Jin's failure

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Jungkook spent the rest of the night researching Kai Kamal Huening. He found everything. The lineage, the video of him and his dad in the stadium, footage of his demonstrations, photos of him and Yeonjun, he even found the approximate area in the globe where he lives.

"I cant believe I didnt fucking steal the code earlier" he muttered to himself.

After the war, the internet was broken. The fiber optic lines were blown up, global sattelites fell to earth, even the keys to the internet were destroyed as the countries competed for power. A country was less powerful if it couldnt use the gift that was the invention of the internet so it became a target.

The globe and the subterranean created their own networks. They only saw what was going on in their cities. Jungkook stole the only code to break free from it. He accessed their version of the dark web and used it to find the only other network in existence.

No one, until today, used the code. Why would they if everyone believed they were the only ones left? There wasnt a point of going beyond something that didnt exist. Except Jungkook found everything he was looking for. A powerful partner whose beauty rivaled his. They would be unstoppable together. They would unite their cities and rebuild the world.

Yeonjun was in the way of Jungkook's vision. He couldnt show up and kill Kai's husband. What kind of alliance would that create? The drug took forever to make, was expensive and didn't last longer than 48 hours. The blonde had to fall in love. He would drug him as many times as it took for that to happen.

He could politely form a formal alliance with Kai but then the blonde wouldnt be his. He had to be his.

Jungkook was raised to believe he was a gift to the world. Everything could be his if he wanted it. His mother reminded him daily that he was the best. "No woman would ever be good enough for you son." Well she was right. He didnt find a woman. He found a man who was not only good enough but perhaps better.

That spoiled rotten attitude only got worse after she died. She became an excuse almost. "My mother wouldve wanted this for me, therefore I shall have it." His inheritance only further insured he would never change.

Jin seemed to be the only one in the world who could bring any humanity to the 24 year old. Jungkook always looked up to Jin because he was like the older brother that he never had.

Only the older brother wasnt around enough when he was a child. Jin had his own responsibilities and his own family's expectations that needed living up to. Not being there more remained his only regret in his life. He knew Jungkook couldve turned out different. That sweet, shy kid he remembered was just that. A memory. And he felt like it was his fault that memory wasnt reality.

Jungkook rewatched the footage of Kai in the trials over and over again, studying his every move.

The next video he took notes on, was his father and him in the stadium. The clip he paused on was the full view of Kai's scars. The camera was angled in a way to where you could see the front and back of his body. He seductively said to himself "Kai youre fucking impressive arent you?"

Jin walked into Jungkook's office to see him taking notes. "What are you doing?"

Jungkook didnt look up from his notebook. "Didnt Namjoon tell you? Kai Kamal Huening is out there and Im meeting him tomorrow."

"Is he aware youre meeting him tomorrow?"

"He doesnt need to."

"This is Frank's grandson right? That Huening?"

"Is there another?"

Jin pulled a chair next to the desk. "What are you planning on doing?"

Jungkook's focus was still switching between the desk top and his notebook. "Meeting him."

"I got that. Meeting him about what?"

"I want him to come back with me. I want to show him our city. We could be the most powerful place in the world with him by my side."

Jin took a peak into the notebook. "Does that say he's married to someone named Yeonjun?"

Jungkook shut the book and finally looked up at the older. "He wont be married for much longer."

"Stop." Jin threatened. "Leave him alone. Nothing good will come from this."

The commander's eyes seemed to bore a hole through the govenor's skull but Jin didnt flinch. This was nothing new to him. "He's married. Meet him? Fine. Ruin his life? Absolutely not."

"I wont ruin his life. I'll make it better. He can have the ultimate power. He'll have me! Im Jung-Fucking-Kook."

"He loves someone else! You dont even love him! Wait. Sorry. I meant... YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!"

"Who cares?! Who the fuck cares?! I'll get to know him! He will get to know me! He only loves Yeonjun because he hasnt met me yet."

Jin took a deep breath. He wanted to strangle the other but restrained himself. It would end with his head rolling on the floor while Jungkook laughed. "Please dont do this. Do you realize this could cause a war?"

"They wont touch me or the city as long as I have Kai."

"And if they do?"

Without hesitation, Jungkook said "they wont."

This was like arguing with a brick wall. It was actually worse than that. A brick wall wasnt going to ruin a marriage and potentially cause another war between the only 2 civilizations left of humanity. He wouldve preferred the brick wall.

Jin stood up to leave. He stopped in the doorway, turned around and asked "and if Yeonjun comes after you for his husband?"

"It wont come to that." Jungkook waited for the older to leave but he didnt. They stared at each other until he said what he was really thinking. "If Kai still rejects me by the time Yeonjun finds the city, I'll kill him and Kai will never find out."

Jin looked down to the ground. He further reminded himself that he failed. His failures could have an innocent man killed. Jin walked away in shame.

Tomorrow, Jungkook was going to turn Kai's world upside down. With luck, it would be by choice. Without it, he was fully prepared to do it with force. Either way, Kai would be in the subterranean by dark. Jungkook would make sure of it.

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