15 - Truths

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Echo's POV

"That'll be fifty forty-five." I say to the guy, ready to pay for his tab.

He looks at me shocked and drunkenly. "What?"

"Fifty dollars and forty-five cents."

"Why is it so much?"

"Because you ordered that much."

He searches his wallet and groans. "C-can you let me go this one time?"

I blink. "Pay for it or I'm calling the cops and you can explain to them how you don't have the money to pay for the drinks you ordered and see what they think about that."

He scoffs, muttering a curse under his break and slamming his only fifty-dollar bill on the table with a single dollar.

I smile and take the money and go to give him his remaining change but when I turn back around, he's gone.


In my pocket it goes.

"Hey!" I look up to see Sara joining behind the bar. My heartbeat speeds up. I was so mean to her yesterday. I'm not good with apologies, but I can't continue being a bitch to everyone I meet. Frist Brandon, now Sara. I'm so worried about if they'll end up leaving that I don't even give them a chance to arrive.

I throw a rag over my shoulder, "Hey," I say hesitantly. He has a bright smile on her face, her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail again. How in the world does she glow like that?

I scratch the inside of my arm, "I've been meaning to uh..." I pause. I'm terrible at this. "I'm sorry about how mean I was yesterday."

Her smile drops a little, but somehow becomes more sincere. She stares at me and walks up to me, giving me a hug in front of a full bar. I freeze like a statue. Okay, weird. Don't be mean.

"Ha," I awkwardly laugh, patting her back once. "Thanks?"

She pulls back. "Don't worry about yesterday. I understand this job can be stressful and I was asking too many questions. I get overstimulated too!" Wow she talks... fast.

I nod.

Greg has been hiring more people, most of them much older than me and Sara. While they work, we go on break, walking into the back room. I like this place, It has a couch and a pool table and even a tv. I try to pretend Greg makes this room so nice for the employees and not just for himself.

Sara plops down on the couch and I can't help but notice how much she stares at me. From head to toe. Is she checking me out? Oh Jesus.

I pull a comic book from one of the shelves and sit down beside her, flipping through it.

"When did you move here?" I ask her.

"A month ago."

I nod. "Cool. I mean, if I were you, I wouldn't have come here. This place is a dump."

She shrugs. "It was Mom's idea. Besides it's New York."

I visibly cringe at that. She'll learn soon when she decides to take the subway one day and a homeless person shows her their ass crack for fun.

She sighs and brings her knees up to her mouth. She looks almost sad. Did I say something mean again?

Her expression flips completely and she's back smiling. "So! You got any boyfriend?"

I go to say no but hesitate. I want her to know I am straight if she is looking for... a partner. "Not exactly, but there's this guy."

Her eyes go wide, and she scoots closer. "Tell me about him! How did you guys meet?"

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