Chapter-4 Gazef And Angles

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Gazef POV

As me and my team arrive near the village. We notice there were 3 people standing in front of us. The first one seems to be a villager probably the chief. But the other 2 hide their faces under the mask. As we arrive in front of them.

Gazef: "I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. I have received orders from the King to hunt down the knights of the Empire that have been wreaking havoc in this area by visiting all the villages."

Villager: "Royal Head Warrior..."

Gazef: "You must be the Chief of this village. Who are the ones standing besides you?"

Chief: "These gentlemen are..."

Ains: "Do not worry. Nice to meet you, Royal Head Warrior. My name is Ains Ooal Gown. I am a magic caster that came to help this town while it was being attacked. This my companion-"

Guy: "My name is Guy Crimson. I'm a Warrior that also came to help this town."

I got down from my horse and came in front of them while saying.

Gazef: "Thank you for saving this village. Mere words cannot fully express my gratitude."

Before we could continue a soldier came near us and say.

Soldier: "Head Warrior! Unknown figures have been spotted around this area. It seems they've surrounded this village and are approaching as I speak!"

We all evacuate in the village chief house.

From the window we spotted some people in the priest clothes surrounding us. With me there are Ains and Guy. They both also notice them and are currently in front of me.

Ains: "Who are they exactly?"

Gazef: "Only the Slane Theocracy could send out this many magic casters at once. And they're part of the special ops unit directly under the Head Priest. It must be one of the 6 scriptures."

Guy: "Then the one who attacked the village-"

Gazef: "They were dressed as soldiers from the Empire, but it looks like they were actually from the Slane Theocracy."

Ains: "As I thought. Does this village hold that much value?"

Guy: "It is not the village that they are after. Is they more village got destroyed by the knights?"

Gazef: "Around 2-3 villages were destroyed."

Guy: "I see. The thing there are after is neither the villagers or the village. They after the man who will stop the knights. That means they are after you Gazef Stronoff. The Royal Warrior."

Gazef: "This is quite a problem. To think that even the Slane Theocracy is after me... Sir Gown and Sir Guy. I'd like to hire you both if possible. I will be sure to reward both of you as you wish."

Ains: "We decline."

Gazef: "I see. Then Sir Crimson and Sir Gown please take care. Thank you again for saving this village."

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