Chapter 4: In Which You Have A Flashback (Pt. 1)

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A/N: I went ahead and gave the parents names, so they're not YOUR parents, cuz I don't want to accuse anyone's parents of doing something like this.

And I added another [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR] in, since you guys seemed to have a lot of fun with the food insert in chapter one. :D

Chapter 4: In Which You Have a Flashback (Part 1)

You were twelve years old when your parents sold you.

You didn't know what was happening at the time. All you knew was that something had gone wrong with your parent's business, and money was getting stretched. You knew your mother cried sometimes and you knew your father would lock himself in the study for hours on end, but if you had known what was going to happen when the blond-haired man in a military uniform came knocking at your door that one night, you would have ran like hell.

As it was, you sat in your room, eating a [YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR] lollipop and fiddling with some scrap metal as your parents met with the man downstairs. Several minutes passed before you heard the sound of three pairs of feet on the stairwell, followed by the door of your room creaking open. Your father stood there, flanked by your mother, who was shaking slightly, and the military man, whose impassive eyes flickered over you and around the messy room.

"Hi, [F/N]," your father said with a smile. His voice sounded strange and tight. "This nice man wants to see some of your alchemy. Can you make something for us?"

You looked up at the man in uniform, and a shiver passed through your body. His face was expressionless, except for the tiniest flicker of something deep in his eyes. Something like hunger.

You bit down on the lollipop, the round candy breaking between your teeth. You pushed aside the scraps scattered across the floor and used a piece of chalk to draw a transmutation circle on the wooden boards. After a couple minutes of scribbling, you grabbed two fist-sized hunks of raw bronze and placed them inside the circle. You sent one more glance at the trio of adults, then placed your hands on the circle and closed your eyes.

You pictured the hunks of metal, visualizing them in your mind as clearly as if you were looking at them with your eyes. You mentally ran your hands over them, until you knew every crevice and molecule of the bronze, and then you slowly began to mold the metal into what you wanted it to become. Body, wings, neck, head. You felt the energy flow down your arms and into the circle, like a wave of fire that filled your body until you were on the edge of explosion.

You opened your eyes.

There, in the center of your chalk circle, stood a twelve-inch tall figure of a dragon, crafted entirely of bronze, its wings studded with tiny gears and its body covered in shining plates of armor. Every detail was present, from claws to eyes to teeth.

"Very good," said the military man. His voice sounded bored, but you could see the hunger in his eyes plainer than before. He stepped over to one of the shelves lining your walls. "Does your child make all these with alchemy?" he asked, surveying the countless metal objects that covered the shelves. His eyes alit on a silver and gold merry-go-round, and he flicked one of the horses, causing it to spin in slow circles.

"Some of them. Others [F/N] makes without alchemy," your father said.

"I see. Very impressive." The man was now running his fingers over a bronze cat, and you were about to say something, unable to stand the sight of his filthy hands touching your creations any longer. But before you could, he was already heading for the door again. "We have much left to discuss," he said, and proceeded down the stairs. Your father followed. As your mother turned away you called out to her.

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