Sharing is caring

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"Why don't you have clothes on?" Embry asks, pulling away to look down at the blanket pulled tightly around her shoulders.

"Why doesn't she have clothes on?" He asks again, this time to Jake and Paul. They both chuckle at his jealous tone.

"Relax, we didn't do anything. She phased." Paul says, bluntly.

"Oh okay...." Embry says, the room silent as Josie watches his expression, his eyes suddenly widening.

"Wait! What!" He yells, his mouth open in shock. He looks down at her with a grin for her confirmation. She smiles up at him, nodding her head.

"And I wasn't there?!" He asks, appalled. Josie nuzzles back into him.

"Don't worry, Em. You'll be the first I race." She says, whispering the last part playfully.

"Hey!" Jake says, clearly offended. Embry smirks, sticking his tongue out at him.

"You've had her your entire life." Embry defends making Jake roll his eyes.

"I would like to go second." Paul adds in with smirk, knowing it would agitate Jake. He's proven correct when Jake mumbles a quick 'assholes' under his breath causing Josie to let out a few giggles.

"Language." Embry teases making Josie laugh harder when Jake sends a glare his way.

"There's enough of me to go around. Relax." Josie adds in making all three of their eyes snap to her, all of their minds going to the same place.

"Mm." Jake hums at the thought of sharing her.

"We'll see about that, won't we?" Embry teases lowly, his lips grazing the shell of her ear. She lets out a quiet gasp, her cheeks turning pink.

"Sharing is caring, I guess." Paul mumbles, Jake struggling to stifle his laugh.

Josie glances at each of her wolves, her mind suddenly clouding over and her knees going weak. She grips onto Embry's arm tightly only making tingles travel up her arm, a gasp escaping her lips at the feeling.

"You okay, Bambi?" Jake asks, taking a few steps towards her.

Her stomach clenches at the sound of his voice. She swallows, thickly- her throat feeling dry.

"I don't know. It's like...." She trails off, her mind becoming more hazy by the second.

"It's like all of my nerves are buzzing." Just as she answers, her eyes go blank before visions start to play out before her.

A vision of Paul walking through the woods with her, hand in hand, her head resting against his arm. Her and Embry playfully nipping at each other in wolf form. Jake holding her in his arms as they cuddle on a couch.

But, the one that surprised her the most was the last.

Josie was sitting at a kitchen table with a baby tucked into her arms as Embry chases a little boy around, Paul stands at the counter cutting up food, and Jake stands behind Josie while leaning over to look at the baby with a look of adoration.

When the vision ends, she has to blink away the tears in her eyes as she looks at each of her imprints with a smile.

"Oh my god." She says, her breath completely taken away by her beautiful future. She turns to Paul and Jake to see them smiling back at her.

"You just imprinted on us, didn't you?" Embry asks with a goofy grin. She laughs, nodding her head.

She nuzzles back into Embry and closes her eyes as he wraps his arms around her, both of them breathing in each other's scents. Her fingers dance across his skin feeling the tingles crawl up her arm at their contact.

She takes a deep breath, her eyes suddenly snapping open at the new delicious smell. Her stomach clenches again, her thighs pressing together from the feeling in her belly.

She couldn't help her sudden awareness of Embry's bare chest, her tongue darting out to lick her dry lips. But, she pulls away harshly before she does anything inappropriate.

"Um." She swallows thickly, trying to pry her eyes away from his tan chest as she backs away.

She was trying very hard not to touch him again. She wanted so bad just to reach out and touch him everywhere. She wanted to know every dip and curve of him- of all of them.

The thought was driving her mad.

"I-i need a shower." She blurts, casting her eyes away from Embry and down to the floor. She wasn't sure what had come over her, but she needed to get away before she jumped into one of their arms like a mad woman.

"Yeah. Follow me." Embry says, glancing at the other two with a knowing look before leading her up the stairs.

They knew what was happening. She had imprinted which meant her desires would start to show more prominently. It was the bond. It had clicked into place so now her body would respond to their touch and their touch only.

But, it also meant she would be sensitive to their every touch. Their voice. Their smell. Even their presence would drive her mad.

It was the same thing they felt every time they were near her. It was hard to control and impossible to ignore. It was torture when all of them had to stay away.

But, now she belonged to them just as much as they belonged to her.

Embry leads her up the stairs and all the way to the back of the hall. He opens the last door on the right to reveal a big bedroom with a giant bed sat right in the middle. It was the only piece of furniture besides the two book shelves all the way to the left.

The bed was covered in green satin sheets and matching pillow cases. There were pajamas laid out on the end. Josie smiles when she hears the water already running from the open door to the right.

She glances back to see Embry watching her with a soft smile. He smirks as he watches her cheeks turn pink.

"You had everything ready?" She asks in a small voice, her eyes watering.

"Of course. They linked me and told me you had a rough day. I got here a little early and had time. I have some food from the diner downstairs too." He says casually, frowning at her tears.

"What's wrong, little wolf?" He says, stopping an inch from her and running his hands through her hair. She closes her eyes at the feeling and smiles, shaking her head.

"Nothing. It's jus- now one has ever- " Josie was struggling to find the right words. He listens, waiting for her. He would wait for her. However long she needed.

She didn't want anyone to know what she went through in Georgia yet. But, she felt that she could at least admit a part of it.

"I always took care of myself. No one was really there back in Georgia." She finally says, her eyes not able to meet his.

He takes in a deep breath, the words sinking into him like bricks. He could tell there was more from her stuttering and her eyes not being able to meet his. But, he also knew she wasn't ready to tell him.

So, instead of pushing for more, he grips her chin gently and makes her meet his eyes. He gives her a smile.

"Well, now you have us. We're here and we'll take care of you. Even when it's hard." He says, making sure she understands the last part.

Her eyes scan his face for any lies. She takes in a shaky breath when she finds none and smiles, her eyes tearing back up.

"Thank you, Em." She whispers. He admires her teary does eyes and her flushed freckled skin before responding.

"No need to thank me, little wolf." He whispers.

"Now, get in the shower. I can still smell leech on you." He jokes, motioning his head towards the bathroom with a teasing smile.

"I didn't even touch her." Josie laughs.

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