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❀ bad boy ? ━━━━━━

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bad boy ?

Hana went to sports class with Riki's class. Her class played athletics, while Riki's played basketball.

Today, their sports teacher wasn't there, so a substitute was looking after them.

"Come on, everyone take a lap to warm up !" He clapped his hands and everyone took off running around the pitch.

As usual, Hana sat on the bench waiting for the class to finish.

It's always been like that since school, she was present in sports class but never did them.

The teacher turned round and saw that Hana hadn't moved. He frowned and put his hands on his waist.

"Come on, you're allowed to run too !" he said innocently.

A pupil at the other end of the field shouted across the stadium, "Sir, she can't even do that !" before she could even speak.

Both classes laughed. She glanced at Riki, who kept his eyes on the boy who had just shouted that. He had his hands in his pockets and his hair was hiding his frowning eyebrows.

She had been humiliated by some of her classmates before, and had managed to get over it. But now she could feel the shame rising up inside her, as if it were flooding her.

And then, this boy looked familiar.

The student moved quickly towards her and pulled her hair violently. He came up to her ear and whispered, "You should have given me your number darling, I didn't ask you for much."

"Fuck you !" screamed Hana as she freed herself from him.

"How dare you touch her, you bastard !" yelled Riki in turn as he approached the student. He quickly recognised the boy from the funfair and pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground.

"Look, you can't even stand up. asshole." shouted Riki as he grabbed Hana's hand to get her away from the boy as quickly as possible.

He led her into the changing rooms and Hana muttered as she took a few steps, "Shame, shame, shame !"  She put her hands to her head as Riki took her in his arms.

He ran his hands through her hair, trying to calm her down. Hana was beginning to run out of breath, her heart beating even faster and she clutched at Riki's T-shirt.

"It's all right, my Hana."

Hana let go of Riki so he could get back to class and said to him just before closing the door, "Stay here, tonight we're going bowling, okay ?"

She nodded with a smile, trying to forget what had just happened.

The girl sat down on the bench.

Her breath still burned but her heart had begun to calm when she heard footsteps in the corridor. Thinking it was Riki, she rushed to open the door and came face to face with the boy from the funfair.

She closed the door as quickly as she could to stop him coming in.

He tapped a few times before saying loud enough for Hana to hear, "Beauty, you're not scared of me, are you ?" then he laughed as if there was nothing scary about it.

He tried to break down the door but Hana only lasted about ten seconds before she was out of breath. She fell to the floor, letting the boy in.

"Who is this guy, Hana ? Your boyfriend ?"

Seeing that she didn't answer, he continued, "Oh look at those two lovebirds, how cute they are !" with a mocking tone.

"The shy little boy looking after the fake patient, a dream couple, aren't they ?"

Hana was terrified of this boy. The atmosphere was becoming too strange and dark. She wanted him to get out of the room as quickly as possible, but she still couldn't breathe, so she couldn't do anything.

He knelt down in front of her before saying, "Tell your Riki never to embarrass me again Hana. Otherwise, you'll never reveal it again, have I made myself clear ?"

She nodded and he stood up, "By the way, is this Riki really your boyfriend ? Have you ever kissed him, Hana ?"

He grabbed her arms to pull her to her feet and pressed her against him: "Have you ever kissed a boy ?"

She tried to struggle but Hana didn't have enough strength to do so. He was squeezing her arms so tightly that she felt as if her blood had stopped flowing into her hands.

"Who would be a better first kiss than me ?" He started to tilt his head, but some students came through the corridor shouting: "Akio ! Arya's hurt, where are you ?"

Hana closed her eyes in relief but Akio stroked her cheek, wiping away her little tears, and said in the hollow of her ear: "I hope she doesn't put on an act, this one."

Then he let go of her and left the changing room.

An hour and a half later, Riki came to collect Hana from the changing room at the end of class. She didn't say anything about what had just happened, Riki didn't need to know.

"Time to show me your bowling skills !" said Riki trying to make her smile.

"Hey Hana, are you okay ?"

She didn't answer, so Riki stepped in front of her and grabbed her cheeks.

"Don't even think about that guy, he doesn't even deserve a small place in your brain." then he kissed her on the forehead before taking her hand and not letting go until the bowling alley.


thank you for reading this far <3
I'll try to write better in the future ;)
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