Embry's suspicion

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The next morning Josie wakes up in a tangle of green sheets and with the scent of all three of her imprints wafting around her.

She slowly blinks away the sleep from her eyes and feels the firm arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Josie looks over her shoulder, traveling up the toned arm and slowly taking in his beauty. He had a mole right above his elbow.

It made Josie smile. But, a blush blooms across her cheeks when her eyes met Embry's pretty brown ones.

She thought it was cute that they all had brown eyes. They were her favorite.

Josie turns away, trying to hide her obvious blush only making him laugh.

"Don't stop on my account." Teases Embry. Josie could hear his smirk. She pushes herself up on her elbows, biting her lip to control her smile. She glances over the bed.

It was only Josie and Embry. The two other spots had been vacant long before she opened her eyes, but she could still smell them. In fact, she smelled liked them.

Jake smelled of sandal wood and a hint of mint. Paul smelled like rain and chocolate. Embry smelled of pine and lavender. But, they each had their own personal musk that made it easy for Josie to decipher which was which.

Paul's scent was the strongest because she was currently wearing his clothes. She had on one of his wife beaters, some grey sweat pants that she had to roll up, and a pair of his white socks. Her hair was a wild curly mess, which Embry decided was the best version of her.

He thought she was always beautiful, but she was ethereal in the morning. The sun shining perfectly on her warm skin, her brown eyes a little lighter than normal, and he adored her curly hair.

But, in the few minutes he had been awake, admiring her figure tucked into his, he had noticed scars. They were scattered all over her arms and he could see a darker scar starting at the top of her spine. They were all intricately carved out as if a person had caused them- not messy or accidental.

Embry was sure after Josie's confession last night that her life before Forks wasn't a very good one. She hadn't had the emotional support she should've had and now he was questioning if she had the treatment she should've had also.

Not to mention, she hadn't told any of them about her life back in Georgia besides what she revealed last night. Jacob had also told them about how her father passed.

Charlie had told him Jacob knowing Josie probably wouldn't. She hadn't talked about it since she arrived. She hadn't even talked with Jake and she told him everything.

"Josie...." He hesitates. He wasn't sure if he wanted to ask his next question or not. Josie twists around to face him with a frown from his serious tone.

He wasn't sure how to ask without seeming too invasive either. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if she didn't want to tell them. But, if it was what he thought it was, he knew he had to try.

"Did- did someone hurt you?" He blurts before he could change his mind.

The question catches Josie off guard, her lips parting and her shoulders immediately tensing. She pushes herself up, avoiding eye contact as she does. Embry watches her reaction, his jaw clenching despite his calm demeanor.

He didn't need her to answer. He already had it.

He listens to her heart beat as she faces away from him, her arms wrapped around herself in a hug. He sits up quickly when he hears a sniffle and smells the salt of her tears.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying, Angel?" Embry asks, sitting up and gently gripping her chin.

"Hmm?" He asks again when she doesn't answer. She blinks rapidly to get rid of her tears, her glossy eyes finally meeting his.

"I-i don't want you to leave me." She stutters, her eyes fluttering closed. He presses his forehead to hers, her hand gripping onto the bottom of his shirt as if he'd disappear. He pushes her hair out of her face, his thumb caressing her flushed cheek.

"I would never leave you, Sweetheart." He says watching her lip tremble. Her eyes slowly open, a single tear rolling down her chin.

"You can't get rid if us that easily." He jokes. Josie smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"No. I'm serious. We would never leave you." Embry reassures. His voice is soft as he does forcing her to take a deep breath from the heavy atmosphere.

Despite not knowing Paul and Embry long, she trusted them. They had been there for her through everything since she'd been here. She trusted all three of them. But, if she was going to spill her guts she was going to tell them all at once.

"Where are Jake and Paul?" She asks, looking over the bed again.

Embry had specifically pointed out the silk sheets because she had told him the first day they met that she needed them to keep her hair soft. She had panted a soft kiss on his cheek for his sweet gesture.

She'd laughed until she couldn't when the other two told him to shut up every time he boasted to them about it.

"Down stairs." He answers, still watching her.

"We should go down stairs then. If I'm going to tell you I want to tell them too." She sighs. He nods before she even finishes, already standing up.

"If that's what you want." He says holding his hand out to help her up.

She glances between him and his hand with a thoughtful expression. She takes a deep breath before setting her hand in his, letting him hoist her up from the bed.

"I need to brush my teeth first." She says. Her nose scrunches up in disgust at the thought of Embry smelling her morning breath.

Once she finishes her business he leads her back down the hall and down the stairs. Paul stands at the stove with eggs scrambling on a pan in front of him. Jake sits at the kitchen table, phone in his hand and a frown etched into his brows.

Josie had called Charlie last night to update him on Bella's whereabouts. She was sure Bella would've called and left a message at least, but she had been wrong. Bella hadn't left a voicemail.

The only sign of her was a note on the kitchen table telling Charlie that she would be back.

Josie also told Charlie she was staying with Jake for the night. He was surprisingly fine with it. He did remind her of the pepper spray he had given her before hanging up though.

That only sent Jake and Embry into a fit of laughter, Paul rolling his eyes at their childish behavior.

"Morning, Sunshine." Paul greets, his back still facing her. He turns around only to smile when he sees her messy hair and her clothes wrinkled from resting.

"Morning Paulie, Morning JJ." She greets, Jake finally looking up at the sound of her voice.

He immediately smiles and drops his phone on the table before standing up. He walks over to her and brings her into his arms for a hug.

Josie wraps her arms around his waist as tight as she can and sinks into his arms. She even buries her nose in his back t-shirt to breathe in his familiar scent.

She loved being in his arms. They were her home and she hated the possibility of this being their last hug.

She turns her head so she can see Paul who's had been watching them from the stove with a frown. She offers him a small smile, enough for him to know everything is okay.

At least, she hoped it would be.

"I have to tell you all something."

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