Chapter 26: Kittichai Shinawatra

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Kitt laid on the pull out couch staring blankly at the ceiling. Sitting up he released a sigh, he couldn't sleep in this situation. He started to get up off the couch when Jiwon let out a tired grunt and rolled over to face him. He briefly froze, making sure his friend didn't wake up due to his movement. When he looked at Jiwon he knew he hadn't woken up because his eyes were shut and he was drooling on the couch. He slowly got up off the couch making sure to not wake the sleeping boy. He grabbed his sword and quietly made his way into the hallway. He couldn't get that penthouse out of his mind and made his way up to it.

He wasn't positive, but if they planned on staying here for a bit to figure stuff out, it'd be better if they all stayed in one place. In the penthouse the group could stay together, it has a big balcony with a pool. If the pool has no chemicals in it, it would be a good place for growing crops and the balcony would provide a view for better planning. They could scout out places to loot and find routes that would be quicker or safer than others. He liked to try and consider every aspect, this could be over tomorrow and completely dealt with and everyone will get on with their lives, but there is also the possibility that it won't be dealt with and this will become their normal lives.

Kitt entered the kitchen and cautiously went through each part, including the food pantry and the cabinets. Once he made sure the kitchen was clear he moved on to the living room, and then to the rest of the place. Aside from the two lurkers that had already been killed, there were no further threats in the penthouse. The penthouse had two master bedrooms and two rooms with two twin beds. It would be perfect for the group of ten.

He went to the bodies on the floor and examined them.

"How am I going to deal with these?" He eyed the two bodies. He looked around the building and his eyes landed on the blankets on the bed. "I got it!"

He ran down the stairs and into the kitchen looking for two things, clean garbage bags and cleaning gloves. He found the items he was looking for rather quickly and went back to the bodies as he put the gloves on. He grabbed the blanket first and sprawled it across the floor. He picked up the head of the lurker he had decapitated and threw it in the garbage bag. Then he picked up the legs of the body and slipped its lower half into the garbage bag and slipped another bag over its upper half and tied the two bags together by the handles so that the bags wouldn't slide off. He repeated the process with the second body. When he finished he flopped both bodies onto the blanket and dragged them up to the roof.

He stood on the edge of the roof looking down into the street. He was considering tossing the bodies from the roof, but thought better of it when he recalled how intelligent the lurkers were. He wasn't sure of how intelligent the lurkers were, but he didn't want to risk exposing their location. So after careful consideration, he decided to leave the bodies on the far side of the roof. The group could figure out what to do with the bodies once they woke up.

After disposing of the bodies he needed to clean up the contaminated areas. He went to the balcony doors and opened all of them, then he went to find bleach and a mop. He found both in a closet and began to pour the bleach all over. He began to mop and scrub everywhere, it didn't matter if there was blood there or not. Since the creatures walked around, Kitt considered everything contaminated and ended up mopping and scrubbing the entire penthouse.

A few hours passed by before he knew it. The brunette wiped the beads of sweat littering his forehead and turned to look out the window. The golden hues of the sun were starting to shine through the surrounding buildings of the city. He released a long tired sigh, relieved to have finished cleaning everything just as the sun started to rise. He put everything away and left the penthouse, making his way back to the apartment where everyone was staying.

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