Silver Fur

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The forest was everything Josie remembered. It was so green and Josie couldn't help but be reminded of Jacob at every turn she took. It felt like home and she couldn't help the click of her camera as she captured so many beautiful shots.

She studied each one in amazement, catching all the little things her bare eye could not.

She had been exploring for a little over an hour now un aware of the older Swan who had driven out to the empty Cullen residence.

She hadn't gone too deep like Bella had instructed, but it was deep enough for her to get some amazing shots of some local wild life. She'd caught a fox digging through a nest of some kind with it's tail waving in the air playfully. She'd even caught a doe munching on some berries.

She leaned her arm against a tall, mossy tree and stepped over a fallen branch. By now, her socks had little grass stains on the calves from brushing over grass and against trees. She'd pinned half her hair back out of her eyes with a bejeweled clip and her cardigan also had a couple of stains.

She suppose she could've changed before rushing out of the house, but she'd been too excited to think about any of that.

Suddenly, a crunch is heard from her right making her snap her head towards the sound. Josie gasps and her body freezes mid-step.

Her eyes nearly pop out of her head as they meet with a pair of dark brown ones. The dark silver fur of the giant wolf gleams against the sunlight. His paws are bigger than her head and the wolf itself is at least four feet taller than Josie.

The wolf calmly sits perched between two fallen trees, just peacefully watching her. He blinks at her, his head slightly dipping as if to tell her he won't hurt her. Josie blinks her own shock away before a smile lights up her face.

The wolf lowers its belly to the ground as if he knows her next actions and Josie takes a step closer to the giant wolf. Each step is still cautious as she slowly makes her way to the wolf.

"Hello." Josie softly greets the lone creature with a smile. Josie giggles as she see the wolfy grin that takes over the giants snout.

It was as if he could understand her.

Josie stretches out her hand, the wolf almost immediately nuzzling against her hand. She giggles again from the soft tickle of his fur. She scratches behind his ear feeling the grumble from the wolves chest.

"You're so soft." She whispers, admiring the wild creature.

The wolves ears suddenly turn up and back towards the way she came. He pulls away from her hand making the small girl frown. But, the wolf ignores her look and pushes her towards the Swan residence with his snout.

"Hey!" Josie whines when she almost slips. The wolf only growls as a warning and continues to push her back in the direction of her new home making her sigh.

"Okay! okay. I'll go." Josie finally gives in.

"But first...." The girl turns back towards the wolf and raises her camera. The wolf practically huffs dipping it's head again.

Josie was still trying to figure out how the giant wolf could understand.

Or maybe she was just going crazy.....

Before she could diagnose herself as a danger to society, she raised the camera and took a picture of the wolf that she would forever cherish. She smiles down at the camera and back up at the grey wolf.

"You're beautiful." She whispers, having to crane her neck as the wolf stood over her. She brushes against his fur one last time before he pushes against her again.

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