Trust me

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Later that night, Josie wakes up to the menu of the scooby doo cd blaring from the speakers causing her face to scrunch up at the bright scene. She hurriedly blinks away the blurriness from her eyes and sits up on the couch. She looks around, her curly head of hair sticking up all over the place. But, she frowns when she only finds two of her boys sleeping on the two reclining chairs. So she throws the blanket from her legs and goes to search for Paul.

A chill goes down her spine as soon as she leaves the warmth of the couch, her hands rubbing at her bare arms. All three of them had insisted she change into pajamas earlier in the day. They were cute but she had to admit they weren't the warmest clothes. It wasn't helping that the cabin was dark except for the candles lit randomly around the rooms. But, just when she was about to start hearing things, she spotted the open sliding door.

She tries her best to stay quiet, but Paul seems to be on high alert as he looks over his shoulder. Josie watches the muscles in his back relax when he realizes it's only her before turning back around to watch the tree line in stiff silence.

"You should be sleeping." His firm voice cuts through the silence.

"The tv woke me up." Josie mumbles tiredly, her bare feet hitting the wood porch.

"You shouldn't be out here at night." He says, making his concern very clear.

"You've always kept me safe Paulie." She watches the corner of his lips tilt up into a barely visible smile before disappearing again. 

"That's good at least- that you trust me I mean." He says, releasing a sigh.

"I was terrified you'd be scared of me. Most people are just because of the anger issues. But, I was sure you'd hate me after I shifted that day in front of Bella." Josie smiles as he looks away, embarrassed by his confession.

"Paul, you've never scared me." She tells him truthfully.

"The first day I saw you in your wolf form I thought you were absolutely beautiful." Josie starts, gazing out into the starry sky.

"Even though I knew I should've run for the hills when I saw a wolf tree times my size. I was completely in awe of you Paul and even when you all chased that vampire out in the woods I knew it was only to protect me. I begged Bella not to tell Charlie that we saw you because I knew they would try to hunt you down for only trying to keep us safe." Josie confesses, looking deeply into his brown- almost black eyes in the dark.

"Neither of us are good with words Paulie, but I see you." She says, looking at the ground to escape his intense stare.

"I see you too, Josie." Paul whispers.

They both look back out at the trees, taking in the dark forest with smiles on their faces. As much as she knew she should've been scared something in her bones said she belonged here. It was a feeling from the pit of her stomach. She knew this was exactly where she wanted to be. As complicated and as chaotic as her life was, it was hers and she loved it. She loved everything about it.

Especially the people. She thought, her eyes finding Paul again.

She studies his face, taking in his perfectly chiseled features. He was beautiful, broody, and protective but Josie loved that about him. She wouldn't change a thing no matter how bossy or arrogant he seemed.

"Paul." She calls out, her voice shaking as she watches him look over his shoulder once more.

"Hm?" He hums in response. Josie swallows nervously.

"Can you kiss me?" She blurts causing Paul to freeze, his back still facing her. 

It's only after seconds of nervous silence for Josie that he finally turns around. But, she soon wishes he had stayed that way as his eyes completely devour her. Suddenly, her pajama set seemed like nothing between them. She felt as if she would be swallowed up whole by his look alone. And then he took a step closer and her heart seemed to skip a beat with each one he took.

It wasn't long before their feet were only an inch apart and their noses only centimeters. His arms snake around her waist earning a gasp from her as he roughly pulls her into his bare chest. His nose brushes across her cheek as his eyes take in every move of hers. Every breath she drew in and every one of her nervous ticks were taken note of at that moment.

"Are you sure because once I kiss you Josie-" He struggles to say as if it pains him, shaking his head as he breathes harshly against her neck. Josie sighs, struggling to keep her knees steady.

"I won't be so easy to get rid of." He whispers, their lips slightly bushing. Josie laughs, running her hands up his arms.

"You're not going anywhere Paul Lahote, trust me." She assures him and she meant it with every drop of blood in her body.

"I do trust you." He says without a second thought.

"Then kiss me....please." She repeated and that seemed to be all the confirmation he needed as he pressed his lips to hers.

Every nerve on her body seemed to light up as his hands ran up her sides. His lips were euphoric and she was lost in it as he led them into a tangle of kisses. Their lips moved together in sync, not a moment of doubt in their movements as they flowed, tasting everything they wanted to say to one another. Her fingers gripped the back of his hair in desperation making him bite her bottom lip which elicits a moan from the back of her throat. Paul only groans in response, pulling away with a cocky smirk.

"Mm." He hums in an attempt to control himself.

"I can't wait to hear that for the rest of my life." He teases with a smirk, triggering that oh-so-beautiful blush of hers that he loved so much.

"Paulieee." She whines, hiding her face in his chest earning a laugh from him.

"I can't help it. I'm obsessed with every inch of you." He teases, running his hands up and down her sides in a taunting manner.

"Embry's gonna shit a brick when he finds out he's the only one you haven't kissed yet." Paul says, laughing as he imagines his reaction.

"Don't worry, he won't go without it for long." She says with a cheeky smile. Paul raises an eyebrow in question.

"Oh really? Someone's getting a little bold, are we?" He taunts, pinching her side. Josie laughs with a playful roll of her eyes.


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