24 - Write Me Back

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Letter One:

Dear Brandon,

I've only been here for a few weeks, and I already miss you like crazy. This is my first time writing a letter and sending it. I've never had a reason to write one before. They don't allow phones in here or else I'd be calling you every day. Tell me everything you've been up to. How is your sister? Have you visited them? What about your mom? Is work going, okay? I want to know everything.

I met a new friend in here, you won't believe what her name is. Brandy. Her name is literally yours! Can you believe that? It's like a sign, I swear. She's cool, though. Sometimes she tells me all about her life and I like to listen. I've been listening more often.

Speaking of listening, the guards let me listen to a mp3 player here and I've been listening to a lot of songs that remind me of you. I'll make a playlist one day and show them to you.

Write me back.

I love you,

. . .

Letter Two:

Dear Echo,

It's good to hear from you gorgeous.

You should've seen the smile on my face when I saw the letter in my mailbox this morning. I miss you too. So much, you have no idea.

I visited my mom like I said I would. Good news, she left that fucking douche bag. It took me cutting all contact from her to realize it's not worth losing her son over someone who cares about nothing but her money and body. I finally got to talk to my sisters, I told them all about you. They're excited to meet you someday.

I wish I could call you; I'd call you every fucking hour if I could. These letters will have to do, I guess. Until you're back in my arms.

That's extremely coincidental that your new friend's name is Brandy! It made me laugh. On a serious note, I'm glad to see you making friends in there. I know it could probably get lonely sometimes, especially when you have someone back home you want to see. Take your time in there, I'll be here when you're out.

I'll be waiting for you always.

Write me back.

I love you too,

. . .

Letter Three:

Dear Brandon,

Hi, how are you!? I can only send mail twice a year in this place. I'm not sure why but I'm glad I can finally send you one. I keep reading the last letter you sent me over and over again. Especially the last part.

I'm so glad your mom got out of that situation, seriously. That guy was no good. Now I'm dying to meet your sisters! They must be so happy to have their brother around more often. Make sure you tell them I'll spoil the hell out of them when I'm out.

I'm crying while I write this because I can't believe I've been gifted someone like you. God, I don't deserve you.

Brandy says hi, I tell her all about you and how we met. She tells me that we must be fated to be together. No one randomly meets someone that coincidentally she said, especially not in New York.

I met more people too. And let's just say, I'm not the worst case out there. I now understand what you meant when you told me a year ago that you always feel like your problems are nothing when you're listening to worse problems other people are having. That's me. I feel silly sometimes, like I don't deserve a bed in this place, that it may serve better use for someone else. There are people with more scars than me, more attempts than me, more sleepless nights than me, but I'll take the advice I gave you. Everyone has battles. No one's troubles are more or less important.

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