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The knight in full plate armor stood before the girl and her little sister, his sword raised high. His blade gleamed in the sun and he poised himself, ready to end their lives in a single merciful stroke. The girl squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bit her lower lip. She had never asked for this. She had been forced into her present circumstances. If only she had some strenght, she might have resisted the enemy in front of her and fled.

However- the girl did not have that strenght

Thus, there could only be one outcome to this situation. That would be the girl's, at this very place.

The longsword fell and yet there was no pain.

The girl gingerly opened her eyes which had been squeezed shut.

The first thing she saw was the suddenly motionless longsword. Then, she saw the sword's owner. The knight in front of her was frozen in placwe, his eyes were looking somewhere off to the girl's side. His completely defenseless posture clearly displayed the fear that filled him. As though drawn by the knight's gaze, the girl could not help but turn and lookin same direction as him. And so- the girl gazed upon despair. What she saw was darkness. It was an infinitesimally thin, yet unfathomably deep blackness. It was a halfoval of obsidian that seemed to protude from earth. It was a mysterious sight that filled the one watching it with a powerful sense of unease.

Girl: 'was it a door'

The girl could not help but think so after she saw what lay before her. As her heart lurched, the girl's conjecture was confirmed. Something seemed to be coming out of that shadowy passage. And in the moment that it resolved itself in her eyes

Girl: "Hiiiiiiiii"

A deafening shriek came from the girl.

It was 2 opponent which humanity could not overcome.

One with twin points of light burned brightly within the empty eye sockets of a bleached skull. Those 2 points of light coldly scanned the girl and the others present, like a predator sizing up its prey. Within its fleshless hand it grasped a magic staff that seemed divine in nature, yet inspired dread in equal measure. It was like a crystallization of all beauty in the world. It wore an intricately detailed black robe, and it resemble nothing so much as an incarnation of death, born from darkness ffrom another world

Another one with pure red hair like blood flow to his waist, he also has cold looking red eyes, he also has a sword in his hand and looking it seems to rival the skeleton magic staff. He is wearing a dark grey jacket with open reveling his torso with bandana matching his jacket, he wearing a light grey tarsos while also a red colth around his  waist. He is wearing 2 stack of jewelery and also a necklace. 

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze. It was as though time itself had stood still in the wake of supreme being's advent. The girl forgot to breathe, as if the sight had stolen her soul away. Then, in this silent realm, the girl began choking and gasped for air. This avatar's of death must have manifested themselve in order to guide her to the land of death and darkness. It was only natural to think so. But then, the girl who thought this way suddenly realized something was wrong. That was because the knight who had been  planning to kill her from behind was now completely still.

???: "Gaaah..."

A cry that sound likea wail crrept into her ears. From whose mouth had that sound come? It felt like it could have come from hers, or that of her little sister, shivering in fright, or from the mouth of the knight that had been kill her.  A skeletal hand slowly extended itself- its fingers spearding as though reaching for something and they moved past the girl, toward the knight behind her. She wanted to look away from it, but fear kept her gaze in place. She had the feeling that if she averted her eyes, she would see a far more horrible sight insted.

Skeleton: "[Grasp Heart]!"

The incarnation of death clenched its fist and the girl heard the sound of crunching metal from behind her. Though she was afraid to take her eyes away from the figure of death, curosity got better of her and the girl wrenched her eyes away, whereupon saw the body of the knight. He was sprawled motionless on the ground, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. He was dead. There was no doubt that he was dead. The danger that almost claimed the girl was no more. But this was no cause for celebration. The darkness drew closs to the girl, who watched it with terrified eyes. The darkness in her field of vision grew even larger.

Girl: 'Its going to swallow me up!'

As the girl thought this, she clutched her sister tightly to herself. The notion of escape no longer existed within the girl's head. The opponent in front of her is not a human but a devil. If it was a human, she might be able to cling to some faint hope and struggle desperately for her life. But the being before her shattered that hope like a spun glass.

Girl: 'Please, atleast kill me without pain.'

That was all girl could hope for. Her shudding sister hug her tightly. All she could do was apologize for her weakness, for being unable to protect her sister's life. She  prayed that heer sister would not be lonely as they went on to the afterlife, because they would be traveling there together. And then-


AN: So with this prologue is finish. The chapter will be upload as it is finish so it means there is no time fix. Sometimes chapter would be large and short. I am already writing couple of fanfic so if you want you can check it out. Anyways how was this chapter? Tell me your honest opinion until then goodbye.

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