want!" Mrs. Kim shouted out from the door as she watch Sungho walk in the direction of his home, once she shut the door she made her way back into the dining room where she saw her husband and son sitting ever so quietly waiting for her.

"Now, shall we clear everything up?"

- 𝐣𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐲𝐱

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