Chapter 0: In Which the Curtain Rises on Your Story

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This story was originally written by @emeralddrop. You should definitely go check out his amazing writings. I don't presume to be as good a writer as he is, but I will be trying my best. ^-^

(06/28/2018: In the process of continuing and rewriting this story, it has become completely different from @emeralddrop's original version. I think the only similarities left are the title, the fact that it's an Ed x Reader, and that the main character is good at mechanics. emeralddrop I hope you don't mind all the changes I made.)




THE TASTE OF iron coated your mouth and tongue, its acrid scent creeping down your throat and into your nose. Your head pounded as if it had been struck by a hammer; your whole body felt bruised and broken.

You were surrounded by soft pillows and blankets, crisp and cool to the touch. Burying your face in a pillow, you hoped that maybe you could escape back into sleep.

Then you remembered.

Cornered in a white room. Being told to please stay calm. Listening to their words with increasing disbelief. Shaking your head and backing away. Two men trying to grab you. You jumping away from them. Feeling the prick of a needle in your neck and looking back to see the man behind you, holding a syringe. Blackness. And now...


With a strangled cry, you leapt out of the bed, then immediately lost your balance and fell to your knees. The world was pitch black. You struggled to your feet and ran blindly until you almost collided with a wall. You sprinted along it, following it with your hand, your heart racing and your breath coming in quick gasps.

This isn't happening. This can't be happening.

Your footsteps echoed, telling you that you were in a large room. Suddenly, your hand struck something on the wall. A light switch. You stumbled to a stop and flipped it up with trembling fingers.

A low hum filled the air as, all across the ceiling, lamps flared with light. An enormous cavern of a room appeared before you, the ceiling at least four stories high and the opposite wall nowhere to be seen. Walkways snaked along the walls and across the empty space between them, connected by sets of stairs and pulley systems.

And then there was the metal. Metal of every kind, from old automobiles to gears and bolts to gigantic gleaming bars of the stuff. Iron, steel, platinum, bronze, silver and even gold shone from every corner. At any other time the sight would have made you nearly catatonic with glee. It would have meant months of tinkering and building, complete bliss.

But now it meant only one thing.

It meant they had sent you away.

They had sent you to be locked up here, and there was no way you could get back.

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