Chapter 20

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Jun 21 XXXX

It has been five days since my lady's birthday.

I went out of my room and prepare for her breakfast.

As always,  I make sure it was delicious and held no such things as disgusting.

Once I was in front of her door.

I knocked three times before opening my mouth.

"My La-"

"Get out. "

"but you haven't eate-"



I stayed silent for a moment before putting her food on the floor.

"...  I left your food outside of your room,  please eat to replenish yourself. "

I waited,  and waited but no such thing as an answer to what I said came in.

"... Ah... "

I almost slipped.

Thankfully I quickly put my arms on the walls.

-shhhhhh....... Uhhh...

I shake off my head and continue moving.

There was just one thing I wouldn't get my mind off.

How much pain does my lady experiencing right now?

... It was sudden but I remember she never even said I love you to master...

I remember the face of my master and my big sister.

".... Neither am I... "

....  This is painful...  I never even said goodbye and never said what I wanted to say,  and never explained what I truly felt.

That same goes for my lady too.

After all...

The most painful goodbyes are the thing that you couldn't say until it is already too late.

-huu... Khu... Yugh.... Sniff.... Heuk...

"ngh... "

I lean my body against the wall,  with sweat on my back as well my head.

I stared at what seemed to be a long hallway,  it is waving that it makes me vomit.

However I persevere, these things aren't affecting me...

"... I guess,  I'll rest... "

I continue walking not minding the arms that ascending on the floor trying to pull me towards them.

One grabbed my left ankle but I continue walking.

I heard lots of cries,  moaning in pain,  shouting for forgiveness, and many things.

I walk and walk until I see my room,  I don't know how many hours I have been walking.

There,  I saw a grotesque humanoid standing in front of my room.

Its hollow eyes look like pure white and caught a glimpse of me.

Eyes widen before its mouth smiled widely,  however, evilly.

I took a step back but soon calm myself for I know this isn't real.

It walks towards me and then speaks

-Are YyYOoUu OokKaAYy? ¿

"... Yes,  I'm sorry for making you worry,  why are you standing in my room? "

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